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Temporary Duty ( TD ) merged

CDN Aviator said:
Max.....my personal feeling is that alot of fiscal policie are written vaguely for a reason. It leaves room for managers / COs to make decisions depending on their budget situations.

IIRC, on the joining instructions for Sea Survival there is some verbiage to the effect that a specific exemption to the policy has been requested and approved in order to house candidates in lower-than-entitled standard (in that case 2 per room).  In my mind, that suggests that a specific exemption is required, not just a WO's discretion (which is what was suggested).  Unless perhaps the Aircrew policy is written differently (??)
Last year while on course in Ottawa with 3 other people from my unit I was place in my own room in a Best Western, even had a rental car!

I was also forced to share a cabin at the Tigh-na-mara in parksville with 2 other people while doing sub trials....  2 OTHER PEOPLE!!

I had to share my closet in Comox with another guy while on sea survival

I had to share my accommodations with a squirrel on BSERE

Does any of that matter?  No.

This guy needs some kleenex  :crybaby:  you get what you get and that's it.  My feeling is that he dislikes his roomie!  He is also leading his junior personnel down the wrong path.

SupersonicMax said:
My interpretation of all that is that the CO cannot give less that what the policies outline.  Am I right or right out in the left field?

I do not completely agree with George, I think you are somewhere in the middle. Your rright, if the policy states you are entitled then so be it the CO must agree to expend the funds accordingly or not send you. However, no where is it stated that each individual is entitled to a single room. CFTDTI's are written in the singular term and are intended to adress an individual proceeding on TD (as its name implies).

The policy for lodgings is meant to provide with commercial lodgings only if Military or Government accommodations are not available. Therefore not leaving you without any accomodation entitlement in the event SQ's were not available.

Aviator recommends you ask your CC and I am telling you just that as a CC myself. If you want to challenge the regulations then do so as ranting about them in an internet forum won't get you anything. Fact is you would and will get the very same answer I provided here and will only result in being perceived as someone who is attempting to bend the interpretation of the rules to suit your personal agenda as they are clear to everyone else out there (except maybe those by the pool).

Seriously though, all who seem to be confused by this entitlement should consider that SQ dorms are suitable accommodations for CF members, let alone a hotel room. You make the pick.

Not pointing anyone out, but hopefully the self-serving attitudes as displayed in this thread are not indicative of the general attitude throughout their service. Those who normally display these traits are all people I would not want to trust to cover my back with any type of weapon.
PO2FinClk said:
I do not completely agree with George, I think you are somewhere in the middle. Your rright, if the policy states you are entitled then so be it the CO must agree to expend the funds accordingly or not send you. However, no where is it stated that each individual is entitled to a single room. CFTDTI's are written in the singular term and are intended to adress an individual proceeding on TD (as its name implies).

The policy for lodgings is meant to provide with commercial lodgings only if Military or Government accommodations are not available. Therefore not leaving you without any accomodation entitlement in the event SQ's were not available.

Aviator recommends you ask your CC and I am telling you just that as a CC myself. If you want to challenge the regulations then do so as ranting about them in an internet forum won't get you anything. Fact is you would and will get the very same answer I provided here and will only result in being perceived as someone who is attempting to bend the interpretation of the rules to suit your personal agenda as they are clear to everyone else out there (except maybe those by the pool).

Seriously though, all who seem to be confused by this entitlement should consider that SQ dorms are suitable accommodations for CF members, let alone a hotel room. You make the pick.

Not pointing anyone out, but hopefully the self-serving attitudes as displayed in this thread are not indicative of the general attitude throughout their service. Those who normally display these traits are all people I would not want to trust to cover my back with any type of weapon.

PO2FinClk, I agree with your post, however, I find it somewhat unusual that there is nothing written (to my knowledge) about sending multiple members on TD.  All it says is if a member goes on TD, he is entitled to a single room accomodation if SQs aren't available.  With my interpretation, it doesn't matter if you're by yourself or with other members, you are still entitled to what the policy outlines.  But that's just my interpretation.

EDIT:  I'm not ranting about the policies, just trying to clarify it.  I'm not doing it to support the original poster. 

I have nothing against SQ dorms.

Personally, I wouldn't/didn't care and I think the original poster needs to seriously reconsider which fights he chooses. Nonetheless, this part of his post (assuming it's the whole truth) smacks of careerism, and might be a legitimate gripe:

nodeg said:
When asked to his reasoning, he said he was looking for a Mastered under 'Resource Management'.
I_am_John_Galt said:
Personally, I wouldn't/didn't care and I think the original poster needs to seriously reconsider which fights he chooses. Nonetheless, this part of his post (assuming it's the whole truth) smacks of careerism, and might be a legitimate gripe:

sounds like sarcasm to me.....he might of also said "because I said so"...
When I was a young subbie our XO used to say "the answer is no......now you go and find out why and come back and tell me....he knew his stuff and wanted us to know ours as well."
sounds like sarcasm to me.....he might of also said "because I said so"...
When I was a young subbie our XO used to say "the answer is no......now you go and find out why and come back and tell me....he knew his stuff and wanted us to know ours as well."

That did occur to me, but at the same time I found it harder to believe that a sarcastic comment would be the subject of grievance (then again, even I have seen things far more petty than that ....  :-\ )
I_am_John_Galt said:
That did occur to me, but at the same time I found it harder to believe that a sarcastic comment would be the subject of grievance (then again, even I have seen things far more petty than that ....  :-\ )

Oh man, we are living in the "age of petty." We had an Admin Assistant when I was in Pet was going to file a grievance with the Union because all us males in the office left the toilet seat up and she considered that a workplace hazard! Then there was a guy I worked with at an unnamed base who was an officer (commissioned from the ranks too not a snotter) who filed a harrassment complaint against his boss (a busy major) because he didn't say good morning to him and ask him how he was doing on several occassions? Man in the old days I was glad if the "two and a half" ignored me.....it meant he wasn't going to download any crap on me that day.
I've been trying to figure out how the whole TD system truely works and no one in my CoC has been able to give me a straight answer with regards to TD.

My question is, if my employing unit is in city A, and I am require to commute to city B on a daily basis for work by PMV, first, am I eligible for TD? Secondly, am I eligible for the high kilometric rate?

I've read the CFTDTIs and was told that the information in there is not applicable if you're not on TD. When I look up the definition of TD in CMP 20/04 it states:

d. Temporary Duty – Reserve Force (TD – Res F). TD is used when a
member is required to attend a course or perform a duty, for a period of
six months or less, at a place outside the location of the member’s home
unit. TD includes the travelling time to the place of TD and return;

My home unit, and, according to my Class B Statement of understanding, is in City A. Would that not mean that I am eligible for TD? Is there any other documents I should look up in order to understand how the system works?
If you're using your own vehicle daily to perform your duty, I'd think that's enough justification for you to get your own CFR'd vehicle to use. I believe TD is used when you're sleeping away from home, as compensation for increased meal and incidental costs, not daily trips.
required to attend a course or perform a duty

This is what you need to define....are you "required" and if so does it qualify....
No high rate.  Not TD.  You are eligible for a commuting allowance at low rate.

Look at CBI 209.045 - http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dgcb-dgras/pub/cbi-dra/doc/209-01.pdf

You are entitled to low rate both ways for the shortest possible distance.

This is what you need to define....are you "required" and if so does it qualify....

I am required as I am teaching a course in city B, whereas my employing unit is in City A.
High rate is for TD with an overnight stay, when it's the most cost-efficient option.

In this case, your entitlement is for Reserve Commuting Allowance.
PMV Travel Waiver and Cost Comparison Worksheet

      Where a member requests to take a PMV in lieu of the most cost efficient
and practical mode of travel (usually commercial air plus taxi/bus) as determined
by the CO, the member may be reimbursed the high kilometric rate up to the cost
of the most efficient and practical mode of transportation. Members receive the
lesser of either the cost of the normal mode of transportation (including meals
and incidentals for the first day of each journey) or high rate mileage.
You'll have to wait until Monday for proof of this, but I do recall a group of members who successfully managed to get high kilometric rate paid for some (or all) of their travel costs when they were directed to attend a civilian course in the same city, but at a different location of work than normal.  To be precise, they attended training at a civilian institution.  Whether they were paid none, some or all of their kilometres at high rate depended on where they lived in relation to both their normal place of work and their temporary place of work.  I'm going off memory here but I think I have all the facts correct.

Stand by until Monday and I'll give you a DWAN link to the precedent for this one.

Alright, thanks in advance Occam.

Does anyone know at what point overnight stay (and thus TD) is supposed to be granted? For example, is there a distance or something which, if you're required to work past away from your home unit/emoloying unit, you are entitled to TD/over night stay?

At which point is TD entitled? and if its only entitled if you stay overnight, at which point is overnight stay entitled?