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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

PMedMoe said:
You have to quit drinking beer for that to happen.  ;)
I stopped that ages ago.  I'm determined to get lean and mean again, but I also take meds that preclude me from drinking alcohol of any kind.
As of yesterday, i stopped being Tpr Hale, ECN 063 ASLAV driver, and became Tpr Hale, ECN 066 ASLAV gunner. After 5years, three different ECN's (064 M113 driver, 063 Cavalry Scout and ASLAV driver) I've finally reached the job that i told the recruiter I wanted back in 2004. I'm proud as bunch.

AND! I got rid of my Kangaroo flu...now if only i could kick this damned swine flu...
I just finnished my DL for the ILQ and am now back on a computer that doesnt pop up with Error code # what ever.  I can also post again with out hitting the error continue button every keystroke.  My spell check still does not work however.
As you probably know by now, Canucks are now on holidays.

Good vibes were going on during Hockey playoffs in Vancouver, flags fixed on cars and bars filled with cheering people

Hopefully, we'll do better next year!
Sitting in my bunk, sweating my a** off; reading emails and uploading pictures from today's mission.
I'm currently beating my head against the wall wondering if I'll be good to go for my crse and wondering, fearfully, how the rest of this year is going to unfold, and what to do for now.

At least I graduated and got my diploma now. That's a monkey off my back.......
Last dives today - got to play with a CCDA rebreather (really cool) and did another dry dive.  Turn in kit, get course reports and another little badge to wear.  However, I won't be able to put it up since I'm also going through all my reams of paper for going up north - my attatched posting message for Eureka showed up in my email today, twice due to an ammendment.  I'm so unamused...next person that can't go somewhere for something other than a family emergency or recent limb amputation and expects me to do it for them is getting an unlubed boot up their back ends.  Speaking of which, have to find my gumby boots...

Watching the BC election,

CBC just predict that it is going to be a majority B.C. Liberals government if the tendency of the vote results stays the same.
Just finished typing up a FINAL warning for attitude, and reviewing the marking guide for my final ILQ DL assignment.  Officially done that portion.  Residencial portion in Sept.
Got a phone call from the Halifax Infirmiry earlier, and it would appear that my newest doctor has me booked for surgery on June the third. This is the third time in less than a year that I'll be having an operation done, so fingers crossed it's going to finish things once and for all.
The pro's include being off work for three months, or as I like to call it, summer. And I'll have time to get better at my guitar playing.

The con's include hydromorphone. I was taking hydromorphone after the last surgery and it is the sole reason why I own a guitar now. Not to mention the whole very addictive part and the bit about withdrawl afterwards.

Just got back from the M&G... had a fantasic time - it was great to meet everyone.  Hopefully Moe and D9er will post the pics since I totally forgot to take any.

Also - STILL fracking waiting for that call.  >:(
Lil_T said:
Just got back from the M&G... had a fantasic time - it was great to meet everyone.  Hopefully Moe and D9er will post the pics since I totally forgot to take any.

No worries!  Will do that tomorrow!!
relaxing after a 17 hour day of parades and presentations with the band...
Recovering from a hard run. It is slowly sinking in that I will probably have to return to the Mega in the not too distant future, so I need to whip myself into shape...much better shape than the first time around.  :P

My fiance and I are going to go see Angels and Demons in the afternoon. I loved the first movie in the series, so hopefully this one is just as good!

Ooh, lookie, new emoticons.  :yellow:  Cool!  :D
I'mm..... sipping tea (sip) and watching the documentary "Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click" on my computer. Just taking a break to check Navy.ca and see what's what in the world (BBC World News = best  ;D ).

Planning for an afternoon slog around Nose Hill park on my new bike to see how it'll handle gravel, dirt, grass, pavement and other fun terrains found on Nose Hill... probably will try a minidrop or two off the minihill/boulders on the east side to see how she takes 1-3 foot drops (my first full suspension bike  8) )