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So as has been mentioned by many before, protests are normal in Ottawa. There was one yesterday on the Hill which is why the PSAC one did not go to the hill (something something permits). It isn’t happening at all hours and is limited to specific sites and absolutely nowhere near residential areas. There are no noise violations as they are in keeping with those bylaws.

He’s actually using that as an excuse to avoid getting mired in the process. And it’s all talk like he always does. Listen to the union leadership who don’t seem to have much love for him right now.

I have no idea how that is going. Are they shutting down trade or just slowing things down? I’m no fan of any of that. My little group was asked to black an entrance and we said no thanks.

There are no two standard. Anyone bring the trucker convoy into the conversation is comparing apples and oranges.

Are you really comparing the collective bargaining process to unlawful protest? There is no BS excuse and in case you didn’t notice the Union is actually in a fight with the LPC.

For the record I am really not keen on any of this strike action. I’ll delve into it a bit more but if you think everyone out there is a rabid union type acting entitled you are dead wrong.
Those truckers were fighting for their WORKING conditions but don't have the luxury of a union to demand and fight on their behalf.

I still can't fathom why truckers were being forced to get the jab and here we are two years later, and its like "No jab? No big deal"

Where was the truckers workers rights? Trucker convoy protest
As for the link, please excuse me. I have a ton of twitter post to look through. I believe it was a PSAC employee saying it.
No worries. And look, I’ve been out on the picket lines. It’s been pretty calm where I am but…I am aware that some union types are very vocal and very militant. If that is happening it needs to stop and be dealt with.
No worries. And look, I’ve been out on the picket lines. It’s been pretty calm where I am but…I am aware that some union types are very vocal and very militant. If that is happening it needs to stop and be dealt with.
I also belonged to United Steel Workers union for a couple years. I have mixed feelings about unions. However it was a private work place union and we knew there was a limit to what we asked for, they made it clear.
Both meant to disrupt civilian life to promote a cause or an agenda. Thats why.

You keep going on about "the truckers". Then a strike. Then abortion. Then "the jab".

There's a $300 million lawsuit. You saw it.

When can we expect to see a $300 million lawsuit over a strike?

Those truckers were fighting for their WORKING conditions but don't have the luxury of a union to demand and fight on their behalf.
I believe the Canadian Truckers alliance and Teamster’s union do and both organisations denounced the convoy.
I still can't fathom why truckers were being forced to get the jab and here we are two years later, and its like "No jab? No big deal"

Where was the truckers workers rights? Trucker convoy protest
And that protest stopped being about that and turned into something else.
You keep going on about "the truckers". Then abortion. Then "the jab".

There's a $300 million lawsuit. You saw it.

When can we expect to see a $300 million lawsuit over a strike?
Your simple, right? I didn't launch a $300 million law suit. I have nothing to do with it.

You can't connect the dots in my comments? Thats on you. I explained it quite clearly.

And this strike ain't over yet. Lets see what happens.
"Detaining"......frig some of you make me laugh 😃. Every traffic light you will ever hit red in your whole life "detains" you.

All that happens is folks will walk around for 5 minutes, not stand still as that's illegal, and then will let you proceed.

Have a coke and a smile and remember that you're getting paid twice this month irregardless.
They're not as they may be getting you a raise.
There's a ton of case law of what is legal and illegal during an organized labour dispute. Here's but one little tidbit:

The Courts in Ontario have relied on the Pepsi-Cola case and section 102(3) of the Courts of Justice Act to hold that the following type of conduct on the picket line is illegal and capable of being restrained:
1. picketers blocking company required vehicles (company trucks, suppliers’ vehicles, contractors’ vehicles, employee cars or buses) from entering or exiting the property;
2. picketers delaying these vehicles from entering and existing the property for significant time periods (anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes seen as excessive);
3. picketers causing traffic jams or congestion on public roads;
4. violence, assaults, property damage, defamation, harassment on the picket line or at staging areas to pick up or drop off managers or replacement workers.
It must be emphasized that picketers do not have the right to picket the homes of employees or managers. This is considered to be intimidation and a restriction on the free access to one’s private property.

If the picket line was completely blocking access and egress from the Base, particularly as it impacts on residents, that is clearly wrong. I suspect either an overly enthusiastic or ill-informed Strike Captain.

I suspect there is little the CoC could have directly done except call the local constabulary since I assume the picketers were on city property. Most public sector employers typically show incredible restrain, either on their own or as directed. I'm not sure restraint should extend to impact on employee's family members; they didn't sign up for that.
For some jobs yes. For others not so much. Depends on the classifications.
The low end public service classifications are paid much more than their private industry equivalent, but the higher technically skilled classes are not paid anywhere close to private industry rates.
You keep going on about "the truckers". Then a strike. Then abortion. Then "the jab".

There's a $300 million lawsuit. You saw it.

When can we expect to see a $300 million lawsuit over a strike?
Anyone can launch a lawsuit over anything. In the states they start them over coffee too hot. I even see bids and quotes now with the cost of litigation built in from the start.

Employees start lawsuits over having to only work evenings at movie theater.

But back to your trucker law suit. That is just more political battle. It's called Lawfare...using the courts as a form of punishment. They don't really care if they win or lose the case it's about destroying the enemy by the process.
Anyone can launch a lawsuit over anything.

Based on your legal advice, someone is so emotionally triggered by being "detained" at a picket line - that they are comparing it to "the truckers" "the jab" and abortion - can do more than just whine about it on the internet.

They can "launch a lawsuit".

"Detaining"......frig some of you make me laugh 😃. Every traffic light you will ever hit red in your whole life "detains" you.

They don't really care if they win or lose the case it's about destroying the enemy by the process.

Don't know about you, but I would not mind even a tiny piece of that $300+ million . :)
The low end public service classifications are paid much more than their private industry equivalent, but the higher technically skilled classes are not paid anywhere close to private industry rates.
Benefits (especially pensions) included?
Benefits (especially pensions) included?
Yes, I think so. Take an ENG-04 for instance, max step after 5 yrs is 121,451. Even if you add $50k in benefits that rate is still below industry equivalent. Same with managers at L3, private industry with equivalent responsibilities dwarf their pay. But lower end admin type jobs in the public service dwarf private industry. Based on numbers I’ve seen.
Based on your legal advice, someone is so emotionally triggered by being "detained" at a picket line - that they are comparing it to "the truckers" "the jab" and abortion - can do more than just whine about it on the internet.

They can "launch a lawsuit".

Don't know about you, but I would not mind even a tiny piece of that $300+ million . :)
I think you missed my point. The lawsuit is the punishment. Even if they lose there is no money there to collect.

That lawsuit and others like it are to slow down, drain resources, demoralize and generally make things harder for the people, groups or orgs are opposed. That lawsuit main purpose is to remove those players from the table. It is very effective strategy in these types of fights.
Got your point.

The lawsuit is the punishment.

You may have missed mine.

Let's wait until the class-action is finished, before saying who gets how much. $

I love my community so much ... I am heartbroken by the trauma that is being inflicted on me and my neighbours ... to feel like a prisoner in my own home by people who claim to stand for freedom.
- Zexi Li

If someone feels being "detained" by a picket line is comparable, they can go the same route she did.
Wondering whether NDA 273.1, the related Defence Controlled Access Areas Regulations, and NDA 288 might come into play...
PSAC is going through roughly $11M a day in strike pay. In a few days the coffers will be empty and they will be forced to find alternative funding, possibly from affiliated unions, or abandon the strike.

Maybe this is exactly what the Liberals want. Bleed the other public sector unions through PSAC so they are too broke to go on strike.