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Sunday CrossCountry Checkup is about Afghanistan

Naahh....he'll get all caught up with the women modeling the lenses.....can't trust him.....pick something like the sponsor for "Barney"
Hey don't hate the player hate the game!

You know I am really glad people watching or listening today got a real BTDT perspective that has been seriously lacking in main stream media today.

You know I honestly did not pay attention to his name did anyone catch it?
Thats 9/10ths of the problem.

I know you are restricted in what you can say, but most CF personnel seem to take the attitude that it's not their problem. Many are as intelligent and articulate (yes, there are others  ;D )as you, but I seldom hear anyone talking to these MSM types, and the wrong message is getting out.

The public is having to rely on types like Mr Academic just on GoldHawk, or other equally biased opinion spouters.
HitorMiss said:
You know I honestly did not pay attention to his name did anyone catch it?

Was he serving or recently retired? I ask because the previous Comd of Op ARGUS has been on a bit of a media tour lately. Could his name have been Col Capstick?

Mortar guy said:
Could his name have been Col Capstick?

GAP said:
The colonel was weak. He did little to stand up for the mission prior to you phoning in.

I doubt it   ;)

(I missed the program so I can't provide a real answer)
Yes your right we seldom take the issue to heart. We sit and complain and say they don't know what they are talking about. But then we never step up and take the chance to set the record straight. I wish the opportunity was more available to honestly talk to the public from a Soldiers perspective and not just from the command level of the mission. And your right GAP there are plenty of well spoken, eloquent people at my level who could really advance the proper message of the mission.
One of the things I noticed on both programs today was the effort on behalf of the hosts to allow maximum time to you and both flooded you with questions, mainly because they seldom get a chance to actually talk to the "boots on the ground". All  they get are spokesmen or people with an adgenda.
Yes I did notice I got more airtime then most. Now the question is should the CF and the PAFO office be putting people like out there on shows talking as I just did?
Yes they should.

and for this,
HitorMiss said:
Hey Bruce if she is hot, show her my pic with the Oakleys HAHAHAHAHA

Yes she is, but the only picture I could find to show her was just after you 'got back' and you were understandably looking a little grim at the time. Having you in the same photo as that fat fraud Big Bad John might have made you look a little better though.....
Yeah I was pretty gimpified at that time LOL.

So then if the CF should be putting the boot's on ground message out to the public why is it not?

Any PAFFO's or Officers have here  an answer for that? Is it simply just something that has not been thought of or is it a fear that some dumb Cpl will spout off in a direction that is not conducive to the message. Could it be a fear that the common soldier is not as controlable and less likely to stay withing the confines of the party line?

EDIT: For Clarity and to add more substance
I listened to the CrossCountry archive, HitorMiss your were great.  I found it pretty encouraging the amount of support.  The UNICEF guy and the Afghan Womens' Hour lady.  It seemed to me that most of those against had arguments based on misinformation, which means they may be swayable if only we got the message/info out.  I kind of felt bad about the Korean vet though, he seemed so disconnected to what we are doing now.

Now... is there an Archive of the CPAC program? or when it might replay?  Thanks!

What can I say? - except THANKYOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.

If more articulate guys like you spoke up, "the left" could all
go and and get meaningful work.

I agree - until the UNICEF guy came on nobody seemed to have a clue
- just feelings.

You, my friend put it over the top!

The peacenik who came on after just sounded like a drooling stooge.

Beers on me if you ever get to Edmonton.

Frankly - I think Murphy got exactly what he wanted.
And Thank GOD somebody stepped up to provide it!

I would say thank you but really we get paid good money for what we do.

I am glad I was clear in my statements but the fact remains and I have yet to get a good answer on it, why is it that the Soldiers perspective is not pushed to public and it seems that only higher level staff postion's seem to get out there.
Flip said:
You, my friend put it over the top!

Frankly - I think Murphy got exactly what he wanted.
And Thank GOD somebody stepped up to provide it!

Totally agree with Flip, and yes, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE  :salute:
HitorMiss said:
The fact remains and I have yet to get a good answer on it, why is it that the Soldiers perspective is not pushed to public and it seems that only higher level staff postion's seem to get out there.

Good question.  You'd think the most reliable information should/would come directly from those who have had first hand, direct experience... and that knowledge should be employed efficiently and effectively, not only in media and policy, but in training and education... but, that makes too much sense.

Anyway, Ref: the radio show; Well done, HoM. Well done.   :salute: