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The Great Gun Control Debate

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  Yup lets ban the ones that look bad  ::)

So tell me Marty, what is the difference between a Rem. 7400 and an AR?????? eh???

Like Mark has said it's BS to say my gun is good, yours is bad. My way of hunting is good, yours is bad.

  If you really are a gun owner you will know that you can put as many holes in a coyote with a bolt as you can with a semi!!!!

Have you every tried to take a second shot at a coyote with a semi or bolt????

These laws are stupid feel good laws for people that don't have a clue. It's why I need 6  5/30 mags for my mini-14 instead of one 30 round mag for the 3 gun matches, because 30 round mags are dangerous  ::)

  And if guns kill people then I had better take mine back cause they are defective :threat:

As a matter of fact I have taken a second shot with an A Bolt . I dont very often have to though, for me anyway one well aimed shot has always been better than hosing er down, ( I think Ive heard that before )I dont think there is much of a difference between the two at all (7400 and AR). I thought I was pretty clear about that ......sorry if I wasnt . And if your idea of hunting is to blast away , I do say my way is better and make no bones about it . I hope I never have the misfortune to be in the same woods as you are .
Apparently the Minister of Justice intends to take action to prohibit these two firearms(Ar-15 and Mini 14) this session.
For more information go to:   www.nfa.ca

Send him a letter!

You really need to get out more

one well aimed shot has always been better than hosing er down,

Tell me exactly how you "hose er down" with a semi auto.   ::)


Now tell me why then if the Rem. 7400 and the AR are pretty much the same thing, why is the AR restricted and the Rem. isn't?????????

I hope I never have the misfortune to be in the same woods as you are .

You won't cause I highly doubt you are a gun owner or hunter!!   :threat:

Doughts are like @##$%^&* everyone has one . I guess Im not an expert ......like you but if its a semi you keep pulling the trigger till the working parts dont come forward again. And you asked me about the 7400 and the AR . I said that I feel they are about the same . I have no problem with not ever seeing a 7400 again.
Marty said:
IMO it seems obvious that these are the kinds of firearms that the Gov wants to get off the street. I do aggree with them in that there is no need to have an assault type weapon available to the general public.

So tell me something Marty, if someone drove a yellow Corvette into a group of people at a crowded bus stop, and killed people, should then all yellow Corvettes be banned too?

Get a grip on reality, and all this PC crap! Don't be fed by a one sided media that has a matched hidden agenda with the PRC government.

You JUST remember one thing Marty, ONE THING, once they ban and take away 'the bad guns' from the law abiding people, they'll be coming for all of your guns too. They already know what type you have,   how many, and where you live.

Gun owners in Canada should stand shoulder to shoulder no matter who owns what type. If not, you are all doomed as gun owners in general.

Marty, it's like this. Do I need one? No, of course not. Most people don't need guns. But most people who are gun lovers ENJOY having them.

I for one, would enjoy having an AR-15. It is unlike what I have now and I would enjoy the difference in firepower not to mention the technical side of using a semi-auto over my regular bolt action rifles. I would enjoy that side the most to be honest, but firing it would be just as fun and entertaining.

So, because you and the Liberals think people don't need these kinds of guns, we now lose the right to have one? Wow, great job there Stalin, way to dictate what people should/should not have instead of letting them make their own minds up.

You then proceed to utterly destroy your own anti-gun argument with this little gem:

Marty said:
And I do aggree with you in that the criminals do not respect the law ..........so why is it that you see so many Restricted Firearms on dispaly when the Police raid a dealers house.

And on top of that, answer why gun registration is an utter joke in this country to begin with. Oh sure it succeeds in taking guns away .. from law aibiding citizens!. Take that crime! Ever wonder why criminals are called criminals? There is strong evidence to suggest it is because they don't give a damn about the law - but this is only a rumour.

Last week, several handguns and rifles were stolen from Jo brook firearms and Home Depot here in Brandon. Amongst the weapons stolen were happy little guns such as a Desert Eagle, a Taurus revolver and a Remington 700. Boy, good thing the Liberals are imposing gun control! I bet those criminals are totally frightened knowing that their weapons are unregistered!

Yet if I wanted to buy a Desert Eagle, and God willing I will soon, I have to jump through the flaming hoops like a tiger in the Shrine Circus just to get the permission to buy one, then comes three months of waiting until I'm allowed!

So let's see what this has accomplished shall we? I, a law abiding citizen who simply wants a Desert Eagle or AR-15 or whatever else to shoot with, see what it's like and because I like technical side of guns, must wait a few months and pay testing fees to be allowed to get this gun. A criminal like the one who robbed Home Depot makes off with 3 or 4 large caliber guns in under 15 minutes and there is no way to track them, and they sure as hell aren't planning some fun times in the sun with them.

Who really loses in this deal?

Wake up Marty, you're being duped.
Marty said:
S_ Baker , if you are anywhere near the East Coast of Canada , why dont you come and pull my head out of my fourth point of contact yourself!

Childish remarks like the one above will NOT get you anywhere on this site Marty. I know you are new here, but first impressions go a long way here, as they do most other places.

I suggest you have some manners on here, and talk to people like you would expect to be spoken to.

Farmboy ........I am most certainly a gun owner , read my post  (hosing down) , why is it whenever someone makes a statement about firearms an anallagy about a car or a truck or a color comes up . We are talking about guns here ..........not cars, I could say when was the last time you heard of someone climbing a tower and throwing a car at someone , doesnt make much sense does it?..............Apples and oranges

I am talking to peolpe how I was spoken to !

And speaking of PC crap , do you realize that the Ranch Rifle wasnt called a Ranch Rifle till people started to get killed with them ? It was a Mini 14 up until then ...............Sounds pretty PC to me

.02 C
I read all your posts and I say again, you are not a gun owner. And you have still not explained to me how you hose somthing down with a semi auto.

  And in comparing cars to guns, the point is that it is the person behind the object that we should be concerned about, not the object.

  As for the Ranch rifle - mini-14 PC BS, they name change was because of the rifle change. The first being the one you can mount scopes on.

Marty said:
, I could say when was the last time you heard of someone climbing a tower and throwing a car at someone , doesnt make much sense does it?..............Apples and oranges

Dear Marty,

Are you really as arrogant as you sound? Do you think we are all idiots here or what?

What about not that long ago in Memphis when a man deliberatly used his car as a weapon and drove into a crowded bus stop, or two nights ago in Sydney when a speeding car deliberatly knocked over about 12 people injuring many on a sidewalk, or the Cop who was 'hit and ran' last night by a sports car in Sydney too. He was doing radar checks.

I am referring using a device (this case a vehicle)   as a weapon, so there is some common links between the two.

I heard of the 'ranch rifle' term for the Ruger family of such, being used in the 1970s.

I have been a gun owner since 1969. From BB guns to BRENs, I have at one time owned them all, so I think I know what I am talking about.

Marty, your car analogy is more screwed up than your anti-gun argument (if it can even be called an argument). Okay, so no one has climbed towers and thrown cars off except maybe Superman on a bad day. But what about the countless people that were run down in hit and runs?


Marty it seems you prefer to just make open ended statements instead of actually rebutting anything said here. You screwed up the hosing down thing, you screwed up the mini-14 thing and you totally screwed up in terms of making any meaningful post to counter anything anyone here said.

Seems you're full of it - and not what you would originally assume (although that is applicable as well don't get me wrong). I am talking about what you've been told to believe, and what you're been influenced to believe. You spout off all this anti-gun crap yet have nothing substantial in which to back it up. You're just mindlessly regurgitating everything the anti-gun propaganda has been telling you. Next you'll be telling us that health care is perfectly fine and that our military is swimming in funds.
Marty, you and the rest of the Liberals should learn the difference between a tool and a weapon.

Until then, why don't you and your Liberal pals butt-out and quite deciding what is best for everybody else.
I just dont see the need for someone to own one of these things

I'm a reservist, and a non-combat arms reservist at that. How many rounds downrange do you think I get on a C7 on a given year? Not many.. Most of my shooting is actually going out to the range with my buddies from the unit who own firearms, including the AR-15, as civilians and paying out of our own pocket to do so. It gives us the experience with *real* stopages on the weapon, as well as more experience just shooting the weapon that we don't get enough of in the army. I'm getting into service rifle competitions too (still with my friend's weapons, the 'starving student' phase makes it hard to afford guns).

But say I wasn't in the military, and still wanted to fire an AR-15 and other service rifles? Why shouldn't I be able to go to a range and do some shooting? Most gun owners are law abiding citizens. If a criminal wants a gun, he's going to get a gun no matter what the laws are. If it's a crime of passion, and there aren't any guns available, it'll be a knife. Or a bat. Or a board with a nail in it*. or any other object that's readily available and can do a lot of damage. And there are a lot of them.

* One day they'll build a board with a nail in it so big that it'll crush them all!!!! (Simpsons reference.. come on.. you guys know which one I'm talking about)
Hmmm....   I made a concerted effort to restrain myself and calmly rebut Marty's initial posts on the first page of this thread.   Despite having based my comments on established fact and logical extrapolation, I apparently don't even rate the courtesy of a response.   It would instead appear that those who cannot face reason automatically default to emotion-laden arguments with others.

Ah well - there's simply no reasoning with some folks.   Realizing that this is evidently the case with our new member Marty, I shall simply move on to other things rather than waste any more of my time with this topic.

Marty - Just remember that when the goverment comes calling for the surrender of your "A-Bolt" a few years from now, you'll have nobody to blame but yourself.  Never happen you say?  Yeah - that's exactly what a whole bunch of ostrich-like Mini-14 owners thought a few years ago when the "antis" were busy banning my military firearms collection.  Good luck, 'cause with your attitude you're going to need it.....
It is something to be concerned about yes,but the Mini 14 memo is over 10 yrs old,as is the AR15 info. I am concerned and have written my MP on it but hopefully nothing will come of it.
Well considering nintendo was forced to change the color of the zapper from grey to orange anything is possible.

Good thing they did that because I might have tried to play duck hunt with an AR-15 mistaking it for a nintnedo zapper.
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