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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

I am getting my THANK YOU letters ready to send to "Any Canadian Forces Member"

Just want them to know that I appreciate all that they are doing for us.

      :yellow: :yellow:SOT :yellow: :yellow:
I am back at work after a great weekend here in NS and a day hike at Taylor Head with 9rD.  Perfect day for it on Saturday, and being a provincial park, the gate was still locked so we added 10km on to what we thought would be a 8-10 km one.  Anyone who gets the chance to do this one, the drive along the eastern shore from HRM to the trailhead is pretty scenic, especially past Musquodobit Harbour to the Sheet Harbour area.


Listening to the sweet sounds of the destruction of my bathroom.  Ah, the sweet sweet sound of the ugly shower tiles breaking into smithereens.
Beating myself up over the fact that I'm going to have to wait at least another 4 months before I'm able to send in my application because I was young and stupid and left school. Now I have to get the required credits.

Oh yeah, and wishing I actually knew people in this city that would want to do some paint-ballin'!  :boring:
Just called and made a doctors appointment to get more information of my flat feet, now I'm making some breakfast, yumm.
Procrastinating sorting out and cleaning up the 600+ photos I took during the past training weekend.
Getting through three pages of unread posts after my one day forum interruption.  How can you people post so much in a day??  ;)

Also trying to get AFV Recognition out of my head.......oops, gone already!  ;D
Back from my jogging and  :pushup:

I was chased by a dog. I tried to explain to the owner in English with a strong French accent (I was politely angry, my French temper took over) that dogs DO NOT UNDERSTAND ANY HUMAN LANGAGES, especially when an animal (the dog) meet another animal (me) !

I jog in the evening specially to avoid wild dogs, they own Vancouver from 5 AM to 11 PM, I am going to collect tax income from them!  :clubinhand:

Sorry for people having dogs, but please keep them next to you when you see a jogger coming or kids playing. Your dog might be your best friend but its not necessarily mine and especialy if it barks at me.  :tsktsk:

Time for a cold beer.  :cheers:
Well, its Wednesday night here, its windy and again a cool late autumn night here in the tropics.

I had last week off and dropped off some much promised donated stuff from my Iraq tour, and tomorrow night I'll air out my sports jacket, tie, then iron a shirt and pants for ANZAC Day here on Bribie Island.

My gongs are good to go, along with my Returned from Active Service lapel pin, and of course my Army Combat Badge.

This is my first here at the RSL Sub-branch, and I'll form up with the others for 0428 hrs on 25 April, down at the surf side of the island at Woorim, then head back to the RSL for a gunfire breakfast, but the grog does not start flowing until after the march which begins around 0845. I'll have my 'eye candy' on my shoulder --- and she's hot, ha!

Then just hang out with some of the local Vets, spin a few warries, and head home for lunch.

Its a day I will reflect on my past 33 yrs TI of both peace and war service, and smile as I remember my many comrades I have known over the years, who have departed. A smile, fond memories, accompanied with a cold schooner of XXXX Gold. You can't beat that.


I just got home from my "morning" run and currently finishing off a shake for lunch.Waiting for my wife and kids to get home so I can head out for a short kayak trip.Off to visit friends tonight after that.
I'm a tad confused and a little angrivated by a happening at work today.

I live in Windsor, NS. this tiny little town of 3 000 people has been on CNN recently because we've got outselves an outbreak of Swine flu. Kings Edgehill School students were lucky enough to contract this.
Well, I heard on the radio at work today that there were ten more cases of the illness confirmed in town today, and less than an hour after hearing that.... a great big flock of students from KES showed up at work for their Iced Capps and Fritters (I work at Timmies if you haven't guessed).
These people are supposed to be on a campus that is locked down. There were guards at the entrance of the campus for a reason. To keep people from going in or out to stop this from spreading in town any further than it already has.
Kings students have the behavior level of a toddler in a toy store, so I personally am not too fond of them as it is, but when they're in public at a time when they're at risk of spreading this pig disease... well, I wasn't happy to see them.

P.S:  To anyone who thinks I'm overly worked up and paranoid about this swine flu... I would have agreed with you yesterday when I knew that there were only four cases here and they were all contained.
But look at it from my angle. There's about 3 000 people in this town. Everybody in town is in Timmies at least once a day. Everybody in town knows and talks to everybody else on a regular basis. If these KES students pass this to anybody else in town... fecal matter strikes the rotary device very quickly.

I just checked the KES website and see that they've cancelled all their upcoming poblic events because they know that Swine flu is 'very contagious' so they want to minimize the risk of spreading it among their students at band concerts etc.... which makes me even more confused and angrivated as to why in the hell did I see a flock of them at work in public today?

Trying to email pictures home.  An easy task, but the wireless in the FOB is slow keeps cutting it out (I'm thankful we have it tho  ;D)
Nl Engineer, I found that as unfortunate as it was, resizing the pictures to a small 800 x 600 would help them fit in the pipeline better.

Good luck!

And as for me... tidying up the basement so my spare bedroom/kit explosion room/computer loitering room can actually have most of my kit removed from it and actually be put to use as the spare room it is intended to be.
I'm sick in bed. I've got a fever and i'm cramping like its going out of fashion. I wouldnt mind so much but i have to study as well for my Gunner's theory assesment tomorrow and i'm not taking anything in right now. To busy shivering. This is not good!
Hey Digger Hale, I hope you will recover fast !

For now, I am watching the Canucks game, looks like they are going to loose this one.

Go Canucks Go !
Digger Hale said:
I'm sick in bed. I've got a fever and i'm cramping like its going out of fashion. I wouldnt mind so much but i have to study as well for my Gunner's theory assesment tomorrow and i'm not taking anything in right now. To busy shivering. This is not good!

Two words ...

Kangaroo Flu.

No, really; get well soon.
well, just finished packing my patrol pack, transferred all the stuff from my Tac Vest to the one I will be using, and now cleaning my rifle (more like wiping it down, as I can't use CLP in this environment).
uncle-midget-Oddball said:
I just checked the KES website and see that they've cancelled all their upcoming poblic events because they know that Swine flu is 'very contagious' so they want to minimize the risk of spreading it among their students at band concerts etc.... which makes me even more confused and angrivated as to why in the hell did I see a flock of them at work in public today?


Come on now. Everybody knows(at least those of use who are from the valley) the rich little brats would never be confined to the school grounds. They'd make a phone call to mommy or daddy who would then snap at the school for keeping little johnny locked up. Or they just paid off the guards.
I'm beet-red pissed off and anxious, because I got runners knee and that put my jogging progress at a screeching halt almost two weeks ago.  Earlier in April, I recently managed the 2.4K in 12:30m...... I was doing great progress ...and suddenly, walking hurts.  I did not dare run after that.

Sure, not so bad, until you factor in that PLQ 1-5 is a month away, and who knows where I'll be then.  :o  I am going to be real unhappy if I can't do that course.  I'm starting to worry about this big time.

My naivety got me again, but at least this is minor. And I was smart to stop, because if it was a serious injury, I'd be screwed.  Could have pulled some tendon/ligament entirely like my friend.. Thankfully, mine seems to be healing OK with R.I.C.E and necessary rest.  Ive had to use the resistance-bike and swimming instead to keep up my stamina/cardio.

On the plus side, I'm stronger then I ever have been, and I finally managed 50 pushups.  And shed 10lbs in the last 3 weeks or so.  I'm also apmed about manipulating a nearby tree branch into something I can use for chin up exercises. Now if only my beer gut would bugger off..