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The "Did Minister Sajjan 'Order' Sikh's To Be Airlifted?" Merged Thread

Just read the beginning of a story in the Globe and Mail that he requested 100 soldiers to perform with some Punjabi pop star a few months ago.
(On my phone and not a subscriber so it disappeared on me)

Would they have been able to source that many Sikhs from the area or was he planning some TD and flights?

So a private entertainment business requested Canadian Forces resources through the MP in whose riding the event was going to take place. While it may be entirely coincidental that the MP and the entertainer may share a cultural background and was not a factor in making the request through his office, that may be unlikely. Even so, the response from the Minister, as reported, appears to be text book. It was forwarded to the appropriate Minister (MND) along with a recommendation (even that was not out of line - I would have weighed the potential PR benefit in much the same way) and then it was staffed as any other request for resources would be.

The Canadian military doesn't receive requests for resources in support of entertainment events quite like our neighbours to the south. But we have in the past and have provided support in the past. Discounting the entertainment units (Snowbirds, Skyhawks, CG) and participation at sporting events, the CF have supported a few films and TV shows with equipment and "permitted" uniformed pers to participate. As far as I know, when pers participated in those activities the companies producing the shows were required to pay the soldiers (who were on leave at the time).

So what makes this story any different, other the racial heritage of the Minister and the entertainer?
No dog in the fight, just posted the link because the previous poster couldn't.