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The Great Gun Control Debate

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Loachman said:
"Relevance" had nothing to do with their intent, any more than truth, accuracy, or honesty did.

If you go back to the original study in 1995, pellet gun injuries are included.  Also included in the stats is any emergency room or doctor assisted injury involving a firearm, IE; slam your finger in your SKS and go to emerg, you are a gun injury stat.  Got M1 Garand thumb and go to emerg, you are a gun injury stat.
Bruised thumb/palm from slamming the forward assist to hard?

Cracked and bleeding skin from racking the action on a cold day when you have eczema and forgot to put any moisturizer on in the last couple of hours?

Black eye because your held the browning up against your cheek to look down the sights more easily?

A comment on a post at http://hallsofmacadamia.blogspot.ca/2017/03/rcmp-to-start-rounding-up.html regarding the most recent fake gun study:

"what sort of gun control legislation will stop the impoverished, urban, immigrant refugee community from inflicting 43 percent higher gun injuries on their children and peers?"

Interview with the author of the Youth firearm injury study. Pretty interesting read. Lots of backtracking, "I don't have that information" and pointing out a lack of hard stats and evidence by the author. She says she plans to have actual break downs in a year or so. Makes total sense to publish this half-assed report  when you can't differentiate between a BB gun scrape and a bullet to the head. 

Some good scientific facts too.
they (BBs from a BB gun) fire a few metres per second slower than say, a rifle

Narrative is if there isn't guns around then there are less firearm injuries. I wonder where they can be going with that eh?  ::)
Jarnhamar said:
Narrative is if there isn't guns around then there are less firearm injuries. I wonder where they can be going with that eh?  ::)

So if guns were never invented, no one would have ever been shot.  She's right, when you use that kind of fantastical false logic.
Jarnhamar said:
Narrative is if there isn't guns around then there are less firearm injuries. I wonder where they can be going with that eh?  ::)

No. We would simply be talking about research into crossbows and longbows accidents instead ... Oh! And still be talking about the fight over the longbow registry elimination.  [:D
Oldgateboatdriver said:
No. We would simply be talking about research into crossbows and longbows accidents instead ... Oh! And still be talking about the fight over the longbow registry elimination.  [:D

and swords, spears, clubs, axes, war hammers, catapults, two sticks, rocks, feet and hands, split.......  Everything is a weapon or not...
If we had true zero tolerance for drugs, alcohol, extreme sports, etc, there would no deaths from those either (except among the dedicated and persistent scofflaws).
She makes a very good point. Those who get to set policy should understand the process.
Damn fine idea, same should go for police. Many police don't have a PAL or RPAL unless they hunt or have personal firearms. Many jurisdictions don't require it for police. They carry as a condition of employment. While they may be the best shot on the range and cool under fire, they don't know the firearms laws the way PAL and RPAL holders do. One has only to witness the amount of stops or premise and vehicle inspections where police seize firearms and recommend charging people because they are totally oblivious to the laws of civilian ownership and use. There have been untold cases where firearms are misidentified and seized because the police would not use the FRT program available on their computers to identify the firearm, just that it looked scary to them. It takes no more than five minutes to go to the program and identify every firearm in the country by manufacturer, type of action, unrestricted, restricted or prohibited, length of barrel, pictures of the markings, calibre, etc. It's all there in an annually updated program, including pictures, but for reasons unknown, they don't or won't use it. There is absolutely no excuse for not identifying a firearm properly with tools like this. Your shotgun can be uncovered and unloaded, right beside you in your truck. That is NOT illegal, but lots of hunters and farmers have been charged and had them confiscated because the cop thinks it has to be trigger locked, in a case and stored out of sight. It costs the cops zilch. It often cost thousands of dollars for the owner to fight, what is essentially, a bogus charge that'll be thrown out. If the cops can't keep and destroy your firearm, they will nickel and dime you to death. The Crown is complicit in this, and will often offer a plea bargain of getting rid of your guns and a weapons prohibition for 10 years in exchange for not dragging you through court, costing you thousands of dollars that you can't afford, even when the charge will eventually be dismissed.

The liebrals will use their majority and it likely won't even get passed the first round, because this would be a good thing for firearms owners and the liebrals don't like things that make firearms owners happy.

If a liebral doesn't like firearms, nobody should have them.
If a Conservative doesn't like firearms, they just don't buy one.

Bit of an off topic vent.  :salute:
Print this.


Make a couple of spare copies.

Keep them all in your car....if you ever get stopped and have a firearm in the car with you, hand it to the cop making the stop.

If the cop goes fishing for guns, hand that to him/her, along with your PAL and ask them to have a look at it before they ask to inspect your firearms.



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I always try a and go above and beyond whenever possible.  For example I trigger lock my shotgun when travelling to and from my hunting spot.  That said, I don't bother when travelling from one spot to another. 

Part of this is that the gun is already locked at home so I don't bother unlocking until I get to my spot.  Part of it is that I have nosy neighbors so I leave my shotgun locked in the car until it gets dark and then I go bring it in.

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May 31, 2017 - POSTED BY: BCWFPAA
. UN's marking regulations have been postponed
. Amnesty for tardy applicants for PAL extended to 31 December 2017
. The Conservative Hunting and Angling Caucus


NOTE:  10,500 SIGNATURES AS OF MAY 31, 2017, 7:00 AM MST

Initiated by Tracey Wilson from Ottawa, Ontario, on May 17, 2017, at 2:09p.m. (EDT)

The Petition is open for signature until September 14, 2017, at 2:09 p.m. (EDT)

Sponsored by Michelle Rempel, Calgary Nose Hill, Conservative Alberta



Whereas: We, the undersigned, residents of Canada draw the attention of the
House to the following: That given that the Minister of Public Safety's
unelected Canadian Firearms Advisory Committee will shape the future of
firearm regulation in our country, its members must adequately understand
and represent the very people affected by its recommendations, being
Canada's shooting community.

Therefore, your petitioners, call upon the Minister of Public Safety and
Emergency Preparedness to require individuals appointed to the Canadian
Firearms Advisory Committee to have earned their Possession and Acquisition
License (PAL), without which they lack a baseline understanding of the
activities they are tasked with regulating.
recceguy said:
Damn fine idea, same should go for police. Many police don't have a PAL or RPAL unless they hunt or have personal firearms. Many jurisdictions don't require it for police. They carry as a condition of employment. While they may be the best shot on the range and cool under fire, they don't know the firearms laws the way PAL and RPAL holders do. One has only to witness the amount of stops or premise and vehicle inspections where police seize firearms and recommend charging people because they are totally oblivious to the laws of civilian ownership and use. There have been untold cases where firearms are misidentified and seized because the police would not use the FRT program available on their computers to identify the firearm, just that it looked scary to them. It takes no more than five minutes to go to the program and identify every firearm in the country by manufacturer, type of action, unrestricted, restricted or prohibited, length of barrel, pictures of the markings, calibre, etc. It's all there in an annually updated program, including pictures, but for reasons unknown, they don't or won't use it. There is absolutely no excuse for not identifying a firearm properly with tools like this. Your shotgun can be uncovered and unloaded, right beside you in your truck. That is NOT illegal, but lots of hunters and farmers have been charged and had them confiscated because the cop thinks it has to be trigger locked, in a case and stored out of sight. It costs the cops zilch. It often cost thousands of dollars for the owner to fight, what is essentially, a bogus charge that'll be thrown out. If the cops can't keep and destroy your firearm, they will nickel and dime you to death. The Crown is complicit in this, and will often offer a plea bargain of getting rid of your guns and a weapons prohibition for 10 years in exchange for not dragging you through court, costing you thousands of dollars that you can't afford, even when the charge will eventually be dismissed.

The liebrals will use their majority and it likely won't even get passed the first round, because this would be a good thing for firearms owners and the liebrals don't like things that make firearms owners happy.

If a liebral doesn't like firearms, nobody should have them.
If a Conservative doesn't like firearms, they just don't buy one.

Bit of an off topic vent.  :salute:

As I recall CBSA started off arming it's officers by making them go through the PAL course in order to save costs on record checks and such.
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