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Soldiers squander disability payouts

57Chevy said:
I had the idea to make a suggestion to have a veterans corner where we could discuss the many
issues concerning veterans. Like hearing problems, feet and ankle issues, back problems, spinal
cord injuries, neck related injuries, knee problems, amputations, etc, etc. Not to mention the ongoing "agent orange" issue, and the multitude of other things covered or not covered by the new veterans charter.
But then I read the last few entries of this thread. I find that some people should just STFU.
Like it or not, all soldiers have "walked the walk" whether in training or overseas.
Only a doctor can diagnose sustained injuries and provide the necessary proof required to make
any decision by Veterans Affairs. So don't go thinking some guys are getting pension monies for squat.
Sorry if this was a bit off topic......but I hope it clears up some fog.

Obviously DP......you could never take part in ANY constructive conversation regarding my pondered
                        suggestion. People like you usually leave these things to the more apt and mature.
                        Veterans young and old must stand united together for changes to be adopted
                        into the current veterans charter. As this site membership contains soldiers from
                        just about all trades, air, sea, and land, and with much expertise, it is in my military
                        mind, a forum well equipped to provide an excellent blueprint for needed changes
                        to legislation concerning all veterans. And these things cannot be done by making
                        unnecessary accusations and insinuations. Let alone heated arguments.
                        So, start walking the walk

                        Have a nice evening.......just the same.
I didn't notice to clean-up.........my one finger typist is a slow one ;D
Beyond the Pension Act payments, thetre are programs in both DND and VAC to assist with transition to a non-military career.

Correct but I have not heard it phrased in the sense of starting a business before; it has been about putting the soldier to work to have one less unemployed person.

If one wounded vet's business were to take off, that's now 10, 20, 100+.
Petamocto said:
Correct but I have not heard it phrased in the sense of starting a business before; it has been about putting the soldier to work to have one less unemployed person.

If one wounded vet's business were to take off, that's now 10, 20, 100+.

That's exactly what I was getting at. Don't send them to work in an factory, in this day and age, anyone willing to volunteer their life to their country like this, deserves a lot more. Personally, I'm hoping that when my service is up, I retire to a hunting/fishing lodge where people pay to get out of the city...
Vocational Rehab.  http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/clients/sub.cfm?source=forces/nvc/programs/canvet

Skills Completion Program.  http://www.cda-acd.forces.gc.ca/dli-dai/er-re/pro/scpreg-ppcfc-eng.asp

Educational reimbursement: http://www.cda-acd.forces.gc.ca/dli-dai/er-re/fin-eng.asp

Lots of resources available.
The US government has offices that assist veterans with setting up businesses and the DoD has a percentage of business that is allocated to be spent with veteran owned businesses each year. The company I work for is owned by an ex-Marine who was injured and we have the title of a "Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business".




What about the normal Canadian government benefits? There are a variety of programs for people to start their own businesses; including offering payment of EI benefits during the intial start-up and mentoring support. Is there any reason why a veteran could not pursue these options?


Petamocto said:
Correct but I have not heard it phrased in the sense of starting a business before; it has been about putting the soldier to work to have one less unemployed person.

Surely it is YOU who phrased it that way, unless you have a source that states otherwise of course.

I have been unable to find any reference in the official literature that states this is all about unemployment figures.  Moreover, I have some more than just peripheral experience with the various organs of government, be they CF, Regimental, VAC, case workers etc, and I have yet to sense that the program for caring for our veterans is all about reducing unemployment.

Unless you have some understanding of the situation that extends beyond what you may have heard in the smoking area, gym, or mess, it might be helpful if you avoided gross generalizations.

I may have misspoke.  I did not mean that it was about unemployment figures, so much as it was helping the wounded vet get a job.

When I said it could help other unemployed people, it was to state that helping a wounded vet start a business would (IMO) be better for the economy than just helping him get a job.

I certainly know it's not about unemployment figures, but to me it seems like a better idea to potentially put many people to work than just one, and the direct benefit to the soldier is that we're potentially giving him a chance to really make it big instead of a job placement at Blockbuster.
Petamocto said:
I may have misspoke.  I did not mean that it was about unemployment figures, so much as it was helping the wounded vet get a job.

When I said it could help other unemployed people, it was to state that helping a wounded vet start a business would (IMO) be better for the economy than just helping him get a job.

I certainly know it's not about unemployment figures, but to me it seems like a better idea to potentially put many people to work than just one, and the direct benefit to the soldier is that we're potentially giving him a chance to really make it big instead of a job placement at Blockbuster.

There is a program in the US that assists veterans to start businesses. All well intentioned, but not every veteran is a business type person. Those that are will get there are some point.
The Public Service also has Priority Hiring.
The idea of small business for injured/wounded vets definitely has merit. There are precedents that could be used to develop a working model through VAC, RCL, or elsewhere. Ontario Works ( Welfare) runs a very successful program for clients who otherwise would never return to the "work force" for a variety of reasons.



This could be easily modified to the needs of veterans including the use of the agencies that teach the business procedures to make a small business viable. Some 85% of small business fails, most not due to the viability of the business, but often due to other reasons, financing, cash flow etc.

Most of the more successful ones have been built around hobbies including, PC repair, gardening, photography, tropical fish breeding, woodworking etc. For military purposes, medal mounting, or military regalia (T-shirts etc) might also be viable.
There is also a program in Canada for starting ones' own business also, which was mentioned
above and which also details some programs for the disabled.
This one: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/disability_issues/funding_programs/opportunities_fund/index.shtml

These are all great ideas, however, there is no current political will to make the changes (that we see as) necessary. As much as the various Vet's groups try to push this, I cannot see the Charter changing until the current fiscal realities change. Once more money becomes available, things may get more of a push.

When it comes down to it, our service (and sacrifices) is/are not that valuable to some people. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of people, both in and out of the system, that care very much and work hard for all the Vet's. Unfortunately, not too many of them seem to be in positions of authority. What is the Veterans Ombudsman doing with this?

Or maybe I'm just in a bad mood as VAC tells me it could be another 6 months before a decision is reached (2 years for some broken bones, seriously?)....I'm at a point now where I almost don't care, I just want it done.

Wookilar said:
As much as the various Vet's groups try to push this, I cannot see the Charter changing

Considering the support that the RCL gave the new charter, i'm not surprised there is no movement.
Sorry for the spouting off angry there...stamping my feet holding my breath. ;D Drift pin put me in a mood....and I'm sure he wouldnt say anything about me faking...he can have my local if he wishes.

I stumbled along something called the PIA. I aplogise if I havent researched enough but does this just reply to the past vet's and not us? If not how does one apply for a permant impairment allowance?
As well I am on a IE20 and may be medically released. I have plus of 10 years in. I understand that if I am medically released I will get 2% for each year served based on my best year Sgt? Is that correct? Im just trying to determine what I would be looking at for a income. However my mind is so jumbled I can't seem to find that pension calculator I use to have bookmarked.

Anyone give me a rough estimate of what a Sgt would make after 10 yrs med release?

I'm having a difficult time even working right now and am thinking working towards a med release may be the best for myself and the military. I can't do my job right now at all. There in body not mind.

I did do a search here for the answers, however most links were outdated.
The posting to where my family lives seems impossiable, the Dr's suggested it however we have no positions in that province for my trade. If I was from Ontario I would be sent to family in a heartbeat...east coast...not so much.

A bit of info on the PIA is online at:


That`s all I`ve been able t ofind with a quick search; there may be more info elsewhere.

And re: medical release after 10 years of service - roughly speaking, your pension on release would be 20% of your average pay for the last 5 years.  A VERY rough estimate: about $1000 per month (before taxes).  As a medical release, you'd get immediate indexing of your pension - that is, annual increases due to inflation. 

Let me carify.
Veteran's affairs lump sum. 400.00
army anniuity,,, 11 yrs service 410.21 (monthly)
1975-1986 released 3-b,,, reread post.
12 dec 2006  supplementary Retirement Benifits(srb)
as part 3 of Candian superannuation Act Aproved.
Released (CMRD) 1986 15.01 Item 3(b)...
On medical ground's being unfit and disabled and
unable to perform duties in his present trade and is
otherwise unemployable under existing service policy.
Notice Doggy...
You might bark Puppy but i got a bigger bite...
So Nice doggy ,,,
Scoty B
P.S. Go fetch
dapaterson said:
A bit of info on the PIA is online at:


That`s all I`ve been able t ofind with a quick search; there may be more info elsewhere.

And re: medical release after 10 years of service - roughly speaking, your pension on release would be 20% of your average pay for the last 5 years.  A VERY rough estimate: about $1000 per month (before taxes).  As a medical release, you'd get immediate indexing of your pension - that is, annual increases due to inflation.

Cheers DA.

wildman0101 said:
Let me carify.
Veteran's affairs lump sum. 400.00
army anniuity,,, 11 yrs service 410.21 (monthly)
1975-1986 released 3-b,,, reread post.
12 dec 2006  supplementary Retirement Benifits(srb)
as part 3 of Candian superannuation Act Aproved.
Released (CMRD) 1986 15.01 Item 3(b)...
On medical ground's being unfit and disabled and
unable to perform duties in his present trade and is
otherwise unemployable under existing service policy.
Notice Doggy...
You might bark Puppy but i got a bigger bite...
So Nice doggy ,,,
Scoty B
P.S. Go fetch

Nice use of an imagery.
dogger1936 said:
As well I am on a IE20 and may be medically released. I have plus of 10 years in. I understand that if I am medically released I will get 2% for each year served based on my best year Sgt? Is that correct? Im just trying to determine what I would be looking at for a income. However my mind is so jumbled I can't seem to find that pension calculator I use to have bookmarked.


Not to get too personal, but it sounds like you should probably be on a Medical pension right now.  I had a Cpl working for me, who was collecting a Medical pension of approx $700 a month tax free due to his damaged knees.  He was collecting this while still serving.  VAC and SISIP cover different things, and I am not clear as to what his exact benefits were from each, other than he was really pissed at one deducting the others pension in their calculating of entitlements.  Drop in on your Reps and find out, or see one of the Legion Reps to help you out. 

I have a feeling that some, perhaps many, don't know that they do not have to be Released before collecting a Medical pension.