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South Alberta Regiment - VC for sale


Army.ca Dinosaur
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Anyone with an estimated $500-600K burning a hole in their pocket?  The complete medals set of LCol David Vivian Currie is going up for auction next month.


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Lot Preview  (More Information)
To be Sold on: 27th & 28th September 2017
Estimate: $500,000 - 600,000 CAD
Important notice to bidders
Please note that the Victoria Cross group of medals awarded to Lieutenant Colonel D. V. Currie is being sold in Canadian Dollars. The lot is subject to 20 percent buyers premium, together with applicable local taxes if purchased by a Canadian Citizen. The medals currently reside in Canada and are available to view by appointment through our Canadian representative, Tanya Ursual in Ontario, who can be contacted by phoning 001 613 258 5999 or emailing tanya@medalsofwar.com

As with all Victoria Crosses in Canada this lot requires that a cultural property export permit be granted in order to take the medals out of the country. This does not preclude an overseas buyer purchasing the medals and keeping them in Canada. Payment for the lot must be made within 14 days of purchase, however, in the event of an export permit being required, Dix Noonan Webb and its agents will undertake the submission process on behalf of the purchaser and payment for the lot will not be requested until such time as an export permit has been granted.

Bidders are advised that they should register their details no later than 48 hours before the sale.

“There is Little to be thankful for in war, but I was thankful for one thing, as a result of the battle for St Lambert, I know that there is much to fear in war, but to me, the greatest fear was the possibility that I might not measure up to that which is asked of me. St Lambert proved to me that I could measure up, and left me with the certain conviction that the war with Germany was in its final stages and that we would be equal to the task ahead of us - The final defeat of Germany.”

(Extract from a report on the action at St Lambert-sur-Dives written by Lieutenant Colonel Currie, VC) The important and highly significant Second World War ‘Battle of Normandy’ V.C. group of nine awarded to Lieutenant Colonel David Vivian Currie, 29th Canadian Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment (South Alberta Regiment), for exceptional bravery whilst commanding a small mixed force of Canadian tanks, self-propelled anti-tank guns and infantry, during an intense three-day action (in which he only slept for one hour) fought between 18 and 20 August 1944 in ‘the corridor of death’ in and around the Village of St Lambert-sur-Dives, during the crucial Battle of the Falaise Gap, the decisive engagement of the Battle of Normandy in which the German army was finally routed leading to the Liberation of Paris a few days later - The citation for his Victoria Cross stating, that during one 36-hour period ‘the Germans hurled one counter-attack after another against the Canadian force but so skilfully had Major Currie organised his defensive positions that these attacks were repulsed with severe casualties to the enemy’ and crediting his actions with the destruction of seven enemy tanks, twelve 88mm guns and forty vehicles, with 300 Germans killed, 500 wounded and 2,100 captured - A famous photograph of Major Currie with pistol drawn overseeing the surrender of German prisoners was taken at the time of the event, which has been described as being ‘as close as we are ever likely to come to a photograph of a man winning the V.C.’ - Major Currie’s Victoria Cross is unique to the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps and is the only one awarded to a Canadian soldier for the Normandy Campaign
dapaterson said:
Anyone with an estimated $500-600K burning a hole in their pocket? 

Well, I suppose it could be a place-holder VC example in my collection until Gregg's group resurfaces. Let me check my bank balance .....

Nope, still a little short.

I agree, but they're usually too busy spending on things and people that aren't as worthy.
The government has a knack for spending way too much for something way too unnecessary. It should be a given at this point.
And the VC did not find a Canadian buyer.

UK buyer bids $550,000 for historic Currie Victoria Cross at auction

Blair Crawford, Ottawa Citizen
Published on: September 27, 2017 | Last Updated: September 27, 2017 12:39 PM EDT

A private buyer from the United Kingdom had the winning bid for a Canadian Victoria Cross awarded to Lt.-Col. David Currie during the bitter fighting in Normandy in 1944.

Currie’s VC and related medals and memorabilia sold for $550,000 at an auction Wednesday in London. The price was $50,000 above the minimum bid for the items. A 20-per-cent buyer’s premium raised the total cost to the buyer to $660,000.

Since the medals are considered culturally significant, they won’t be allowed to leave Canada without an export permit. Before that is issued, Canadian buyers must be given an opportunity to purchase them from their new owner.

. . . . .
Lord Ashcroft, perhaps?

It wouldn't surprise me.  At least he'll take care of it.  Shame that the GoC didn't buy it and bring it home.  A pittance at some of the money they throw around.
It pisses me off to no end to think of the present GoC spending money like a drunken sailor for things like skating rinks on the Hill, ISIS welcome home kits, $600K tarps to cover the scaffolding on the Post Office renovations across from the War Memorial, Khan vacations etc etc
but nothing so far to keep this VC medal set from leaving the country.  This, should be a no questions asked buy by the GoC.


The VC remains in Canada.

Canadian War Museum acquires the Currie Victoria Cross, ensuring that the medal stays in Canada
May 1, 2018

For immediate release

Ottawa, Ontario, May 1, 2018 — The Canadian War Museum is honoured to announce its acquisition of the Victoria Cross awarded to Saskatchewan native Lieutenant-Colonel David Vivian Currie of the South Alberta Regiment, for his exceptional leadership and bravery in a decisive battle of the Second World War.

The Victoria Cross is the Commonwealth’s highest honour for military valour. Sixteen were awarded to Canadians who served during the Second World War. Currie’s is the only one associated with the fighting in Normandy, and the only one awarded to a member of the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps.

“The Canadian War Museum is proud to have been a part of the effort to keep this important piece of our military heritage in Canada for the benefit of present and future generations,” said Mark O’Neill, President and CEO of the Canadian War Museum and the Canadian Museum of History. “It is inspiring to see how many Canadians have come forward to help. We are profoundly grateful for government support and for the private donations that enabled us to acquire the Currie medal set.”

The purchase was made possible by the generous support of the Movable Cultural Property Program of the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Museum’s donor-supported National Collection Fund, and generous contributions from the Brownlee Family Foundation, as well as the following honorary members of the North Saskatchewan Regiment and their families: Heather Ryan and L. David Dube, Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel; Sandra Howe and Dallas Howe, Honorary Colonel; Sandra Stromberg and Robert Stromberg, former Honorary Colonel.

The Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board deemed the medal to be “of outstanding significance and national importance,” helping to pave the way for the Museum’s acquisition.

“We are pleased to have been able to help the Museum preserve this important piece of our national heritage,” said the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage. “The stories behind medals such as these provide Canadians with important connections to their past.”

“We’re proud to support the acquisition of Lieutenant-Colonel Currie’s Victoria Cross medal,” said the Honourable Seamus O’Regan, Minister of Veterans Affairs. “It’s medals like these that allow Canadians to learn about and appreciate the legacy of our Veterans.”

Currie’s Victoria Cross honours his “inspired leadership” and “gallant conduct and contempt for danger” throughout the 36-hour battle at Saint-Lambert-sur-Dives, which played a central role in closing the Falaise Gap in August 1944. Currie later served as Sergeant-at-Arms in the House of Commons in Ottawa (1960 to 1978). He died in 1986. His medal set is the 38th Victoria Cross medal set to be acquired by the Canadian War Museum.

The Currie, Barron and Strachan Victoria Crosses will be on display at the Canadian War Museum from today until May 29, 2018.