Yoman, I like the way you think!!!!! 8)
Yes, 51 has an abudance of FSgts. 8 as a matter of fact. So we have 4 as Flt Comds, 1 who assists the Admin O and is in charge of Duty NCO's, 1 who takes care of Dress and Deportment, 1 who is in charge of Flag Party and runs the Sqn drill practices(formally me), and 1 who assists the TRG O(my current job). Normally we would only have 7 FSgts and 3 WO 2's, with 1 as Dep, 1 as SWO, and the last as TRG, however, we're short on WO 2's so I"m doing TRG. Clear as mud?
Now, all NCO's are to ensure that the drill is up to snuff, however, if there is a specific problem it is generally the Drill NCO that takes care of this.