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The Great Reset theory, split from the Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????


Army.ca Legend
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Indeed. “The Great Reset” is the internet’s latest sloppy slurp of the school bus window. Just another thing for those huddled in echo chambers to be afraid of.

Brihard said:
Indeed. “The Great Reset” is the internet’s latest sloppy slurp of the school bus window. Just another thing for those huddled in echo chambers to be afraid of.


The Great Reset as circulating now is a fake conspiracy theory, plain and simple

There is a lot of information out there about "the reset".  It's not a conspiracy theory.

From the Bank of Canada.


COVID-19 is a shock and an opportunity
QV said:
There is a lot of information out there about "the reset".  It's not a conspiracy theory.

From the Bank of Canada.


The nonsense being peddled around the dumber corners of the internet under the same label is. It’s become the latest rallying cry for those trying to hammer their latest fictitious conspiracy laden nonsense into some overarching globalist plot. The fact that the term has been used as descriptive of some economic policy proposals does not translate into governments deliberately spreading COVID so that socialists can take control, and whatever other silly variants you find on any given website.
QV said:
There is a lot of information out there about "the reset".  It's not a conspiracy theory.

From the Bank of Canada.


A lot of people get paid a lot of money to look at challenges like COVID and figure out how to come out of it better, and is a basic facet of risk management to also look for opportunities. Frankly if folks at institutions weren't looking at ways to find opportunities in this I'd be disappointed and wondering what they were doing. There has been a massive shift in most people's everyday lives, why shouldn't we look at the old 'normal' to see if we could shift to something better? Especially when climate change is forecasted to turn significant areas of the planet uninhabitable and kill a lot of arable land, leading to massive global security implications. If we can use COVID as a reason to invest in new technologies and be a player in a green economy to kickstart growth while addressing a critical security threat, seems like a no brainer.

Honestly stuff like this makes conspiracy theorists look dumb and ignorant. Reacting to a bad scenario does not equal causation. For example, if my house burnt down and I want to rebuild with something different, doesn't automatically mean I burnt my house down. If I didn't fix the things that I didn't like, it would be a missed opportunity, not proof of innocence.
dapaterson said:
Conspiracy theorists have never worked on a project.

It would be a pretty hilarious risk register though...  :Tin-Foil-Hat:

I would attend that meeting with popcorn and maybe a beer (God bless remote working!)
>If we can use COVID as a reason to invest in new technologies and be a player in a green economy to kickstart growth while addressing a critical security threat, seems like a no brainer.

Using a crisis as a "reason" to do anything extra is a step beyond mere conspiracy theorizing as an exercise in foolishness.  ("Doing" typically wastes far more resources than "daydreaming".)  We shouldn't defenestrate sane decision-making processes in favour of executing someone's "honey-do" lists "because events".
Brad Sallows said:
>If we can use COVID as a reason to invest in new technologies and be a player in a green economy to kickstart growth while addressing a critical security threat, seems like a no brainer.

Using a crisis as a "reason" to do anything extra is a step beyond mere conspiracy theorizing as an exercise in foolishness.  ("Doing" typically wastes far more resources than "daydreaming".)  We shouldn't defenestrate sane decision-making processes in favour of executing someone's "honey-do" lists "because events".


Looking at recovery options from an extended crisis is sane decision making and exactly what the BoC was proposing as an option. Usually that's exactly what precipitates majors changes. Obvious examples are like cities being redesigned and rebuilt after being wiped out by fire/earthquakes etc. Usually people need a Titanic type disaster to consider doing things differently.

Also, why shouldn't we seriously reconsider our dependence on fossil fuels (a non-renewable resource) or take action on climate change? Should we wait until the wells run dry or the bread basket of a nuclear power like India turns into a desert because the mountain ice field that sustains it has disappeared? That seems like a super good plan.

This isn't a daydream, this is what responsible long term planning and risk management looks like. You may not go with the action, but you'd be stupid not to consider doing something different. Politics may play into the decision, but shouldn't eliminate possible COAs, and burying your head in the sand is a dumb move for anyone.

dapaterson said:
Conspiracy theorists have never worked on a project.

They also wildly overestimate the government's ability to plan and execute almost anything in total secrecy.
Assessing construction standards after an earthquake is obviously sensible.  Haring off to pursue schemes unrelated to pandemic mitigation after a pandemic is not obviously sensible.  The "never let a crisis go to waste" opportunism which some use to promote immediate adoption of snake-oil is tiresome.

Governments are really terrible at big-vision planning and execution.  The path to a low-carbon economy lies through purpose-driven incrementalism among the self-organizing parts of the economy (millions of minds solving little problems), not through the mediocre intellects of government and the public service picking from very short lists of options, influenced by their very stunted prejudices.
So, to recap... "The Great Reset" is a real thing.  And whether it is good or bad simply depends on whether you agree with the premise or not... do I have that about right?

QV said:
So, to recap... "The Great Reset" is a real thing.  And whether it is good or bad simply depends on whether you agree with the premise or not... do I have that about right?

No. You’re ignoring the part where the term has largely been coopted by conspiracy theorists to include everything from mandatory vaccinations to deliberate pandemic spread to concentration camps and the abolition of private property, and that most of the internet airplay is in that light, not much more boring conceptual economic policy.
Brihard said:
No. You’re ignoring the part where the term has largely been coopted by conspiracy theorists to include everything from mandatory vaccinations to deliberate pandemic spread to concentration camps and the abolition of private property, and that most of the internet airplay is in that light, not much more boring conceptual economic policy.

One video the WEF put out illustrated their 8 predictions for 2030.  The first prediction: "You'll own nothing, and you will be happier.".

They removed that vid from their webpage, but you can find it if you search. 

There is more to this than merely fresh economic policies.

Edit:  Here is that vid:  newtube.app/user/Grizzly_Patriot/eMt7y19?u=t
Follow the link at your own peril, it worked for me. 
Brihard said:
No. You’re ignoring the part where the term has largely been coopted by conspiracy theorists to include everything from mandatory vaccinations to deliberate pandemic spread to concentration camps and the abolition of private property, and that most of the internet airplay is in that light, not much more boring conceptual economic policy.

You just saved me a ton of surfing.  Thanks for the tinfoil covered recap.
QV said:
One video the WEF put out illustrated their 8 predictions for 2030.  The first prediction: "You'll own nothing, and you will be happier.".

They removed that vid from their webpage, but you can find it if you search. 

There is more to this than merely fresh economic policies.

Edit:  Here is that vid:  newtube.app/user/Grizzly_Patriot/eMt7y19?u=t
Follow the link at your own peril, it worked for me.

I’m absolutely not indulging your conspiracy theory nonsense. If you want to play in that sandbox, have at ‘er, just take your shoes off when you come inside.
QV said:
One video the WEF put out illustrated their 8 predictions for 2030.  The first prediction: "You'll own nothing, and you will be happier.".

They removed that vid from their webpage, but you can find it if you search. 

Actually, the video is still on their website: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/8-predictions-for-the-world-in-2030/
PMedMoe said:
Actually, the video is still on their website: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/8-predictions-for-the-world-in-2030/

Great, thanks for that PMedMoe.

So now we know "The Great Reset" is a real thing and it also includes grand visions of no private ownership of property, and such things as removing the US as the world's dominant power. 

Did any of you people who voted for Trudeau vote for any of that?
QV said:
Great, thanks for that PMedMoe.

So now we know "The Great Reset" is a real thing and it also includes grand visions of no private ownership of property, and such things as removing the US as the world's dominant power. 

Did any of you people who voted for Trudeau vote for any of that?

#3 and #8 are directly at odds with each other.  Don’t you agree?
QV said:
So now we know "The Great Reset" is a real thing and it also includes grand visions of no private ownership of property, and such things as removing the US as the world's dominant power. 

Did any of you people who voted for Trudeau vote for any of that?

If you cared to look, the article was published in 2016.
QV said:
Great, thanks for that PMedMoe.

So now we know "The Great Reset" is a real thing and it also includes grand visions of no private ownership of property, and such things as removing the US as the world's dominant power. 

Did any of you people who voted for Trudeau vote for any of that?

No, we know you didn’t actually read - or at least critically digest - the linked website. It’s nothing more than prognostications of what economic and social trends might lead to. The World Economic Forum doesn’t have any legislative, regulatory, or policy clout. It’s an NGO that holds meetings where various high profile people think and talk about stuff. Also, not to be inconvenient about facts or contexts, but that collection of prognostications is from 2016, and “great reset” or anything of the like appears nowhere in it. This is fundamentally no different from the sorts of occasional “what will the year 20__ look like?” article where a lineup of futurists get trotted out by Popular Science or The Economist.