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The Great Gun Control Debate

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Kat Stevens said:
I got my telephone interview from a woman in PEI about my RPAL application a few months back.

Her:" Why do you want a restricted firearms license, Mr Stevens?"

Me:"  You mean besides exercising my right as a law abiding Canadian citizen to have one, before you people can take it away?"

Her:"  Ummmm...."

Wow, I never got a telephone interview when I got mine (mind you this was four years ago).  My references were'nt even contacted....Is this something new they're requiring or do they randomly conduct telephone interviews for applicants?

recceguy said:
If you don't have an RPAL, you can forget it. If you want to get an RPAL, you've got about six months and a bunch of intrusive government hoops to jump through first. By that time it's even possible that the RCMP will have arbitrarily outlawed and confiscated all the ARs as they have done with a number of firearms types already.

Yippee I just sent mine in the other day, that is what I have to look forward to?
Sent all my paperwork off at the end of April.  Still no word.  As for the interview thing, I don't know if it's a new thing, or I was singled out for special attention.  There were a lot of very invasive questions regarding mental health, relationship status, etc.  I'm sure I heard the woman snap on a rubber glove over the phone at one point.
Kat Stevens said:
Sent all my paperwork off at the end of April.  Still no word.  As for the interview thing, I don't know if it's a new thing, or I was singled out for special attention.  There were a lot of very invasive questions regarding mental health, relationship status, etc.  I'm sure I heard the woman snap on a rubber glove over the phone at one point.

Nope, that's standard. You think that's intrusive? Wait till they get hold of your ex  ;) If she voices one obscure, negative concern, you're done like a dog's dinner. You'll never, legally, own another firearm as long as you live.

Unless Harper gets a majority next election.
I have no great faith in Mr Harper following through on the party policy, as actually written, regarding firearms at all. I have a feeling that we are all just being used.
Maybe, but I think he's gone too far down the road to ignore us, made too public a show of supporting our objectives. If we can stop the turncoats from being re-elected, and it's decided that it was our influence, I think that maybe we might start getting some status.
HavokFour said:
Well, looks like the gun registry stays. It was a close race.

Those champagne socialists in TO sure showed us gap-toothed inbred hillbillies in Alberta a thing or two.  I live a 10 or 15 minutes from town and will never be faced with phoning police saying a grizzly bear is eating a family member.  Our 4 legged family members will be dining on grizzly bear.

I had a cougar hanging around at night a few years ago.  They cry like a baby stuck with a pitchfork, not condicive to restful sleep.  To your average Alberta farmer licensing guns is akin to licensing plows as both are simply tools.  The contempt shown by the big city Parliamentarians to people living in smaller centres and rural locations is simply maddening.
Two men sentenced in Jane Creba shooting

The final two men convicted in the Boxing Day shootout that killed teenager Jane Creba five years ago have been sentenced to 12 years in prison.

But with pretrial custody taken into account, Tyshaun Barnett and Louis Woodcock have only three years and seven months left to serve. Both men are also subject to a lifetime firearms prohibition.

Read more: http://news.nationalpost.com/2010/08/26/two-men-sentenced-in-jane-creba-shooting/#ixzz10Uc23Y8k

The two were 'gunmen' before Ms. Creba was murdered; I'm sure, however, that after the wrenching debate about the long gun registry and understanding Canadians' concerns, Messers. Woodcock and Barnett will be sure to register their illegal handguns before shooting someone else four or so years from now.


I'm still amazed that those same TO champagne socialists believe that the LGR would have prevented the Montreal tragedy. In reality, it would have no more prevented it than if the gunman had used his car and run into a crowd of students on the steps of the college.

Then again... never let the truth get in the way of a good political agenda.

Make no mistake, I feel for the families affected by the tragedy, I just don't like it being used as a prop for political gain.
Baden  Guy said:
Two men sentenced in Jane Creba shooting

The final two men convicted in the Boxing Day shootout that killed teenager Jane Creba five years ago have been sentenced to 12 years in prison.

But with pretrial custody taken into account, Tyshaun Barnett and Louis Woodcock have only three years and seven months left to serve. Both men are also subject to a lifetime firearms prohibition.

Read more: http://news.nationalpost.com/2010/08/26/two-men-sentenced-in-jane-creba-shooting/#ixzz10Uc23Y8k

Apples and fist sized rocks. Absolutely nothing to do with the LGR. Not long guns, not registered, the punks aren't licensed (which has nada to do with the registry). This is exactly the type of bullshit propoganda that the liebrals, dippers and blockheads spew to confuse the issue and panic their sheeple like supporters.

'If it saves just one life'

oh wait.........it didn't, did it.
Baden  Guy said:
The final two men convicted in the Boxing Day shootout that killed teenager Jane Creba five years ago have been sentenced to 12 years in prison.

That was the last ambulance call Lucia ever did. She is no longer a member of the Department:
"Yesterday, the first paramedic on the scene of Monday's shooting revisited the place where Jane fell and where a makeshift memorial has sprung up.
"My heart breaks for her," Lucia Campisi told Global News as she stood in front of the collection of teddy bears and flowers.
Ms. Campisi said she was overwhelmed when she first arrived on the chaotic scene of the Boxing Day shooting, but quickly began trying to save Jane, who was clearly the most seriously injured.
But the teenager was taken to hospital with no vital signs and was declared dead soon after. After hours of working on victims of the shootings, Ms. Campisi said she went home feeling "numb" and is now getting counselling to deal with the incident.
"At one point, I was inconsolable for a couple of hours.":

I support Metro Police:
Can't really disagree with you recceguy... but when you live in TO and see  violence/murder with weapons on your evening news on a "daily " basis the urban folk get sensitized to talk of weapons.

On the other hand if I was living in a rural setting I would definitely be the owner of a long gun.  :)
Baden  Guy said:
... but when you live in TO and see  violence/murder with weapons on your evening news on a "daily " basis the urban folk get sensitized to talk of weapons.

Maybe it's what they do not show on your evening news. Most of the shootings I was sent to were suicides that were never reported on TV.

Edit to Add

Regarding the link I posted:
"Toronto Police Association TPA: News Release: Long Gun Registry":

Perhaps, I should have included: "Uniform and civilian senior officers are not members of the TPA."
The TPA is "the voice of front-line personnel".

Commanding and Senior Officers, such as the Chief, are not members of the TPA.
Membership is limited to front-line officers. ie: Sergeants and Constables only. 
The Chief, and his Senior Officers, do not speak for the TPA.

The TPA is the elected union  association that represents front-line officers:

TPA President and Board of Directors:


Baden  Guy said:
Can't really disagree with you recceguy... but when you live in TO and see  violence/murder with weapons on your evening news on a "daily " basis the urban folk get sensitized to talk of weapons.

On the other hand if I was living in a rural setting I would definitely be the owner of a long gun.  :)

If the TPS spent their time arresting gangsters and taking their weapons, instead of going after licensed gun owners who've let their PAL lapse, they might have a case. However, they don't want to get into the whole racial profiling thing and dealing with criminals, so they get headlines arresting law abiding people and confiscating their property. (Approx 2000 lawfully, registered firearms at last count, according to Chief Blair)

Once in a while, they do the right thing and get creeps like this present two, off the streets, then the liebral court system lets them off with 14 years. Likely 2 for 1 for time served and eligible for parole in three. Friggin' joke. They should get life with no breaks. "But they've found God and have been turning their lives around". Assholes.

What we really need, according to his blondness, is more basketball courts in the 'hood' for the poor wretches that whitey is keeping down. Cry me a friggin' river.

I won't attempt to paint everyone in the Big Smoke with the same brush, but the TPS hierarchy and the majority of city council are the biggest bunch of hypocritical, fascist hogs that ever bellied up to the trough or put their hands in your pockets.
Baden  Guy said:
Can't really disagree with you recceguy... but when you live in TO and see  violence/murder with weapons on your evening news on a "daily " basis the urban folk get sensitized to talk of weapons.

On the other hand if I was living in a rural setting I would definitely be the owner of a long gun.  :)

Well we have the same issue here in Vancouver and i would say most people see the LGR and firearm stuff as totally useless for dealing with the situation. It's all about gangs and drugs. Vancouverites are more interested in discussing the pros and cons of the 4 pillar approach than the LGR.
Baden  Guy said:
The final two men convicted in the Boxing Day shootout that killed teenager Jane Creba five years ago have been sentenced to 12 years in prison.

But with pretrial custody taken into account, Tyshaun Barnett and Louis Woodcock have only three years and seven months left to serve.

They will be out in 18 months.

Both men are also subject to a lifetime firearms prohibition.

How horrible.  They will never be able to be lawful gun owners and support the Registry.  That is just a damned shame.  They are victims here too, I guess  :P
Kat Stevens said:
Sent all my paperwork off at the end of April.  Still no word.  As for the interview thing, I don't know if it's a new thing, or I was singled out for special attention.  There were a lot of very invasive questions regarding mental health, relationship status, etc.  I'm sure I heard the woman snap on a rubber glove over the phone at one point.

Card arrived today, a shade under 6 months all in.  The picture is probably on every post office wall in Canada by now, and if I ever go up the water tower, it is without a doubt the one that will be on the national news.  I wouldn't sell guns or amunition to that guy.
Get one before they're gone, I got mine four years ago (restricted and non-restricted), took two months to receive my card, and they never even contacted my references, let alone me.

If it takes 6 months and a phone interview now, I'm afraid to think what the process will be like in another four years.
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