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The Election

  • Thread starter Thread starter SFontaine
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You Realize don't you, that Infanteer (the 'troll' you referred to in a previous post) is a moderator on this site, and is vastly more experienced than you are. Infanteer also has a degree in Political Science, so it is a very bad idea to get on the wrong side of a Political Discussion with him.

Thanks for the back up, but don't take the degree too seriously.  It's a piece of paper, and you'd be surprised at the asstards they give that thing too.  There are many wise and savvy guys in the military that will teach you things that will stick with you for life, and some of them never even finished high school.  For the most part, politics is about points of view (ie: should we support free market economics or be lazy socialists) and anyone who can give good reasons for their belief can contribute to the political dialogue.

Remember, in most cases experience will outweigh the facts someone yanked off of some book or heard from some professor who likes to hear himself talk.

That being said, I have first hand experience of dragging the definition of sovereignty out of the text books for 4 years, and that is why I insist on correcting Mr Fontaine's version of the term.


Here is a thought I just had.  Now that the Grit vote has been mended from the previous Reform/PC split and many are tired of Liberal boondoggales, some see the Conservative Party giving the Liberals a run for their money in Ontario.  If their is some sort of near split in the province, which usually decides the vote, I guess western Canada (BC in particular) will become sort of a swing vote.  It'll be nice out here to actually have the vote be crucial instead of learing as soon as the polls close that Sourthern Ontario has already decided on the new government.

What do you guys think about that?
I like it, it forces the libs to sweat, and not break out the champagne just because they won more seats in Ontario or Quebec.

I will be voting Conservative, and trying to persuade my friends to do the same, but, if not, that's OK too, because everyone is entitled to their own opinion and their own say.

Piece of paper or no, I will still take the word of a degree holder more highly than the word of a kid off the street. I know that there can be some fruit loops in the program, but most of them do get weeded out.(I hope)

Cheers :cdn:
Can we really believe that any Political Party thats in Power for  12 Years is not going to in-cure some scandals, mis-management,broken promises or area's of public dis-content.

Of course to prove this point we would have to wait and see   (maybe 12 years) if the NDP or PC's get in.

But! you say they couldn't do any worse, you could be very right.


I'm really getting sick of that phrase.

Christ, these are established political parties in one of the oldest democracies in the world.  Its not as if this election is one between National Socialists and Versailles Traitors.  Some of you are acting like the future of a free society depends on the upcoming election.
Jings Fast Eddy do you think?

I mean this one's pushing me into the fire, its getting kind of hot and the pitchfork is kind of sharp.

Aye your right enough.  I should just keep going into the fire.  Who knows how much worse the other guy could be? He might try to drown me!!

Drop a line and let us know if you decided to get out of bed tomorrow.  I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.

This upcoming election is a complete joke.   IMHO, none of these leaders are worthy of representing this country.   Have we even seen a plan from any of them?   How do they plan on getting there?   The only reason I'm voting conservative is because I'm sick of the liberals as is the majority of this country and that is what's making the conservatives look so appealing.  So what does that say about them?  Apart from their "plan" to finally sink some dollars into our military, I just don't see a conservative party running the show.   It's a scary thought actually.   Harper or Martin for PM?   Not much of a choice is there?   Just my 2 cents.
The liberals are annoying on defence issues, however Paul Martin has done a wonderful job for Canada's economy, since 1997 we've constantly had a large surplus in government spending that has enabled the gov't to significantly reduce our national debt (by about 30 billion dollars). Since most of you are military personel I understand your frustration about defence spending but keep in mind, it always comes down to economics. That's why I'm voting for Jack Layton.....Buahaha, not!
I think what you mean to say is, since 1997 we've constantly had a large surplus in government spending that has enabled the gov't to waste more money on pet projects and special interest groups.

I'm supposed to be happy that the  Liberals have saved billions of dollars by gutting the CF and other proud and productive Canadian institutions, and then wasted that same money by canceling neccesary projects and paying hundreds of millions in fees, starting a billion dollar gun registration database that's absolutely useless, and giving more money to Quebec and french language projects in order to keep them happy?  I don't fucking think so.
When the Liberals first came into power most people predicted we were in for an era of skyrocketing national debt, financial stagnation and worsening employment prospects.   Now, we have one of the strongest economies in the G-7, and a history of perhaps the most sound and forward looking budgets tabled by ANY western nation.   I refuse to overlook this.

I also don't plan to overlook the fact that a great deal of the Liberal's success in this regard rode on the hard decisions made by the Progressive Conservatives (the GST without which paying down Canada's debt would be impossible, and Free Trade on which much of our economic strength resides) which made them widely unpopular at the time, and contributed to their defeat, but in retrospect were the right decisions.   However much they benefitted from what at the time they decried, the Liberals still get credit from me for managing all this in an intelligent manner.   And yes, they did.   A few scandals don't change the essentially excellent management.

We don't realize it, because we're right in the middle of the good times (which are always relative, and never enough), but we have it damn good right now, and what we're quibbling about are relatively minor issues when compared to the successes this nation has achieved in the last ten years - particularly when compared with how bad we thought things were going to be ten years ago.    I do not plan on throwing this away on a protest vote to a party I feel is not fit to govern the nation - that is, the Canadian Alliance, of which I see far too much in the new Conservatives.

So Harper isn't going to buy my vote even with his promises of massive infusions into the military (which seem more election granstanding than solid policy anyway).   I simply don't trust his party and I fundamentally disagree with some basic parts of their platform.   I remember too many of its past policies and statments that I found odious.   When the CA elements are fully purged, then I'll willingly vote Conservative, but not before.
TIM, I don't imagine it'd be too hard to run a balanced budget and pay back the national debt when the average Canadian spends nearly 50% of his/her income on taxes.  While we may have one of the best economies in the G7, we also have one of the highest tax rates in the world.  I personaly think it'd be nice to see a little more efficiency and a little less taxes.
I really wonder if good management is the proper term when 26% of my tax dollars go to some form of social assistance and 17% goes to a health care system that is in danger of becoming obsolete.

Not that the Conservatives may be any better though; sure the Liberals may have managed the system well, but in my opinion the system itself is broke, and the Liberals have done fuck all in 12 years to fix that.
Talking about 17% going to the health care system and also hearing polls indicating that a good portion think that improving the health care system is a very high priority just makes me shake my head. With 17% going to the health care system, that should be the least of peoples' desires to improve. Just serves as another indicator about what "good fiscal management" really is. Not!
It's the 26% to social services that really pisses me off.   I really like knowing that 1 in 4 of my tax dollars basically goes to someone who is unproductive enough that they cannot look after themselves.

On another note.   I read today that the NDP is fielding about 50 or so candidates under the age of 25.   One in Toronto is 18 years old.   Another onr in Kelowna is a 23 year old Native single mother and has a $60,000 student loan debt; how about that for interest lobby.   There is some good experienced candidates to represent your interests in Parliament.   The NDP pulls it off again.... ::)
an 18 year old??? are they crazy, what if he wins, he'll have to ask mommy's permission to raise her taxes ;)
Hmm, are they intentionally trying to capture the youth vote?  Could be a good move for them in 10 years time.  Well, as long as the people they entice now don't mature or grow a brain, otherwise they're screwed.
Hatchet Man said:
Conservatives, LIEberals need to be turfed. I should metion that I am a Conservative party member

See this is what pisses me off about politics whats the point of pointing out that Mcuinty lied by capitalizing the first part of lieberal.  this is just the same childish shit that makes our country look bad.  I think that politions should be adressing the issue's as they are now instead of throwing childish remarks eachothers way.  Cause what is going to happen is that nothing will be addressed and everyone will be voting blindly, instead of voting for somthing that they believe in.  If your going to bitch and if your going to vote just make sure that you make yourself informed.  Instead of playing into the game and propaganda that can be arrised by media and campagning efforts. really comes down to voting for a lesser evil. 
Iwannabeasoldier said:
Hatchet Man said:
Conservatives, LIEberals need to be turfed. I should metion that I am a Conservative party member

See this is what pisses me off about politics whats the point of pointing out that Mcuinty lied by capitalizing the first part of lieberal.  this is just the same childish shit that makes our country look bad.  I think that politions should be adressing the issue's as they are now instead of throwing childish remarks eachothers way.  Cause what is going to happen is that nothing will be addressed and everyone will be voting blindly, instead of voting for somthing that they believe in.  If your going to bitch and if your going to vote just make sure that you make yourself informed.  Instead of playing into the game and propaganda that can be arrised by media and campagning efforts. really comes down to voting for a lesser evil. 
Uh, dude, it's spelled Liberal
Im wondering if anyone is listening to the NDP's Idea's. or are we all just so against thier former leaders that we dismiss anything they are trying to get across?  I think out of the candidates that we are looking at, Jack layton posessess the best qualities in what our leader should look like.  Before you just decide to vote concervitive just get the liberals out take a look at the NDP site look at what they have to offer our country.....you might be pleasently surprised the site is www.ndp.ca
If someone is very adamant about voting conservative, I doubt they'll even consider the NDP.  First, they're take opposite views on a number of policies.  They're the two parties that are most unlike eachother.  If they have no idea what the conservative party is all about, maybe, but even at that rate, its tough to change their mind.

The reason I dismiss the NDP party is I disagree with them on just about every level.

Iwannabeasoldier said:
Im wondering if anyone is listening to the NDP's Idea's. or are we all just so against thier former leaders that we dismiss anything they are trying to get across?  I think out of the candidates that we are looking at, Jack layton posessess the best qualities in what our leader should look like.  Before you just decide to vote concervitive just get the liberals out take a look at the NDP site look at what they have to offer our country.....you might be pleasently surprised the site is www.ndp.ca

Your joking, right?


You've come to the last place in Canada to try and preach the ideals of socialism and organized crim...I mean labour unionism.