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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Start work in Dauphin General Hospital Emerg for my last shift here, then go "home", pack, stage to Winnipeg tomorrow and fly out  to Borden Friday...only ot get on another plane Sunday and fly to Vic for my HHT.

Sitting in a tent in Wainwright cursing slow servers......that, and killing time until my shift....
I'm sipping coffee and surfing the net before heading out to the local pool to do laps. I'm going to try doing 40 this time. A friend who is 20 years my senior told me last weekend that she does 80 laps a few times a week, so now I feel like a bit of a slouch.  :P
Swimming 1 kilometer just somehow seems so much shorter than "40 laps".

Once every quarter I'll do a 200 length (5km) jaunt. Fun, fun, fun.

Are you switching up strokes or going 40 lengths all the same? I usually do about 600m front crawl for warm-up, then switch to fly or back for another few hundred. Cool it down with a couple hundred breaststroke at the end. It works for me.
I alternate between breast stroke and front crawl...usually 5 laps (125m) of one, then 5 of the other, and so on. In addition to more laps/distance, I am also going to start doing more of that distance in front crawl as I can do laps more quickly that way. What is "fly"?

I didn't do my 40 laps / 1 km. swim today - I stopped after 26 laps. The reason was that there were a few obese ladies in the pool who were bobbing around and cutting into the lanes where people were trying to swim laps. I got sick of trying to swim around them; it turned my lap swim into an underwater obstacle course. Here's my rant: Why go to an adult/lane swim to chat with your girlfriends and bob up and down in the water? Some of us are there to exercise and don't appreciate being cut off in the middle of the lane. The public swim would be more suitable for bobbing and gabbing. Grrrrr.  >:(
Because then they couldn't justify that extra vente double whipped cream white chocolate late' with sprinkles and chocolate covered biscotti because of the workout at the pool.
Kat Stevens said:
Because then they couldn't justify that extra vente double whipped cream white chocolate late' with sprinkles and chocolate covered biscotti because of the workout at the pool.

Well, I'm guessing wrong thread ?
Wrong, good guess, and thanks awfully for that.  Read the post below mine and all will be clear.

"Here's my rant: Why go to an adult/lane swim to chat with your girlfriends and bob up and down in the water? Some of us are there to exercise and don't appreciate being cut off in the middle of the lane."
Next time bring a dozen doughnuts with you and place them beside the pool, that will keep the lanes clear.
Kat Stevens said:
Because then they couldn't justify that extra vente double whipped cream white chocolate late' with sprinkles and chocolate covered biscotti because of the workout at the pool.

Yeah, no kidding! How about an extra large milkshake with that? It was a particularly strenuous workout, after all...some biatch kept circling around them like a shark and they actually had to try to move out of her way a couple of times.  ^-^
Celticgirl said:
Yeah, no kidding! How about an extra large milkshake with that? It was a particularly strenuous workout, after all...some biatch kept circling around them like a shark and they actually had to try to move out of her way a couple of times.  ^-^

My pet peeve as well. I don't mind passing people -- it's trying to manoeuvre around the flotsam that irritates the hell out of me. They screw up my breathing. I'm a breath once every third stroke for fly and a once every fifth stroke for crawl -- these people screw with that! And, I am (my routine is) easily confused. >:(
Celticgirl said:
some biatch kept circling around them like a shark and they actually had to try to move out of her way a couple of times.

When I go to the pool, I sometimes cause that particular problem. Not because I'm chatting with friends, I've got no friends that like to go to pool
(one with which I am going into lakes), but because of my speed. I can swim for a few hours, but I'm almost as slow as a turtle... So even in the slow
lane (when there is lanes by speed) most of the people go by me...

Well, at least they got my nice bathing suit to look at, as they pass me by  :P ...

ArmyVern said:
My pet peeve as well. I don't mind passing people -- it's trying to manoeuvre around the flotsam that irritates the hell out of me. They screw up my breathing. I'm a breath once every third stroke for fly and a once every fifth stroke for crawl -- these people screw with that! And, I am (my routine is) easily confused. >:(

That's why I stopped after 26 laps. My breathing was getting screwed up and I was getting both annoyed and tired. I had hoped to do the 40 laps, so I am quite disappointed. I'll make it up with a couple more 8 K runs this week, though, and will attempt the pool again in a couple of days. I need to get there super early and claim the lane that is farthest away from the 'circles'.  :P
Yrys said:
When I go to the pool, I sometimes cause that particular problem. Not because I'm chatting with friends, I've got no friends that like to go to pool
(one with which I am going into lakes), but because of my speed. I can swim for a few hours, but I'm almost as slow as a turtle... So even in the slow
lane (when there is lanes by speed) most of the people go by me...

It's not the slow lane swimmers that are the problem, Yrys. It's the ones bobbing out sideways and getting into the lanes that the rest of us are swimming in. If you stay in your lane, there is no problem. (Much like on this site.  ;D)

Yrys said:
Well, at least they got my nice bathing suit to look at, as they pass me by  :P ...

I had a nice one that I was wearing for a while, but it got me a little too much attention from the other (all male) lap swimmers, so I switched to a much more conventional, cover-everything one. At times, I wanted to say to them, "I have goggles, too, guys. I see you!"  ::)
Celticgirl said:
I had a nice one that I was wearing for a while, but it got me a little too much attention from the other (all male) lap swimmers, so I switched to a much more conventional, cover-everything one. At times, I wanted to say to them, "I have goggles, too, guys. I see you!"  ::)

There is sometimes yummies guys at the pool! I've got accosted once by an african yummie swimmer claiming to be an olympic medalist in some swimming thing
to go have a drink (which I declained).
Yrys said:
There is sometimes yummies guys at the pool! I've got accosted once by an african yummie swimmer claiming to be an olympic medalist in some swimming thing
to go have a drink (which I declained).

Declined!!?? Silly, silly girl.

Geez -- it's like a spandex zone, especially if they're swimming lengths.  :o

Which entirely beats the hell out of ocean front swimsuit gazing in, say, a location like Florida where one is sometimes subjected to circles wearing thongs -- which is not so pretty a sight at all. My eyes!! I'm blind!!  >:(
Yrys said:
There is sometimes yummies guys at the pool! I've got accosted once by an african yummie swimmer claiming to be an olympic medalist in some swimming thing
to go have a drink (which I declained).

Are you single, Yrys? If he was so yummy, why did you decline?  :P
LOL , it's seems that my answer to that man must be explained  :P

OK, here I go. Without knowing the purpose of the said yummie guy, I suspected is was for
an unknown male/female reason (sex, girlfriend, marriage, or sometimes toward that) and not friendship,
as he asked me for a drink without having speak to me previously.

At that time, I was past the "one night stand" phase, which I'm still.

I want out with a Gabunais guy some year previously (translator says Gabon is "gabun").
It didn't work out, I think in part because of the difference of culture. Wasn't interested in that time
to try again. By the way, I had a little shock when I was going out with him in realising that each time that I though
maybe I'll have kid one day, I never thought that they would be anything else then "Caucasian".

I was asked by a friend when I was in college to marry one of her friend for citizenship reasons, which I declined.
I'm not interested to marry someone to help him get a better chance at being Canadian. By the way. I think most women marrying
a non-Canadian who is coming from a country with a wide gap in living standard is taking a huge chance.

So, I wasn't interested in "having a drink" with the yummie guy for any reason that I thought could  be his...
(I asked him why  :P, he said to know me better).
Yrys said:
At that time, I was past the "one night stand" phase, which I'm still.

Yeah so !!??

When it's time to go home, you simply say: "Thanks for the drink & dinner, and thanks for coming out (thinking to yourself -- silly boy)!!"  >:D
ArmyVern said:
When it's time to go home, you simply say: "Thanks for the drink & dinner, and thanks for coming out (thinking to yourself -- silly boy)!!"


Can't do that to an unknown man. I don't know anything of his financial situation, so I don't want to impose.
It seems to me a bit rude, so I'm not ok with doing it myself.

Can do that only to friends that I know the financial situation (didn't say that the situation is good ;) )!