- Reaction score
- 5,277
- Points
- 1,260
<em>NOTE: Do NOT click on a link to the Taliban's or other terrorist web pages if you don't want the webmasters to see your computer's IP number. This material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof. Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content – it is shared for information only. When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to translate the original – this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.</em>
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<a href="http://www.shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6671:canadian-invaders-tank-destroyed-in-boldak&catid=1:news&Itemid=2">Canadian invaders tank destroyed in Boldak</a>
Tuesday, 26 April 2011 13:08 Qari Yousuf Ahmadi
Tuesday, 03 May 2011 18:39 Qari Yousuf Ahmadi
Wednesday, 11 May 2011 02:00 Qari Yousuf Ahmadi
<a href="http://shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7181:48-hour-kandahar-operation-a-complete-report&catid=7:interview&Itemid=17"> 48 hour Kandahar operation, a complete report</a>
<blockquote>Tuesday, 10 May 2011 13:03 Habib Mujahid
An operation carried out by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Kandahar city on Saturday, where various enemy military bases and centers were targeted, came to an end on Monday afternoon as per plan.
First day
Last Saturday at around 01:00 pm, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate, as part of their spring offensive (Badar operation) commenced their assault on key enemy military centers in Kandahar city. Some of the main and important targets included the Governor house, Intelligence headquarters, a military base by the name of Jandarma and Municipality, which were brought under fire at the same time by Islamic Emirate’s Martyrdom Seeking Mujahideen utilizing various methods. Mujahideen also carried out controlled bomb blasts, hand grenade and armed attacks on other enemy military installations and patrols.
These pre-emptive strikes on enemy facilities in the heart of Kandahar city were very effective as the fighting unfolded early afternoon and lasted till late night time with great ferocity. The city’s foreign and internal security forces lost morale and failed to respond to these audacious attacks. The accumulation of Mujahideen military operation for the first day included more than 112 foreign and internal security personnel killed and wounded as well as nearly 21 enemy vehicles destroyed and damaged while the enemy could only manage to prove their presence through their use of helicopters which hovered at a high altitude. Kandahar’s governor Weesa, head of intelligence General Naeem Momin, head of border police forces Abdul Razziq and other governmental officials cut off all communications and failed to address any news agencies except once, when the governor rejected a rumor of his death through a short telephone call from an underground bunker.
Second day
Mujahideen carried on with their attacks throughout Sunday on Municipality and the Intelligence headquarters. A hotel opposite to the intelligence headquarters was hit by enemy helicopters multiple time as it patrolled the skies all day. At afternoon time, at least 10 US-NATO invaders were killed and wounded when a Mujahid carried out a Martyrdom attack on their gathering close to the intelligence headquarters. The attack on Jandarma once again heated up on Sunday as Mujahideen attacked enemy reinforcements which arrived at the area. Like the previous day, the enemy forces in various areas like near Eidgah, Ahmad Shah Baba Darwaza, Hazratji Baba, Madad Chawk, Shkarpur Darwaza and Dand roundabout were targeted by Mujahideen through ambushes and IED attacks, the sounds of which could be heard all over the city and according to plan, the operation was brought to an end nearly 48 hours later on Monday afternoon. More than 17 security personnel were killed and wounded in Jandarma besides many vehicle destroyed during the second day of the operation.
Details about the operation
The nearly 2 day and night operation in Kandahar city was considered as the most spectacular and successful operation even by the local and international media. This operation took place at a time when the enemy security forces bragged about their preparedness a couple of days earlier. The mentioned operation put a dent in the face of foreign forces and their internal puppets claims and their status was brought to naught in the eyes of the world.
Mujahideen challenged the international invading and internal forces for 48 hours and showed a spectacle to its countrymen and the world about the enemy’s feebleness and lagging morale. The citizens of Kandahar city also saw how the governor and other officials including military generals were only concerned about themselves or about fleeing. If on the one hand the enemy suffered great losses in this operation, on the other hand it proved the fallacy of the enemy claims about breaking the force of Mujahideen in Kandahar city. It must also be mentioned that the Mujahid citizens of Kandahar city were standing shoulder to shoulder with Mujahideen and employed different tactics to attack the enemy.
As a policy of war, the enemy once again deployed their media machine and banned all free journalists on reporting the truth while at the same time lied about civilian casualties caused by Mujahideen. It should be mentioned that only governmental facilities were targeted by Mujahideen in their operation hence no civilians were harmed. The enemy also talked about civilian casualties being reported from Mirwaise hospital, which rejected these statements by contacting Alemarah website and said that they were never even reached by the government or international forces for comments.</blockquote>
<a href="http://shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7231
olice-officer-shot-dead-in-kandahar-city&catid=1:news&Itemid=2"> Police officer shot dead in Kandahar city</a>
<blockquote>Wednesday, 11 May 2011 18:52 Qari Yousuf Ahmadi
KANDAHAR, May. 11 – At 11:00 am this morning, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate shot dead a police officer and seized his pistol in Herat Darwaza area located in the heart of Kandahar city.</blockquote>
<a href="http://shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7213
uppet-officer-along-with-5-gunmen-killed-by-roadside-bomb&catid=1:news&Itemid=2"> Puppet officer along with 5 gunmen killed by roadside bomb</a>
<blockquote>Tuesday, 10 May 2011 23:20 Qari Yousuf Ahmadi
KANDAHAR, May. 10 – Reports from Shurawak district say that a border police vehicle was obliterated by a roadside bomb late yesterday afternoon near the district center, killing and officer and 5 of his gunmen onboard.</blockquote>
<a href="http://shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7228:nawbahar-district-headquarters-hit-by-missiles&catid=1:news&Itemid=2"> Nawbahar district headquarters hit by missiles</a>
<blockquote>Wednesday, 11 May 2011 18:50 Qari Yousuf Ahmadi
ZABUL, May. 11 – Nawbahar district headquarters was hit by 2 missiles fired by Mujahideen as art of ‘Badar’ operation at around 02:00 pm yesterday but the extent of damage and casualties caused is not known.</blockquote>
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<a href="http://shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7232:the-martyrdom-of-sheikh-osama-will-not-benefit-america&catid=2:comments&Itemid=3"> The Martyrdom of Sheikh Osama Will not Benefit America.</a>
<blockquote>Wednesday, 11 May 2011 20:03
The Americans are claiming that their special forces martyred Sheik Osama bin Laden, the founder and leader of Al-qaeda in Pakistan on May 2.They say that they placed his body in the sea after taking custody of it during the raid.
Americans and other countries that have been waging a crusade against the Islamic Ummah for the past decade and are partners in the occupation of the Islamic lands of Afghanistan and Iraq, once again showed their enmity and spite against Islam by martyring Sheikh Osama and expressing jubilation over his demise. They called his martyrdom a landmark victory of their crusade.
No doubt, Sheikh Osama was a skyscraper of bravery, a dedicated supporter of the Islamic Ummah and a sword of magnanimity of Muslims against the invading unbelievers. He spent a great part of his life for the defense of the Islamic Ummah, striving to deliver the Muslims lands from the claws of the infidels and gain freedom. He offered unprecedented sacrifices in this cause. He and his steadfast Mujahideen and colleagues struggled tirelessly in the way of independence of the first Qibla of the Muslims ( the Baitul Moqadas), Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and other Islamic lands which are occupied by the invading infidels. This is to mention a few of the services he rendered in the way of Islam and Jihad. He laid foundation of strongholds of the invincible struggle and Jihad and continued with the task of rearing, training, enlighterening and equipping Mujahideen. The Islamic Ummah will neither forget the struggle of this great Mujahid nor his unwavering stance against falsehood and arrogance in the way of realization of truth.
The invading Americans and coalition of the crusade should not think that their wicked war against the Islamic Ummah will triumph or weakness will permeate the ranks of Jihad of the Muslims. They should know that, throughout the history, the proud leaders of the Islamic Ummah have left behind a sacred and honorable legacy of Jihadic thoughts and determination to the emerging generations of the Ummah that they will not falter as a result of martyrdom, removal and nomination of personalities.
As long as the invading infidels are bent on continuing their colonialist ambitions against the Islamic Ummah, until then, every committed son of the Ummah who has wake conscience and feeling will keep on protecting the Islamic values and sovereignty. Therefore, the martyrdom of Sheikh Osama will not benefit the Americans.
The Americans and their puppets should know from the spirit and tenacity of the operations launched by the Mujahideen in Afghanistan under the name of Badre, which are now in full swing all over the country, particularly, they should know from the steadfastness and persistence of the three-days long operations in the provincial center of Kandahar and adjacent localities, that how superior morale the Mujahideen are having. By now they must have understood that the martyrdom of Sheik Osama has no impact on the Jihadic determination of Mujahideen.
The Afghans will not forget the sacrifices and struggle of Sheikh Osama, this great patron of Islam, who fought shoulder to shoulder with the Afghans against the former Soviet Union as well as his services in terms of equipping Mujahideen and sponsoring families of the martyrs.
To end, we strongly believe that the Almighty Allah will open up a vista of light for the Islamic Ummah through the blessings of the pure and sacred blood of Sheikh Osama and other thousands of martyrs.
Afghanistan and all Islamic countries now under occupation of the infidels will find emancipation and an Islamic reign will usher in, if God willing.</blockquote>
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<a href="http://shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7182:remarks-of-the-spokesman-of-the-islamic-emirate-regarding-the-baseless-claim-of-presence-of-children-in-the-ranks-of-mujahideen&catid=4:statements&Itemid=4"> Remarks of the Spokesman of the Islamic Emirate Regarding the Baseless Claim of Presence of Children in the Ranks of Mujahideen</a>
<blockquote>Tuesday, 10 May 2011 13:03
As in the past, the propaganda outfits of the enemy claim now time and again that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan use children and adolescents in their Jihadic operations. They also claim that there are a great number of children in the ranks of the Mujahideen. We would like to make it clear for all that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has strictly banned participation of adolescents in Jihadic operations as per its policy. The 12th article of the Book of Conduct of Mujahideen, gives Mujahideen the following guidance in this regard:
“Article 29: The teenagers (boys with no beards) are legally banned to stay in hostels and military centers with Mujahideen.”
Abiding by the instructions of the Books of Conduct in their dispensation of Jihadic activities, the Mujahideen have strictly seen to the implementation of the articles of the Book of Conduct of Mujahideen, by not allowing youngsters to join their ranks. Despite these realities, if the enemy is still bent on circulating futile claims or some propaganda outfits continue harping on the same issue, then it can be said, it is only their propaganda stunt. It is a matter of irony that nothing is said about the Kabul Puppet Regime regarding this issue while almost half of their security personnel comprise of adolescents. According to an estimate, 45% of police, public security units and private security companies personnel consist of either children or adolescents. These children have joined the ranks of the enemy on the enemy’s luring, taking advantage of their ignorance and lack of knowledge. They have never joined the ranks out of any rationale motive.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan calls on human rights organizations to pay attention to this issue and prevent the enemy from using the adolescents of the Afghan nation for furthering their unlawful goals.
Qari Mohammad Yousaf Ahmadi
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan</blockquote>
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<a href="http://www.shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6671:canadian-invaders-tank-destroyed-in-boldak&catid=1:news&Itemid=2">Canadian invaders tank destroyed in Boldak</a>
Tuesday, 26 April 2011 13:08 Qari Yousuf Ahmadi
<a href="http://www.shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6953:canadian-tank-obliterated-by-land-mine&catid=1:news&Itemid=2">Canadian tank obliterated by land mine </a>KANDAHAR, Apr. 26 – Recent reports from Boldak district indicate that a Canadian invaders tank was destroyed by a land mine, killing and wounding all inside in Nawa area. Enemy helicopters arrived to airlift the dead and wounded however the tank is on fire and still lying at the blast scene.
Tuesday, 03 May 2011 18:39 Qari Yousuf Ahmadi
<a href="http://shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7216:canadian-tank-hits-ied-in-boldak&catid=1:news&Itemid=2">Canadian tank hits IED in Boldak </a>KANDAHAR, May. 03 – In Boldak’s Loe Karez area, a land mine obliterated a Canadian invaders tank, killing and wounding all inside at around 10:00 am.
Wednesday, 11 May 2011 02:00 Qari Yousuf Ahmadi
<hr />KANDAHAR, May. 10 – A tank belonging to Canadian invaders hot and was destroyed by an IED at 06:00 pm local time, killing all 4 invaders inside in Nawa area of Boldak district.
<a href="http://shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7181:48-hour-kandahar-operation-a-complete-report&catid=7:interview&Itemid=17"> 48 hour Kandahar operation, a complete report</a>
<blockquote>Tuesday, 10 May 2011 13:03 Habib Mujahid
An operation carried out by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Kandahar city on Saturday, where various enemy military bases and centers were targeted, came to an end on Monday afternoon as per plan.
First day
Last Saturday at around 01:00 pm, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate, as part of their spring offensive (Badar operation) commenced their assault on key enemy military centers in Kandahar city. Some of the main and important targets included the Governor house, Intelligence headquarters, a military base by the name of Jandarma and Municipality, which were brought under fire at the same time by Islamic Emirate’s Martyrdom Seeking Mujahideen utilizing various methods. Mujahideen also carried out controlled bomb blasts, hand grenade and armed attacks on other enemy military installations and patrols.
These pre-emptive strikes on enemy facilities in the heart of Kandahar city were very effective as the fighting unfolded early afternoon and lasted till late night time with great ferocity. The city’s foreign and internal security forces lost morale and failed to respond to these audacious attacks. The accumulation of Mujahideen military operation for the first day included more than 112 foreign and internal security personnel killed and wounded as well as nearly 21 enemy vehicles destroyed and damaged while the enemy could only manage to prove their presence through their use of helicopters which hovered at a high altitude. Kandahar’s governor Weesa, head of intelligence General Naeem Momin, head of border police forces Abdul Razziq and other governmental officials cut off all communications and failed to address any news agencies except once, when the governor rejected a rumor of his death through a short telephone call from an underground bunker.
Second day
Mujahideen carried on with their attacks throughout Sunday on Municipality and the Intelligence headquarters. A hotel opposite to the intelligence headquarters was hit by enemy helicopters multiple time as it patrolled the skies all day. At afternoon time, at least 10 US-NATO invaders were killed and wounded when a Mujahid carried out a Martyrdom attack on their gathering close to the intelligence headquarters. The attack on Jandarma once again heated up on Sunday as Mujahideen attacked enemy reinforcements which arrived at the area. Like the previous day, the enemy forces in various areas like near Eidgah, Ahmad Shah Baba Darwaza, Hazratji Baba, Madad Chawk, Shkarpur Darwaza and Dand roundabout were targeted by Mujahideen through ambushes and IED attacks, the sounds of which could be heard all over the city and according to plan, the operation was brought to an end nearly 48 hours later on Monday afternoon. More than 17 security personnel were killed and wounded in Jandarma besides many vehicle destroyed during the second day of the operation.
Details about the operation
The nearly 2 day and night operation in Kandahar city was considered as the most spectacular and successful operation even by the local and international media. This operation took place at a time when the enemy security forces bragged about their preparedness a couple of days earlier. The mentioned operation put a dent in the face of foreign forces and their internal puppets claims and their status was brought to naught in the eyes of the world.
Mujahideen challenged the international invading and internal forces for 48 hours and showed a spectacle to its countrymen and the world about the enemy’s feebleness and lagging morale. The citizens of Kandahar city also saw how the governor and other officials including military generals were only concerned about themselves or about fleeing. If on the one hand the enemy suffered great losses in this operation, on the other hand it proved the fallacy of the enemy claims about breaking the force of Mujahideen in Kandahar city. It must also be mentioned that the Mujahid citizens of Kandahar city were standing shoulder to shoulder with Mujahideen and employed different tactics to attack the enemy.
As a policy of war, the enemy once again deployed their media machine and banned all free journalists on reporting the truth while at the same time lied about civilian casualties caused by Mujahideen. It should be mentioned that only governmental facilities were targeted by Mujahideen in their operation hence no civilians were harmed. The enemy also talked about civilian casualties being reported from Mirwaise hospital, which rejected these statements by contacting Alemarah website and said that they were never even reached by the government or international forces for comments.</blockquote>
<a href="http://shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7231

<blockquote>Wednesday, 11 May 2011 18:52 Qari Yousuf Ahmadi
KANDAHAR, May. 11 – At 11:00 am this morning, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate shot dead a police officer and seized his pistol in Herat Darwaza area located in the heart of Kandahar city.</blockquote>
<a href="http://shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7213

<blockquote>Tuesday, 10 May 2011 23:20 Qari Yousuf Ahmadi
KANDAHAR, May. 10 – Reports from Shurawak district say that a border police vehicle was obliterated by a roadside bomb late yesterday afternoon near the district center, killing and officer and 5 of his gunmen onboard.</blockquote>
<a href="http://shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7228:nawbahar-district-headquarters-hit-by-missiles&catid=1:news&Itemid=2"> Nawbahar district headquarters hit by missiles</a>
<blockquote>Wednesday, 11 May 2011 18:50 Qari Yousuf Ahmadi
ZABUL, May. 11 – Nawbahar district headquarters was hit by 2 missiles fired by Mujahideen as art of ‘Badar’ operation at around 02:00 pm yesterday but the extent of damage and casualties caused is not known.</blockquote>
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<a href="http://shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7232:the-martyrdom-of-sheikh-osama-will-not-benefit-america&catid=2:comments&Itemid=3"> The Martyrdom of Sheikh Osama Will not Benefit America.</a>
<blockquote>Wednesday, 11 May 2011 20:03
The Americans are claiming that their special forces martyred Sheik Osama bin Laden, the founder and leader of Al-qaeda in Pakistan on May 2.They say that they placed his body in the sea after taking custody of it during the raid.
Americans and other countries that have been waging a crusade against the Islamic Ummah for the past decade and are partners in the occupation of the Islamic lands of Afghanistan and Iraq, once again showed their enmity and spite against Islam by martyring Sheikh Osama and expressing jubilation over his demise. They called his martyrdom a landmark victory of their crusade.
No doubt, Sheikh Osama was a skyscraper of bravery, a dedicated supporter of the Islamic Ummah and a sword of magnanimity of Muslims against the invading unbelievers. He spent a great part of his life for the defense of the Islamic Ummah, striving to deliver the Muslims lands from the claws of the infidels and gain freedom. He offered unprecedented sacrifices in this cause. He and his steadfast Mujahideen and colleagues struggled tirelessly in the way of independence of the first Qibla of the Muslims ( the Baitul Moqadas), Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and other Islamic lands which are occupied by the invading infidels. This is to mention a few of the services he rendered in the way of Islam and Jihad. He laid foundation of strongholds of the invincible struggle and Jihad and continued with the task of rearing, training, enlighterening and equipping Mujahideen. The Islamic Ummah will neither forget the struggle of this great Mujahid nor his unwavering stance against falsehood and arrogance in the way of realization of truth.
The invading Americans and coalition of the crusade should not think that their wicked war against the Islamic Ummah will triumph or weakness will permeate the ranks of Jihad of the Muslims. They should know that, throughout the history, the proud leaders of the Islamic Ummah have left behind a sacred and honorable legacy of Jihadic thoughts and determination to the emerging generations of the Ummah that they will not falter as a result of martyrdom, removal and nomination of personalities.
As long as the invading infidels are bent on continuing their colonialist ambitions against the Islamic Ummah, until then, every committed son of the Ummah who has wake conscience and feeling will keep on protecting the Islamic values and sovereignty. Therefore, the martyrdom of Sheikh Osama will not benefit the Americans.
The Americans and their puppets should know from the spirit and tenacity of the operations launched by the Mujahideen in Afghanistan under the name of Badre, which are now in full swing all over the country, particularly, they should know from the steadfastness and persistence of the three-days long operations in the provincial center of Kandahar and adjacent localities, that how superior morale the Mujahideen are having. By now they must have understood that the martyrdom of Sheik Osama has no impact on the Jihadic determination of Mujahideen.
The Afghans will not forget the sacrifices and struggle of Sheikh Osama, this great patron of Islam, who fought shoulder to shoulder with the Afghans against the former Soviet Union as well as his services in terms of equipping Mujahideen and sponsoring families of the martyrs.
To end, we strongly believe that the Almighty Allah will open up a vista of light for the Islamic Ummah through the blessings of the pure and sacred blood of Sheikh Osama and other thousands of martyrs.
Afghanistan and all Islamic countries now under occupation of the infidels will find emancipation and an Islamic reign will usher in, if God willing.</blockquote>
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<a href="http://shahamat-english.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7182:remarks-of-the-spokesman-of-the-islamic-emirate-regarding-the-baseless-claim-of-presence-of-children-in-the-ranks-of-mujahideen&catid=4:statements&Itemid=4"> Remarks of the Spokesman of the Islamic Emirate Regarding the Baseless Claim of Presence of Children in the Ranks of Mujahideen</a>
<blockquote>Tuesday, 10 May 2011 13:03
As in the past, the propaganda outfits of the enemy claim now time and again that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan use children and adolescents in their Jihadic operations. They also claim that there are a great number of children in the ranks of the Mujahideen. We would like to make it clear for all that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has strictly banned participation of adolescents in Jihadic operations as per its policy. The 12th article of the Book of Conduct of Mujahideen, gives Mujahideen the following guidance in this regard:
“Article 29: The teenagers (boys with no beards) are legally banned to stay in hostels and military centers with Mujahideen.”
Abiding by the instructions of the Books of Conduct in their dispensation of Jihadic activities, the Mujahideen have strictly seen to the implementation of the articles of the Book of Conduct of Mujahideen, by not allowing youngsters to join their ranks. Despite these realities, if the enemy is still bent on circulating futile claims or some propaganda outfits continue harping on the same issue, then it can be said, it is only their propaganda stunt. It is a matter of irony that nothing is said about the Kabul Puppet Regime regarding this issue while almost half of their security personnel comprise of adolescents. According to an estimate, 45% of police, public security units and private security companies personnel consist of either children or adolescents. These children have joined the ranks of the enemy on the enemy’s luring, taking advantage of their ignorance and lack of knowledge. They have never joined the ranks out of any rationale motive.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan calls on human rights organizations to pay attention to this issue and prevent the enemy from using the adolescents of the Afghan nation for furthering their unlawful goals.
Qari Mohammad Yousaf Ahmadi
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan</blockquote>
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