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Something I Love About Arizona


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In 2 1/2 hours or less, I can go from this:

To this:

It's about a 3000' change in elevation, and a 20 degree F shift in temperature.
I agree completely.  My family and I went there for the first time in March 2007.  We were staying in Scottsdale and rented a van to drive north to the Grand Canyon.  The trip starts with the desert photo and ends at the Canyon but in between you pass through an area like the second photo.  If I had been blindfolded and someone had removed it in the wooded area I might have thought I was in Muskoka.  It was the nicest experience to have the terrain change so drastically in such a short time.  Great place.  I hope to take the family back there again this coming spring. 
I've lived here for 11 years. If you need some help with recce for a visit, let me know...
LOL - We can, except you'd better buy some hot dogs as a back-up. I'm a crappy hunter  :)
I was in Sedona, Flagstaff and Kingman AZ last August.

Excellent weather in the forest and the drier areas.

When is Army.Ca getting a charter together? - see a Coyotes Game - an industrial size mister over your bar table and a then we can lasso a few Tarantulas.

Look up Camp Navaho just West of Flagstaff - and then check it out on Google Earth.
muskrat89 said:
I've lived here for 11 years. If you need some help with recce for a visit, let me know...

When I was with 419 Sqn in Cold Lake we did a couple of winter deployments in Feb.  (Gotta love the Air Force; when they do "winter training" they do it in style. None of this Wainwright crap!) We  really enjoyed the deployment. The weather was nice, the people friendly and the beer cheap. However, we were told that the summers were so hot they were unbearable. That true?
Been through Arizona a few times on the 'scoot.  First time was back in 2000 during the Annual Three Flags Classic motorcycle run (that year it was from Tijuana to Courtney BC in 3 days over a VERY circuitous route). What scenery! What people!  What sunshine!  What a...friggin' education. 

I thought I knew how to deal w/ hot weather; that is until I hit Lake Havasu City. Hell's kitchen doesn't even begin to describe it. Wifey was riding on the back of the scooter and almost flamed out on me.  Some vy decent people at a gas station convenience store in Lake Havasu pumped her full of water and Gatorade and gave her lots of TLC. We took a little down time after that and went and visited the London Bridge site.

And yes; I recall the drastic change in scenery and temperature coming out of S. Califorina into Arizona.  Went from scrub pine to Saguaro cactus in what seemed a blink of an eye. Some fun twisties coming down from California on that particular highway too.

Love touring down there; Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah.  Utah was a "discovery" for me.  Mile upon mile of stark rust-red buttes blocking the sky. To invoke a terribly overused word (in this day and age) Awesome! One thing about biking in the Southwest US; I've never met people so willing to help, and give you the shirt of their back if you're in a fix.
54/102 CEF said:
I was in Sedona, Flagstaff and Kingman AZ last August.

Excellent weather in the forest and the drier areas.

Went from top of the state to bottom last September from the Grand Canyon to Tombstone.  From 110F to 80F in a matter of hours.  Incredible terrain and non-stop get outside and explore opportunities. 

As for people, in my experience travelling state side, there is nothing comparable to the hospitality of the south, be it Arizona, Texas or Georgia.
However, we were told that the summers were so hot they were unbearable. That true?

Not unbearable.. Summer here is like winter there - we just stay inside more.  :)  It is hot though... 110 days are frequent, 115 not unusual. A stiff breeze feels like a h air dryer. My first summer here (no A/C in my truck), it topped out at 118. People who say "Yeah, but it's a dry heat" haven't been here. Door handles and steering wheels are almost untouchable.
Been like this all week:

A strong upper level high pressure system responsible for the hot
conditions this week is forecast to strengthen a bit today...
remain strong through Saturday... then weaken slightly on Sunday. As a
result... expect near record high temperatures of 111 to 117 degrees
today and Saturday... and highs of 109 to 115 degrees on Sunday.
The high temperature at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport is forecast to be
114 degrees today and Saturday... and 112 degrees Sunday.

It would be wise to complete as much outdoor activity as possible in
the early morning when the sun and heat are less intense. During
periods of excessive heat... individuals can suffer heat-related
illness when the body can no longer cool itself.

If you plan to be outside for an extended period of time in the
afternoon or early evening... stay in the shade as much as
possible and drink abundant amounts of water. Wear light-colored
and loose-fitting clothing. If you wear a wide-brimmed hat... your
head and body will be much cooler. Stop outdoor activities...
drink lots of water or other non-alcoholic beverages... and if
possible... spend more time in air-conditioned or well-ventilated
muskrat89 said:
Not unbearable.. Summer here is like winter there - we just stay inside more.  :)  It is hot though... 110 days are frequent, 115 not unusual. A stiff breeze feels like a h air dryer. My first summer here (no A/C in my truck), it topped out at 118. People who say "Yeah, but it's a dry heat" haven't been here. Door handles and steering wheels are almost untouchable.

i hope no one has leather upholstery in their vehicles :o

Definitely looks like some beautiful scenery out there, just i think the heat would kill me. it's only 21 degrees Celsius here(69 Fahrenheit) and i was dieing after my bike ride and walk today :(
muskrat89 said:
Not unbearable.. Summer here is like winter there - we just stay inside more.  :)  It is hot though... 110 days are frequent, 115 not unusual. A stiff breeze feels like a h air dryer. My first summer here (no A/C in my truck), it topped out at 118. People who say "Yeah, but it's a dry heat" haven't been here. Door handles and steering wheels are almost untouchable.

Thanks for the info. Reminds me of Naples, Italy in August or Cyprus for that matter. The only difference that Naples could be really humid.