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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

"Keep up the good work."
Ain't it the truth.
egy sárvédő said:
I'm feeling a some what blah today... need to think of something to do which will bring back my usual cheerful self.  Hmmm... what would cheer up a girl like me.... thinking... thinking... thinking... .  :-\

On a good note, today is the first day for as long as I can remember, where I have no plans, no errands and no commitments.  8)  An entire day free- I don't even know where to begin... I never thought such a day existed.

Have a great day everyone!  :)

I wonder with all the advances in science and technology if people are any more satisfied with their lives? A good walk is always pleasant. Especially when you are a pensioner. Even though some of the people I encounter don't seem as friendly as they used to be.
I'm watching TV with my daughter, wondering where more than half the summer has gone!! Wow, time does fly!  :P
Sunday, just after 1100h, been cleaning windows using an ammonia/water solution to get the salt water stains off the outside of my windows.

More pool maintenance today too, as spring is coming.

METREP sunny, some wind and a top of 23C today. It got down to 11C in the night.

After the windows are done, some R+R, and get things ready for tomorrow. I hate Mondays.

mariomike said:
I wonder with all the advances in science and technology if people are any more satisfied with their lives? A good walk is always pleasant. Especially when you are a pensioner.

I'm not a pensioner however, I know for me, I usually tend to enjoy those things which are nature based: hiking, walks, parks, picnics, I absolutely love the mountains etc... . 

Mind you, put me up in a CF AC or out on a SAR tasking and I am one happy girl... not exactly nature based, but they are a couple of things which I enjoy and we do fly over nature and train out in nature.

Today I decided to stay in: I tidied up, had a nap (very rare) and took an opportunity to read some information on SAR.  What I should have done, was gone for a walk and did my reading out in a park.

I seldom watch movies and I can go weeks or months without ever turning on the television.  I do like to watch movies, but they are always more enjoyable to watch when you have someone to watch the movie with.  I use to go days or longer between being on the internet, then I discovered this website (the Milnet forums) and since then I have been spending much more time, than I had to date, on the internet (Milnet forums- lots of interesting and 'educational' information to be found).

I suspect advances in science and technology does have something to do with people being less happier than they use to be, but only if those people submerge themselves too much within science and technology to the point where it interferes with the relationships they have with the people in their life and/or nature and/or their spiritual life. 

I'm not a technology gadget girl... I have little interest in technology, other than those technologies which will enable me to do certain things (example; advances in ELT's, SPOT and GPS for the purpose of SAR or advances in climbing/hiking equipment for safer and/or more efficient hiking / climbing, etc...). 

I'm an old school type girl; I would much rather know the old school ways first and add technology in where required, but I don't want to rely on or over use technology and given the option, I'm likely to lean towards old school first.  One walk through my place confirms this right quick- I don't even use a microwave.

Old School vs Science and Technology... there is value to both, balance is the key and what that balance should be would largely depend on a person's interests and work.


mariomike said:
Even though some of the people I encounter don't seem as friendly as they used to be.
I have found the same thing... by comparison, people don't seem to be as friendly as what I recall them being years ago. 

I have also found that, some of the friendliest people I have met or known to date, often times, will tend to be soldiers.

Trying to get my lesson plans together for the Advanced Water Supply course starting in Sept.....
Sapper how does that go? 

1. Pull Brita from fridge;

2. pour water into glass.

?? hehe

In regards to the discussion on people not being as friendly as they used to I have this to add:

Yesterday while walking my dog down Sherbrooke street in Montreal, I saw an elderly lady and her daughter getting into their car.  The older woman had a tough time getting seated and lifted her legs in one by one.  I had my dog on my right side so I walked over to the car to help her with her door.. as I approached, the look on her daughter's eyes said it all.  Fear. I smiled and said "you look comfy now, let me get that for you" and as I closed the door for her the daughter nervously smiled.

Since when has being nice led to such ridiculous reactions?  I am going to smile at as many people as I can today!
Just retired (32 yrs) and moved to the US to follow the wife.  I only have an L2 designation so can't work yet, playing at house husband.  Been told up to 2 months for first pension payment!  And they have to re-enter my banking that I've had for 20 years.....
Bzzliteyr said:
In regards to the discussion on people not being as friendly as they used to I have this to add:

Yesterday while walking my dog down Sherbrooke street in Montreal, I saw an elderly lady and her daughter getting into their car.  The older woman had a tough time getting seated and lifted her legs in one by one.  I had my dog on my right side so I walked over to the car to help her with her door.. as I approached, the look on her daughter's eyes said it all.  Fear. I smiled and said "you look comfy now, let me get that for you" and as I closed the door for her the daughter nervously smiled.

Since when has being nice led to such ridiculous reactions?

This sort of behavior, a man being so nice, is something I have found to be more common among soldiers and far less common among civvie men, so it doesn't surprise me that you, a solider, did something so nice.

As for the look on the woman's face, her look of "fear".  This doesn't surprise me either.  I too have, to a degree, a fear of men- I'm not going into details as to why, but I'm very careful. 

Usually I need to get to know a man over a period of time before I start to feel comfortable around him and I would never want to find myself alone with a man I didn't know and hadn't spent some time with in a group environment.  While I often will be the only girl in an air crew or ground crew, that's a completely different situation; everyone is 'on task' and doing whatever it is they are suppose to be doing.

There are only three men in my life who I have given an instant or almost instant trust to (a woman's radar can work both ways); 2 of them are soldiers (neither of them know it and, I feel, at this time, it's best to keep it that way) and the other is a priest.  The other men in my life, they have had to earn my trust over a period of time.  That isn't to say as there won't be other men in the future where, upon meeting X man, I feel very comfortable and safe with him for reasons I can't explain and as a result we quickly develop a mutual 'friendship', but generally speaking it takes a while, if for any reason, safety. 

If you knew the sorts of risks girls will often face day to day, risks which a man doesn't have to deal with and risks which most men don't even see or register, you might understand a little more about why a girl would be so fearful of a man doing something so nice and even still, being explained these sorts of daily risks isn't the same as having them part of your daily life.  Not that the daily nonsense so many woman and girls deal with day to day interferes with my life, like most woman, I just brush it off and keep on motoring, but since a girl or woman never knows when the regular same o' daily nonsense might turn into a situation by where her safety is compromised, we (girls and woman) do need to be a lot more aware. 

Remember, that girl didn't know you from Adam, she had no way of knowing that you were not going to hurt them... you were simply doing something nice, but there wasn't any way for her to know that.  If a girl or woman isn't sure, they often times, for safety reasons, err on the side of caution and as a result said girl or woman will tend to lean towards feeling the man is a possible threat. 

With that said, I know for me, as I have said before, most of the nicest men I have ever met to date, have almost all been soldiers.  That isn't to say as there are some soldiers out there who are not nice, I'm certain there are some who need to be thrown back, but fortunately for me, I haven't, so far, met any of those not-so-nice soldiers where my 'fear radar' would be going off into over time. 

By the way, I think your 'act of charity' towards this girl and her mother, where you did something so nice, was absolutely wonderful. 

Bzzliteyr said:
I am going to smile at as many people as I can today!

This is a wonderful and fine example of what anyone can do to help make the world a better place.  Smiles really do spread like wild fire.  Bravo for you!  :D
Bzzliteyr said:
In regards to the discussion on people not being as friendly as they used to I have this to add:

Yesterday while walking my dog down Sherbrooke street in Montreal, I saw an elderly lady and her daughter getting into their car.  The older woman had a tough time getting seated and lifted her legs in one by one.  I had my dog on my right side so I walked over to the car to help her with her door.. as I approached, the look on her daughter's eyes said it all.  Fear. I smiled and said "you look comfy now, let me get that for you" and as I closed the door for her the daughter nervously smiled.

Since when has being nice led to such ridiculous reactions?  I am going to smile at as many people as I can today!

Well how about this one: I am just back from a FOB were they have been complete dicks, and don't want to share anything.  They didn't want to feed us wile we were their, even tho they know we prevent them from getting blown up.

And for what I am doing, Its currently 0930 local time, and listening to arty, and gun fire wile still in bed :D (day off, first in a wile)
It's funny how people forget we are all in the same family over there.  We wear the same outfits, fight against the same badguys. 

I certainly hope the chain of command was made aware of that though I do understand how ressources are limited in FOBs and what they have is only for "them".  You should have shown up with your own stuff, right?  I remember the NSE would sit in our compound eating rats when they showed unless the cooks allocated food for them.  We can't be giving away all our mini Haagen Dazs ice creams now, can we?

Stay safe.  Chimo.
The better half is making me go for a walk. After that I may play some Combat Arms. Then getting ready for the long trek back to Manitoba starting tommorow.
I just had my first crap in Winnipeg.  Another career highlight!  *scratches ~ take dump in Manitoba ~ off Bucket List*
Tuesday, just before 1900h, its dark and cooling down.\

Tomorrow is our Ekka Day in Brissy, and hence a day off, so NO I am not driving into the city to see an overcrowded fair with over priced things.

Staying home to have a peaceful quiet day with my cats.

Just finnished a ruck march...... Had a quick chat with one of my soldiers who called Sunday ( he didnt get in touch with me)  and took Monday off as his cat is deathly ill ( his cat is with his GF in a town a few hours away.  He wanted to talk to me as he thought I figured he was lying.  Told him I fully believed him however his justification for a call in leave day was weak and he is lucky he didnt get in touch with me or he would of been here yesturday.  Oh well a day of annual gone for him.
Sitting in a motel room off of highway 17 outside Terrace Bay, Ont. Fog got a little too thick to keep on going. Ah well. Finish the rest of the journey to Winnipeg tomorrow.