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The Great Gun Control Debate- 2.0

You are a tin foil hatter.

I expect that if we ever have a PM that isn’t Trudeau again you will come and admit to having everything completely wrong,
I have no doubt that JT likely imagines himself in that situation while alone in the bathroom doing things to himself. I don't see him achieving it despite efforts to that end. I do see the steady degradation of personal rights and privacy. Plus the increase of control by the State. The loaf of bread that represent our personal freedoms and rights is slowly being sliced away. We all willing give up a little of that loaf to be able to share in that gravy provided by the country. but these days it costs us more slices for less gravy and the trend is not promising.
I have no doubt that JT likely imagines himself in that situation while alone in the bathroom doing things to himself. I don't see him achieving it despite efforts to that end. I do see the steady degradation of personal rights and privacy. Plus the increase of control by the State. The loaf of bread that represent our personal freedoms and rights is slowly being sliced away. We all willing give up a little of that loaf to be able to share in that gravy provided by the country. but these days it costs us more slices for less gravy and the trend is not promising.
And just which personal freedoms and rights have we lost since 2015 under the JT liberals?
The right to personally own arms is under a bit of a squeeze.
Yes, absolutely, but, if that's all anyone here can think of, then I would categorize the statements "I see the steady degradation of personal rights and privacy" and "the loaf of bread that represent our personal freedoms and rights is slowly being sliced away" as pure hyperbole.
"My body, my choice" seems to have a whole new meaning...
Cryptic digs are fine, but please, I'm actually looking for any actual examples you or anyone else might have where our rights and freedoms have been "slices away" since 2015, because by my count, we actually have more freedoms than we did in 2015.
And just which personal freedoms and rights have we lost since 2015 under the JT liberals?
Emergencies Act
Travel restrictions due to covid regulations
Gun control
Bill C-11 & 18 regarding content and streaming on the internet
Granting authority to FN to control access to traditional territories which removes access to all other Canadians
A number of other smaller measures through other means (policy, OIC)
Emergencies Act
Travel restrictions due to covid regulations
Gun control
Bill C-11 & 18 regarding content and streaming on the internet
Granting authority to FN to control access to traditional territories which removes access to all other Canadians
A number of other smaller measures through other means (policy, OIC)
System 2 thinking spanks System 1 thinking…

Emergencies Act
Travel restrictions due to covid regulations
Gun control
Bill C-11 & 18 regarding content and streaming on the internet
Granting authority to FN to control access to traditional territories which removes access to all other Canadians
A number of other smaller measures through other means (policy, OIC)
Right to due government process for the first three
Right to free media (not state controlled).
Free speech
Emergencies Act
This was both temporary and limited to a very specific group of people and places for a very specific purpose. It's over noe, the slice of bread has been put back.
Travel restrictions due to covid regulations
Again, this was temporary and in response to AN ACTUAL F**KING PANDEMIC. The slice of bread is back.

Bill C-11 & 18 regarding content and streaming on the internet
Don't know enough about these two. One sounds very administrative in nature, the other one sounds like it could be a real dick punch to small content creators. Sounds like they are trying to determine the price of a slice of bread, not actually take it away.

Granting authority to FN to control access to traditional territories which removes access to all other Canadians
I would argue this is giving some rights/freedoms back to the OG Canadians. Kind of like having two sacks of bread and taking a slice from one and giving it to the other. We already had separate sacks.

Gun control
Yep, I disagree with this one, because I don't see an issue with safe and lawful and sensible gun ownership, but honestly... I wouldn't feel any less "free" in Canada if they outright banned all guns. Kind of like throwing away the crust from all the bread. I mean, I actually like the crust, and wanted to eat it, but am I butt hurt that it's gone? No.

A number of other smaller measures through other means (policy, OIC)
Clearly they weren't very significant if I've never heard of them and you weren't even bothered to list them. I guess all the slices are still there.

Do you want me to give you a list of things the liberals have done/enacted that have actually increased the level of freedom in Canada?
Right to due government process for the first three
For the first two, it's literally the executive branches' mandate to take the sort of health measures that they did without having to go through parliament. They literally did their job. For the third, yea, that OIC was bullshit, but now they are passing a bill, which is also bullshit, but they are at least following the process.

Also, "right to due government process" doesn't even make sense from the perspective of government making laws. We're talking about indivudal rights here. If the government doesn't follow the proper process when making a law, I haven't had my rights infringed as a result.

Free speech
In what world would there be completely unregulated media? Even the CPC doesn't advocate that. Our media was ranked 14th most free in the world for 2021 (the most recent full year analysis).

Free speech
The 2021 Human Freedom Index, which factors freedom of speech into its assessment, ranked Canada 6th in the world. Nothing the LPC has enacted has fundamentally limited that.

Where in the sam hell is it you people think you are living?
This was both temporary and limited to a very specific group of people and places for a very specific purpose. It's over noe, the slice of bread has been put back.

Again, this was temporary and in response to AN ACTUAL F**KING PANDEMIC. The slice of bread is back.

Don't know enough about these two. One sounds very administrative in nature, the other one sounds like it could be a real dick punch to small content creators. Sounds like they are trying to determine the price of a slice of bread, not actually take it away.

I would argue this is giving some rights/freedoms back to the OG Canadians. Kind of like having two sacks of bread and taking a slice from one and giving it to the other. We already had separate sacks.

Yep, I disagree with this one, because I don't see an issue with safe and lawful and sensible gun ownership, but honestly... I wouldn't feel any less "free" in Canada if they outright banned all guns. Kind of like throwing away the crust from all the bread. I mean, I actually like the crust, and wanted to eat it, but am I butt hurt that it's gone? No.

Clearly they weren't very significant if I've never heard of them and you weren't even bothered to list them. I guess all the slices are still there.

Do you want me to give you a list of things the liberals have done/enacted that have actually increased the level of freedom in Canada?
All of Canada is claimed by FN's, actually more than all, the consequences of that will come to haunt anyone that wants to go into the back country at some point. Gun Control is nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with vote harvesting, turning a group of Canadians into 2nd class citizens for vote is immoral. There is nothing sensible about it, they just hate people like me and enjoy destroying us. They will also authorize deadly force to make it happen if anyone resists.
One example of creep of the State was to give us powers under the CNWA to enter anywhere to search for plans of structures into water. We at the field level objected to that level of power, they still left it in the Act.
It's debatable if that slice needed to be taken in regards to Covid, as it was already clear any benefit from it had long since gone. There was no need for the Emergency Act or going after people livelihoods. It's clear that the use of exterme powers is their go to method of operation. For now they have their hands tied, but they will undermine those controls.
For the Bills, they are all about controlling who sees what and that will end badly.
There is a pattern to their thinking and it's not healthy for the country in the long term. The Liberal party needs to be burnt to the ground and then rebuilt back to something that benefits Canada.
This was both temporary and limited to a very specific group of people and places for a very specific purpose. It's over noe, the slice of bread has been put back.
So what happens when the Gov targets you for whatever reason they feel?

Again, this was temporary and in response to AN ACTUAL F**KING PANDEMIC. The slice of bread is back.
Once you slice a loaf, it is no longer whole. Precedents set are there to stay.

Don't know enough about these two. One sounds very administrative in nature, the other one sounds like it could be a real dick punch to small content creators. Sounds like they are trying to determine the price of a slice of bread, not actually take it away.

I would argue this is giving some rights/freedoms back to the OG Canadians. Kind of like having two sacks of bread and taking a slice from one and giving it to the other. We already had separate sacks.

Yep, I disagree with this one, because I don't see an issue with safe and lawful and sensible gun ownership, but honestly... I wouldn't feel any less "free" in Canada if they outright banned all guns. Kind of like throwing away the crust from all the bread. I mean, I actually like the crust, and wanted to eat it, but am I butt hurt that it's gone? No.
That is a you feeling. What about the rights of other who feel differently?

Clearly they weren't very significant if I've never heard of them and you weren't even bothered to list them. I guess all the slices are still there.

Do you want me to give you a list of things the liberals have done/enacted that have actually increased the level of freedom in Canada?
Your comments above just show the divide going on.

You personally feel more free, and so are not concerned with the plight of your fellow Canadians.

Queue Martin Niemöller

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
He is for a universal basic income.
Others have already addressed your post, but I wanted to target this point in particular.

First, how is universal basic income a bad thing? Every study so far has said it is a good idea that would effective at dealing with a slew of issues; and
Second, even if the results of UBI trials indicated it was a flawed idea that led to neutral or even worse outcomes for people, how in the hell does his support for it in any way support, indicate, or inform as to his position as a dictator in waiting?