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The air cadet thread

yoman said:
So that's why when the cadets on parade sound like their saying "ing"   instead of "wing" when their issuing commands. Ah well we all know what they mean.

Exactly, and if you were at the last wing parade in Sept, and if you listened closely, and you were close enough, you could hear the Wing WO1 call out "wang". It sounds close, but that's what she was saying.

WO2_mandal said:
3. and for the sing song, i heard somewhere that they held the commands a little longer so that the command carries throughout the whole parade square so everyone can hear. I'm not exactly sure about it, but it could be true.

What I've heard, and laughed at the person who said it, was that it gave the cadets more time to get ready to do the movement... ::) Even if it does, it's incorrect and shouldn't be done.

Kyle Burrows said:
Whats Air Cadet for I'm a master bull crapper?

SLC grad......... ;)
AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaa............magic........pure magic............
I was in 742 Squadon.

Basic 95 - Bagotville
ACIC 96 - Lac Sebastien/Bagotville
Aircrew Survival 97 - Lac Sebastien/Bagotville
MES 98 - Lac Sebastien/Bagotville
IES Staff 99 - Lac Sebastien/Bagotville

Got out as a WO2 and now am 2Lt in the Reg Force

Cheers :salute:
If only everyone could march through those hangar doors. 

\M/    Sauve Flt '94  \m/
I'd rather taxi than march through ANY hanger doors.....

And Mandel, you know what IES really stands for eh?
*sigh* im scared to think what ou're going to say........Instructeur en Survie
Offically yes, but every non-SI knows it really stands for "I'm Extremly Stupid"......;)
Condor and others...thank you for your insights.....

As for  light infantry pace:  short paces (tiny paces) coupled with the arm thingy appears to have led to an increase in the pace..........

WO2_mandal said:
gliding is only fallin slowly! u dont fly!!!!!! there :P
It's not just falling, it's falling with style!  8)

Steel Badger, no problem, and I get what you mean about the pace now....

PPCLI MCpl, I'll take that as a compliment.
condor888000 said:
It's not just falling, it's falling with style!   8)

I agree, although I preffer power aircraft because you can stay up longer.
Never seen a glider soaring eh?

Always remember, power can go the distance, but a good glider pilot can keep it up all day long.....  ;)
Steel Badger,
I can't believe the drill that you have described, nor can I believe some of the responses. Appearently, what you have described is wide spread throughout the Toronto area, do these units have any PRes or Reg Force supervision, if so what has this been allowed to continue. It sound disgusting. However, Air Cadets have always had the sing song words for as long as I can remember, I don't think it can be eliminated. But from what I can remember there was nothing ineffective about it.

Those who can't fly.. take SLC, it's too simple...then to justify their weaknesses with the bragging about the crse and their accomplishment. And issue as old as the hills, but I had to put my 2 cents in

Condor, was that little Scotty Lomond as the Flt Comd?
Scott937 said:
Steel Badger,
I can't believe the drill that you have described, nor can I believe some of the responses. Appearently, what you have described is wide spread throughout the Toronto area, do these units have any PRes or Reg Force supervision, if so what has this been allowed to continue. It sound disgusting. However, Air Cadets have always had the sing song words for as long as I can remember, I don't think it can be eliminated. But from what I can remember there was nothing ineffective about it.

Bad drill is far more wide spread than is believed. I've been able to pick out a major flaw in the drill of every cadet in my flight, including myself, only exception is my 2IC whos been on drill team for 4 years. PRes of Reg assistence can only assist so much, we have a Reg Maj who is in charge of our dress and deprotment, it helps, but we still have difficulity.

Scott937 said:
Those who can't fly.. take SLC, it's too simple...
I'm not SL and I disagree totally with that statement. Piloting is very stressfull, I would imagine the academics at SL wouldn't be that easy either, neither would the sheer amount of PT at AI, or the SMR at SI. All sre stressfull and take plenty of brains. Piloting may have the most obvious or dangerous consequeces, but that doesn't mean the rest are "bird' courses.
Scott937 said:
then to justify their weaknesses with the bragging about the crse and their accomplishment. And issue as old as the hills, but I had to put my 2 cents in
Some come back with an ego the size of the country, alot of pilots end up with the same thing, as do AI's, SI's, bandies etc....There does seem to be more of them come from SL but that doesn't mean it's a bad course or that it turns out bad cadets.

Scott937 said:
Condor, was that little Scotty Lomond as the Flt Comd?

Not sure, I never found out her first name. She's the Capt in the bottom right corner of the bottom pic...

