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The Election

  • Thread starter Thread starter SFontaine
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I was watching CPAC for a few minutes one day, and they had three strategists from the major parties there. What I witnessed there sums up the viewpoint I have long held on the parties.

The NDP and Conservatives both know what they believe in and aren‘t afraid to tell people what that is. The Liberals on the other hand seemed to be more variable or fickle. They want to tell you what you want to hear, and they were more content with throwing buzzwords out there than offering anything firm. While I think that could generally be a good thing, i.e. a government that tries to please its people, their tenure in office has led me to believe that they‘re not capable of doing such a thing.
muskrat89 said:
Canada has sovereignty? I must have missed that while I was pledging undying allegience to a non-Canadian Queen and all.
Oh? Was that against your will? If you didn't agree with the pledge you took, the honourable thing would've been not to take it. Maybe you support your personal principles through internet message boards, as opposed to personal actions...

The pledge is mandatory for citizens, politicians, civil servants, soldiers, etc.
Ghost778 said:
You can always tell who the message board vets are when they pop up throwing around the classic catch words such as flaming, ignorant and trolls and trolling. Show me where i said this show me where i said that. What i really ment was. Im new here but im going to be as loud and confrontational as possible. Please do not FLAME me i find it very offensive

Unlike happy feely PLUR message boards if you act like a door nob or make an *** out of yourself your going to get negitive attention. yes, maybe even "flames" too.

Look, if you don't feel like voting than don't vote. If you can't find someone you want to support go order some stickers that say "Vote Goober, quit begging the question it's very trollish of you.

I didn't realize having a different opinion than the popular one was making an ass out of myself.

Doesn't matter anyway, I was only stating my opinion. Sheesh.
gate_guard said:
Originally posted by nbk:
And just for the record, you (and Goober) are exactly the type of people politicians love. They don't have to worry about getting your vote, and also don't have to worry about you voting for another party. You think you're making a statement by not voting, but merely making things easier for the parties and politicians you so despise. Perfect for them. Good job stud.
Paul Martin and is Liberals are sweating their nuts off, lying awake at night and getting generally nasty to everyone around them due to the fact that according to the polls  those that do vote are going to vote against them.
That is all the reason I need to vote. Make the suckers squirm and if we're really lucky defeat them.
??? Excuse me, but why is Paul Martin and the Liberals trying to make this election about bilingualism?
As important as language is in Canada I think it pales in comparison to issues such as health care, education, taxes, defence, unemployment and education. Another smokescreen to rile up the masses while avoiding the issues that really matter and effect every Canadian as a whole?
SFontaine - Maybe I am misunderstanding you. As a citizen, I've never been required to pledge allegiance to the Queen. As far as soldiers and civil servants, if one disagrees in principle with any of the requirements, including pledging allegiance to the Queen - they are never forced to choose that career path......
Correct if I'm wrong, but don't we have a choice in the oath we take when we get sworn in?
muskrat89 said:
SFontaine - Maybe I am misunderstanding you. As a citizen, I've never been required to pledge allegiance to the Queen. As far as soldiers and civil servants, if one disagrees in principle with any of the requirements, including pledging allegiance to the Queen - they are never forced to choose that career path......

I understand what you mean but I'm just saying that we claim to be a sovereign country but we hold allegience to a foreign Queen. I don't have   a problem with it honestly but I wonder what we truly are. It just seems silly to call us sovereign.

Furthermore I'm not going to let the chance to serve my country and better myself pass me by simply due to a differing of opinion. That would be petty.
I understand what you mean but I'm just saying that we claim to be a sovereign country but we hold allegience to a foreign Queen. I don't have  a problem with it honestly but I wonder what we truly are. It just seems silly to call us sovereign.

Furthermore I'm not going to let the chance to serve my country and better myself pass me by simply due to a differing of opinion. That would be petty.

You obviously do not understand the concept of soveriegnty.  Canada is a sovereign nation in that it decides it's own domestic and foreign policies.  Regardless of whether you pledge alliegence to a queen or a flag, the de facto power rests in the hands of the democratically elected government.
If we're truly sovereign we should pledge alliegance to a symbol of our own country. Everyone always goes on about what a unique country Canada is, why don't we have our own symbol to pledge allegience to and not a foreigner?
why don't we have our own symbol to pledge allegience to

The maple leaf suits me just fine, i see it every day i go to work on my left shoulder.
You don't need to give a big speach, a picture  of a monarch or to put your hand on a bible to hold something close to your heart.
If we're truly sovereign we should pledge alliegance to a symbol of our own country. Everyone always goes on about what a unique country Canada is, why don't we have our own symbol to pledge allegience to and not a foreigner?

Your not listening...you'll make a fine recruit if you keep it up.

Again, your confusing sovereignty with some sort of cushy symbol.   Sovereignty is the power of the Government of Canada to act; this power is backed by the monopolization of coercive force.   Despite the influences that many may decry, as a sovereign state Canada's decisions are not decided in Washington or London; the government in Canada bears sole responsibility for their implementation.
Infanteer said:
If we're truly sovereign we should pledge alliegance to a symbol of our own country. Everyone always goes on about what a unique country Canada is, why don't we have our own symbol to pledge allegience to and not a foreigner?

Your not listening...you'll make a fine recruit if you keep it up.

Just having a friend debate, Sir. I apologize if it looks like I'm not listening. I guess we just have different views of sovereignty.
Well looks like the liberals are at it again... hocus pocus abra kadabra.. "a new deal on gas tax revenue sharing with cities" promised by Paul Martin.   It's amazing the garbage that spews out of his mouth.   Anything for a vote I guess.   I wonder if PM has seen this? http://www.liberals.ca/
I fail to see how that applies as "garbage". Care to elaborate?
  I think what girlallfiredup is trying to say that the man is lying through his teeth like his counterpart in Ontario, Dalton McGuilty. I don't know if you are aware of it but the provincial Liberal government just hit us with a huge tax increase disguised as a health surcharge after signing a pledge not to raise taxes prior to being elected. This is only one of McGuilty's broken promises and we in Ontario are having a hard time believing anything coming out of a Liberal's mouth. For instance what ever happened to scrapping the GST?
Goober said:
I fail to see how that applies as "garbage". Care to elaborate?

I'm sorry that you fail to see that what comes out of Paul Martin's mouth and the "promises" he's made to us canadians is nothing more than garbage.  Rick_Donald is right.. I'm having a hard time believing anything this man says.
Just having a friend debate, Sir. I apologize if it looks like I'm not listening. I guess we just have different views of sovereignty.

What you don't understand is I am not trying to debate you, I'm trying to teach you something.  I didn't major in Political Science for nothing.
Goober said:
I totally disagree with you. How can you say someone loses the right to criticize just because they exercized thier right to not vote? I would feel pretty bad if the party I voted for was elected and happened to screw the country (sponsorship scandel).

Again I'm judged and thrashed by a member of these forums. You can keep your insults to yourself, and please refrain from posting any more.
First, the people opposing you on this site (and there are many of them) did not, and will not, vote for the liberals, (your sponsorship scandal example) that is the point being made, that not voting is just as bad as voting for the liberals.

Second, you are not being 'thrashed' or insulted by the members of this forum, you are being proven wrong. If you don't like it, it is best to know what you are talking about. Infanteer gave my advice when I started posting that I will now give to you: DO NOT POST unless you know what you are doing, read, think, then post if you have something worth saying.

Goober said:
Congratulations, you just proved his is bigger than mine. I asked him to stop posting if all he does is flame, just repeating what a moderator said in another post.

You Realize don't you, that Infanteer (the 'troll' you referred to in a previous post) is a moderator on this site, and is vastly more experienced than you are. Infanteer also has a degree in Political Science, so it is a very bad idea to get on the wrong side of a Political Discussion with him.

Goober said:
I fail to see how that applies as "garbage". Care to elaborate?
So what, are you defending the liberals now? I thought you were going to abstain from voting?