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The adventures of bekkamgov and her Boyfriend

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bekkamgov said:
why do u have to be such a disrespectful idiot all the f***en time. I thought u had some rule about no personal attacks. well u have been doing them to me since I asked my first question. I thought these forums were to find out things about the military. but soon as someone asks a question ya got to insult them right. cause u think everyone is stupid but yourself. sorry I'm not in the military and don't no nothing about it. so do speak to me like I'm stupid..



I want to know if you get recoursed does your swipes get erased? Do you have to be recoursed to week 0? 
Back to this are we......your boyfreind knows this or can ask his chain of command.
sorry for asking a question.. I just heard 2 different answers. I heard from my brother that because he was recoursed they are gone. Then I heard from my boyfriend that because he wasn't recoursed to week0 (he was recoursed to week 1) then they weren't erased.. I was just wondering which one was true.
bekkamgov said:
sorry for asking a question.. I just heard 2 different answers. I heard from my brother that because he was recoursed they are gone. Then I heard from my boyfriend that because he wasn't recoursed to week0 (he was recoursed to week 1) then they weren't erased.. I was just wondering which one was true.

It will depend on the policy in place at the school at the time. Sometimes course files are purged back to the point of joining the new course, and sometimes they aren't to keep the candidate's full training history together. If your boyfriend was the one who has been recoursed, then what he was told is probably what happened with his file.
Can my employer keep me from going to an appointment with the recruiter if I have to work that day?
Mine would I haven't been allowed to take a sick day or vacation for the 2 years I have been employed there.
Stacked said:
Can your employer keep you from going to a doctors appointment?
It's the same as anything else.....

Wow good job on the shitty advice. 

Bekkamgov, yes.  Your employer doesn't have to let you off work to meet a recruiter. It's basically your employer letting you off work to go to an interview for a job in another company.  You can call in a sick day, reschedule your recruiting appointment or just skip work and face the consequences.
bekkamgov said:
Can my employer keep me from going to an appointment with the recruiter if I have to work that day?


Imagine that, employers expecting their employees to be at their jobs. What is this world comming to ?

Hey buddy i wouldn't worry too much about going to the cfrc because there is like nothing open anyways so just wait a while and ask for a day off with a long time in advance so you can make it on time cause you might pass out if you hold your breath for a career in the CF right now.  But I do wish you all the best in your steps trying to get in.  Aviator do you have to be a dick about most things you could be a little more caring cause they are civies.
davidsonr_91 said:
Hey buddy i wouldn't worry too much about going to the cfrc because there is like nothing open anyways so just wait a while and ask for a day off with a long time in advance so you can make it on time cause you might pass out if you hold your breath for a career in the CF right now.  But I do wish you all the best in your steps trying to get in.  Aviator do you have to be a dick about most things you could be a little more caring cause they are civies.
Well damn skippy, you seem to have a grip on all the info about recruiting....*insert sarcasm here*.
CA: backblast clear!
well my boyfriend and I are getting married in December. We are going to be moving in together after he is finished his training and gets his permanent posting. In the mean time I'm living with my parents and his things are at his parents. I know that they CF will help with moving expanses but will they help if we live at two different addresses if we are married.
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