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Soldiers squander disability payouts

We all know why there is no money left for the soldiers who are really hurt so let's not beat around the bush.

It's because for every honest soldier who has a legit injury there are 5 more C***s****** who fake it just to get some extra coin.  We have so many people bleeding the system now that there will soon be NO money left for those who actually deserve it.  If I hear about 1 more Goddammed clerk or cook on a PTSD claim because they heard a rocket hit 2 KM away from the board walk I am seriously going to snap.

Something needs to be done to weed the legit from the bullshit claims.
dogger1936 said:
I know of one soldier who is getting ready to raddle some chains with his member of Parliament and is preparing to get quite vocal about this issue.

We were discussing how sad it is that a good guy like him has to resort to such things, as he see's it as not being loyal. However when push comes to shove his life is destroyed, he will be dealing with a huge number of disabilities for the rest of his life. The government was happy enough to send troops there to do a job, they must ensure they do THEIR jobs here at home. Hopefully someone expected that there would be residual costs of war even after the pull out right?

I fear if something isn't sorted out quick this issue will be a forgotten cause. I'm guessing in the next little whilemedia may get some stories reference this, as there are many vet's who feel they have been ripped of. The old system needs to be brought back.

Edit to add: He also recieved a letter from VAC with suggestions from them on how to properly take care of his fantastic 26,000 dollar pay out. This done nothing but anger him. Like he said WTF am I suppose to do with 26,000 other than put it on bills to prepare to be unemployed? And telling him to invest it was a joke to him.


I have 26 000 sitting in the bank, and it wouldn't go far if I was unemployed, disabled, had a family to feed etc.

I am in full agreement with you on your post. I think it is really time to start rattling some chains.

After seeing all those G20 protests....why isn't anyone protesting on this issue?

I would be interested to hear the positions of the various political parties on this issue.

Spectrum said:

I have 26 000 sitting in the bank, and it wouldn't go far if I was unemployed, disabled, had a family to feed etc.

I am in full agreement with you on your post. I think it is really time to start rattling some chains.

After seeing all those G20 protests....why isn't anyone protesting on this issue?

I would be interested to hear the positions of the various political parties on this issue.

I would be very interested in Mr. Harpers stand on it. And your right besides paying off a car that I can't afford after release...what the heck do you do with 26,000. As far as putting it into a education fund as I said before, we unfortunately have to deal with the NOW and ensure the kids have clothes and food/ shelter...stability. The current system leaves the severly injured soldiers with nothing in the end.
Drift Pin said:
We all know why there is no money left for the soldiers who are really hurt so let's not beat around the bush.

It's because for every honest soldier who has a legit injury there are 5 more C***s****** who fake it just to get some extra coin.  We have so many people bleeding the system now that there will soon be NO money left for those who actually deserve it.  If I hear about 1 more Goddammed clerk or cook on a PTSD claim because they heard a rocket hit 2 KM away from the board walk I am seriously going to snap.

Something needs to be done to weed the legit from the bullshit claims.

First of all, I can empathize with your situation. Yes there are some phonies.....but....they are the minority, not the majority as you attest to.

Secondly, we are all traumatized in different ways. Your experience is not that of what we used to call the "REMFs". While you may shrug off a rocket attack, they are not tained to the same level as you, physically, technically and mentally. Their fear is quite real. I would not be so quick to condemn them.
Drift Pin said:
We all know why there is no money left for the soldiers who are really hurt so let's not beat around the bush.

It's because for every honest soldier who has a legit injury there are 5 more C***s****** who fake it just to get some extra coin.  We have so many people bleeding the system now that there will soon be NO money left for those who actually deserve it.  If I hear about 1 more Goddammed clerk or cook on a PTSD claim because they heard a rocket hit 2 KM away from the board walk I am seriously going to snap.

Something needs to be done to weed the legit from the bullshit claims.

Contrary to Mess round table discussions, having a diagnosis of an OSI is not as easy at your anecdote perpetuates.  It is attitudes like yours, that actually hinders the "Legitimate" soldiers that are suffering from coming forward.  They fear that people like you are looking at them for being "Dishonest".

Let us keep to the theme of the thread, and leave your unfounded biases out of this Please.



When I returned from TF1-07, my mental health debrief indicated a presence of PTSD. I was in the midst of releasing to go work civi side, until I disclosed that I had be diagnosed with PTSD. I have been told by VAC to apply for this condition, but have not for fear of being branded as mentally unstable along with the T/PCAT follow up. As for the the lump sum, I think it should only be for conditions that aren't life altering ie severed finger or such items that don't result in pending medical release. Conditions that may result in release situations should be paid a monthly pension, so that the benefactor can continue to have access to those funds awarded through out his life. Unless you keep the stub from your Disability award, try proving to a Judge that the 26000 you have in the bank is not up for the taking by an ex spouse.
Gen. Walter Natynczyk, OTTAWA — Canada’s top soldier says he’s concerned some younger vets are blowing their disability awards on trucks and sports cars instead of saving money, and he hopes Veterans Affairs will offers soldiers different payments options if they are wounded.

Bull**** ... If someone walked the walk and was awarded said
its said person's decision how he spends(blow's) his disability.
and if he is broke afterward's that's said member's responsib-

Veterans' groups are overwhelmingly opposed to a new policy by the Conservative government that eliminated monthly disability pensions in favour of lump-sum payments, up to a maximum of $276,080, if they are permanently disabled.

what veterans groups?

counseling (sheesh))bullshit) i dont remember anyone councelling me
regard's my financial responsibility's...

Veterans' groups are overwhelmingly opposed to a new policy by the Conservative government that eliminated monthly disability pensions in favour of lump-sum payments, up to a maximum of $276,080, if they are permanently disabled.

my personal copy,
11 years miltary (8-ch/rcd)
med released 3-Fucking B 1986
served in 3 Special Duty Area's
Due to my security Designation i'll  go for 2-srikes/one ball.
Cyprus/Golan Heights/Germany
med release started germany ,,, med remuster //// waited last 2
yrs outa the 4 i was there,,,,,,,,,got a message,,, release 3-b.
Confidential(message read).
CMRB Decision:
the board agreed to release Cpl Brandt under the provisions
on medical grounds being disabled and unfit medically to perform
his duties in a forces trade or employment and nt otherwise em-
ployable under service policy.... in other words thank-you f***
y** your gone bye-bye.
Applied for disability vet-affairs
wow man i got a settlement (lump-f***ing) 400 canadian dollars;
wooopppeeee. F*** so said hell with it at the time i was still
married had 2 kids to raise ect... 3 yrs after my med release the
mrs says i wanna divorce(she dont like being married to this old
busted up soldier she would rather be with her old high school
sweet heart..
Sorry got carried away,,, bout 1992 got a lil flyer in with my
pension cheque... said something bout med 3-b and srb benefits.
part 3 of the canadian superannuation act(cfsa). lol and behold
i was approved... wasnt for the cfsa i would be still living in
poverty (410.00) being my cf pension after serving my country
for 11 years... just my 2-cents... take it which-ever way you all
want.... cause frankly i dont give a damn ,,,i walked my walk.
decorated 3-on the tree... 2 peacekeeping, 1 nato...
so having said said as far as im concerned said member awarded
vet affairs-lump sum/payments/srb he/she bloody earned it...
and what they do with it is nobody's bloody business..
(helmet-on) (sheild-up) (fu** that) been there done that
scoty b

At least you got 410$ thats a hell of a lot more than todays soldier who has "walked the walk".
....leave your unfounded biases out of this Please.

Unfounded biases ?  Have you ever served with a reg for unit returning from a tour?  Have you seen the troops who are so messed up that they can't be around an army uniform but still manage to get in 8 hours of modern warfare 2 each day ?  What about the ones who can't do morning PT or go to the field but somehow can spend every night out at the bar rippen er up ?

My boss gets 500 bucks a month or more because of twisting his back on roto 11 in Bosnia. He is planning a bowhunting trip this september which is more physically demanding than most things we do at work and despite the fact he is "undeployable" due to his injuries and can't run with me in the morning wearing BN PT strip I see him at the gym in civies each night and he has somehow healed enough to lift more weights than I can with a good back.

Please don't give me the "it's hard to tell who's faking" bullshit because you don't need to be a Goddammed doctor to tell who is hoppin on the free money train.  There are many people who deserve the monthly sum of money, yes.  My heart goes out to these people who are only getting $26000.00 after losing limbs.  Some of these people are close friends

IMO, the reason there is no money left to pay these people is because every tom, dick and hairy who wants to cheat the system can do it unchecked these days.  There was such an ammount of claims that there JUST ISN'T ANY MORE MONEY for those who need it.  The next time you feel angry about just pat the guy on the back who is getting 600 bucks a month for the past 15 years because he twisted an ankle while he was posted in Lar Germany. 

My biases are founded on experience and common sense thanks,  something not likely achieved no matter how many thousand posts you have on army.ca.

Step away from the computer once and a while and look at what's going on in the real world vice the "cyber" one.

Drift Pin said:
Have you ever served with a reg for unit returning from a tour?

He served on tour with me several years ago and got shot a few times for his troubles. You might recognize the jeep he was driving, its the one full of bullet holes in the war museum.
Drift Pin said:
My biases are founded on experience and common sense thanks,  something not likely achieved no matter how many thousand posts you have on army.ca.

Step away from the computer once and a while and look at what's going on in the real world vice the "cyber" one.

Your 'facts' are based on personal bias, opinion and innuendo. You are entitled to those. Just don't preach them here as truth unless you are willing to prove it all.

In the meantime, if anyone needs to 'step away from the keyboard' it's you. Your personal biases are clouding the conversation.

CDN Aviator said:
He served on tour with me several years ago and got shot a few times for his troubles. You might recognize the jeep he was driving, its the one full of bullet holes in the war museum.

Bingo, but actually he was the passenger ;)
the angry Serbs had loosed a vicious fusillade of small arms fire into the back of the Iltis. Over 53 rounds had penetrated the little jeep at point-blank range. The two men were each hit over half a dozen times and the radio was shattered.

Milnet.ca Staff

Maybe this is 'real world' enough for you Drift Pin
I had the idea to make a suggestion to have a veterans corner where we could discuss the many
issues concerning veterans. Like hearing problems, feet and ankle issues, back problems, spinal
cord injuries, neck related injuries, knee problems, amputations, etc, etc. Not to mention the ongoing "agent orange" issue, and the multitude of other things covered or not covered by the new veterans charter.
But then I read the last few entries of this thread. I find that some people should just STFU.
Like it or not, all soldiers have "walked the walk" whether in training or overseas.
Only a doctor can diagnose sustained injuries and provide the necessary proof required to make
any decision by Veterans Affairs. So don't go thinking some guys are getting pension monies for squat.
Sorry if this was a bit off topic......but I hope it clears up some fog.
Drift Pin said:
Have you ever served with a reg for unit returning from a tour? 
My biases are founded on experience and common sense thanks,  something not likely achieved no matter how many thousand posts you have on army.ca.

Step away from the computer once and a while and look at what's going on in the real world vice the "cyber" one.



I know I am a mentor here and supposed to help users who ram their feet into their mouths....but holy s***.  All I can do is  :pop:
dogger1936 said:
At least you got 410$ thats a hell of a lot more than todays soldier who has "walked the walk".


"Today's soldier".  Do you realize how fucked up that is?  He is soon to be "Yesterday's soldier" like all before him.  Get off your high horse.
Drift Pin said:
Step away from the computer once and a while and look at what's going on in the real world vice the "cyber" one.

That wasn't called for. I don't care if it wasn't directed at me or not.
It's pretty obvious your mind is made up.
Drift Pin,

In the name of helping things progress in the right direction, consider this:

I will agree that some of the points you made are true.  I don't agree with your entire post, but I have also witnessed some of things you mentioned.

However, once you turn the post into an attack you're probably going to find that you've now turned people against you and any good points you made are going to be for not.

Build 1,000 bridges...
Petamocto said:
Drift Pin,

In the name of helping things progress in the right direction, consider this:

I will agree that some of the points you made are true.  I don't agree with your entire post, but I have also witnessed some of things you mentioned.

However, once you turn the post into an attack you're probably going to find that you've now turned people against you and any good points you made are going to be for not.

Build 1,000 bridges...

No. His post was complete and utter bullshit. Full stop. His insinuations that abusers of the system are a majority, and that the sytem is "broke" because of it, is out to lunch and is not reflective of actuality and fact. It is based simply upon his own harboured biases and assumptions. He, and you, are not medical doctors and ergo with each and every assumption that is made that "someone is getting it who shouldn't" the myth perpetuates. THAT does no service or good to those injured who legitematly need access to VAC services but fail to seek out the help they need because of idiots who make "assumptions". Those assumptions DETER people from getting help who need it.

So, CEASE. Now. Quit feeding the myth and stop babying him and all those types like him. It's got sweet fuck all to do with him "making it a personal attack" - it's got to do with biases, assumptions, and the MYTHS he perpetuates that cause harm in the long run to our injured too afraid to seek help exactly because of commentary and bullshit made like his.

We all know there are a very select few who slip through and manage to abuse benefits (there is a thread on this site for that supposition; this is NOT it) - no one denies that. Do not use that as a basis to perpetuate myths and biases which can cause further harm to our injured personnel who will then NOT seek help because they don't want to have you"assume" anything about them. NOT making those "assumptions" is what proper leadership would do.

To put hings a bit more on track (for at least 1 post  ;D);

I know speaking with VAC  here in Gagetown, they are extremely happy to hear my family's plan for the coming settlement, however much (or little) it may be. All to often, Michelle (VAC, very nice lady, easily the best I have worked with on 3 bases) is told by the (usually) younger members, some which are due to be released and quite broken, that they can't wait to get that new truck/bike/boat etc. Financial counselling is available, in some form or another so the web site says, but it has never been offered to me and I have been a "client" of VAC since ....  ??? '04? Something like that...

Given the amount of time a member has to wait to get their lump-sum payment now (18 months and counting for the latest bone breaks) there is ample time to be able  to give financial advice. A simple solution would be for VAC to provide a referral service to SISIP, they are all over the place and would cost the Dept nothing extra.

ArmyVern said:
No. His post was complete and utter bullshit. Full stop.

We all know there are a very select few who slip through and manage to abuse benefits...

I do not know how your post could be any more self-contradictory.

You agreed to the same thing I did about his post.  Some people abuse the benefits.

How can his entire post be BS (full stop) if you agree to some of it?

Instead of slamming a 50 cal finger on his chest like you though, I was attempting to help him be more productive.

You know, like a proper leader.
Petamocto said:
I do not know how your post could be any more self-contradictory.

You agreed to the same thing I did about his post.  Some people abuse the benefits.

How can his entire post be BS (full stop) if you agree to some of it?

Instead of slamming a 50 cal finger on his chest like you though, I was attempting to help him be more productive.

You know, like a proper leader.

I didn't agree to a single bit of his post. Not an iota. "A very select few" is a FAR cry from the myths of "for every one who deserves it, 5 are abusing it and so the system is broke" and - you must have missed the part where I mentionned THIS is not the thread for it.

Start reading. Less "woe is me". His post, and this follow up by you (again picking and choosing the bits to use to your own benefit)- is bullshit and is counterproductive to those who need nto seek help.

I'm done with responses about "cheaters" in this thread. Good leaders know when to STFU; I see you're still wotking on that ... in lots of threads on this site.