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The Great Reset theory, split from the Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

I can’t keep up.  First COVID was a hoax to defeat Trump.  Now that it isn’t gone it’s about some sort of secret to reset the world. 

It’s like anti-vaccers that keep changing their tune every time something gets debunked.

Time to go back to my sandwich...
Remius said:
I can’t keep up.  First COVID was a hoax to defeat Trump.  Now that it isn’t gone it’s about some sort of secret to reset the world. 

It’s like anti-vaccers that keep changing their tune every time something gets debunked.

Time to go back to my sandwich...
Note to self: Invest in Alcan.
mariomike said:
Maybe not the world's greatest cooks, but they win the international beauty contests.  :)

As someone who went to Chile, Peru, and Venezuela last year - I can attest to this.  Never seen so many gorgeous women anywhere, right on par with Spain.  :o
Silly conspiracy; it's not like the military is involved in administering the vaccine  :Tin-Foil-Hat: :stirpot:

Also this pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.
CBH99 said:
As someone who went to Chile, Peru, and Venezuela last year - I can attest to this.  Never seen so many gorgeous women anywhere, right on par with Spain.  :o

I think the Caldas Department of Colombia is on par with Spain, at least in terms of beauty.
CBH99 said:
As someone who went to Chile, Peru, and Venezuela last year - I can attest to this.  Never seen so many gorgeous women anywhere, right on par with Spain.  :o

Last time I was in Spain was for a conference in the middle of my 14 month tour in Iraq.  I knew that youth unemployment was really high (around 25% IIRC) but was interested to see that it manifested itself in the inability of some to purchase clothing that covered very much of the body...
mariomike said:
Maybe not the world's greatest cooks, but they win the international beauty contests.  :)

No argument there and having a Canadian wage can make almost any man attractive to them, at least till they get here on PR status :)
Colin P said:
No argument there and having a Canadian wage can make almost any man attractive to them, at least till they get here on PR status :)

By then it's time to go find a new beauty anyway.  Meh  :nod:
Everyone in this thread sound like they were born in Canada or at least Westernized nation.

As an immigrant that came from a Socialist utopia I can tell you that I wouldn't trust any politicians and I would have to be willfully ignorant and stupid to ignore trends of moral tyranny our leaders are spouting. Same Trends of moral tyranny that killed countless millions of my home country.

I am more then willing to listen and judge for myself, I only take a side after my own due diligence.

After all German people did vote in Hitler, Russians followed Stalin in droves. So yeah.. I will trust a politician once lies and half truths stop coming out of their pie holes.
Well, WW1 and 2 were likely the biggest ‘reset’ opportunities over the past 100 years or so.

How did that work out for moving away from a post- industrial economy?
How hard is it to evaluate politicians by their past performances?  Energy policy in ON or Germany, for example.  The inability of our own federal government, across decades, to accomplish a useful reform of its Res F or competently manage procurement.
Brad Sallows said:
How hard is it to evaluate politicians by their past performances?  Energy policy in ON or Germany, for example.  The inability of our own federal government, across decades, to accomplish a useful reform of its Res F or competently manage procurement.

Those are both standards high on my list.

That said, would someone identify a political party for whom this is actually a priority. Haven't seen one yet among the two that have held power over the last half a century and I certainly don't expect the remainder to come up with anything.

One view of the "Great Reset'" purpose is to transfer the balance of power towards a more Corporatist structure, with more benefits accruing to managment and less to shareholders. This article also reminds us that Corporatism is a major element of classical Fascism.


The Great Reset: If Only It Were Just a Conspiracy
November 27, 2020 11:19 AM

Writing for The Spectator US, Ben Sixsmith gets to grips with “the Great Reset” now being proposed by the World Economic Forum (“Davos”).

And yes, despite a name that sounds as if it were conjured up in some of conspiracism’s danker fever swamps, the Great Reset really exists:

“The World Economic Forum, which organizes the annual conference Davos, has launched an initiative called, yes, ‘the Great Reset’. It has its own website.”

Indeed it does.

But, after noting the involvement of “partners” such as Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, IBM, IKEA, Lockheed Martin, Ericsson and Deloitte, Sixsmith doubts whether the Great Reset can be seen, as some like to suggest (even allowing for a bit of hype) as “socialist Left Marxist” or a “global communist takeover plan.”

Fair enough, not least because the Great Reset is, in essence, corporatist, not communist. The participation of companies of the type that Sixsmith mentions is, in reality, the participation of certain members of their senior management, using shareholder funds for purposes that have nothing to do with the bottom line and everything to do with the wielding of power within a system akin to a concert, with the state — if not necessarily the government — acting as the conductor.

In the course of an article on the Great Reset I wrote last month, I described corporatism as:

[A] hydra-headed ideology with origins in the premodern, and a very mixed past — sometimes benignly (it influenced the formation of West Germany’s social market economy) and sometimes not (it was an important element in pre-war fascist theory.) The different forms corporatism has taken make it tricky to define with precision, but they share a common core: the conviction that society should be organized by and for its principal interest groups — let’s call them “stakeholders” — intermediated by, and ultimately subordinate to, the state. The individual does not get a look in.

Recently, one expression of corporatism, “stakeholder capitalism,” has won strong support on both sides of the Atlantic. This might be expected in Europe, but that it has been taken up by the Business Roundtable and many leading firms in the U.S. — allegedly a bastion of both free enterprise and democracy — is depressing. Looked at optimistically, the BRT and its C-suite cheerleaders are useful idiots. Looked at realistically, they are part of a managerial class grubbing for the power that flows from other people’s money.

This is a long article, but well worth the read.
Leslyn Lewis gives her comments.

LESLYN LEWIS: 'The Great Reset' is not a conspiracy theory, it's Trudeau's ideology
The devastation brought on by COVID requires our united efforts in protecting Canadians. It is not a time to capitalize on our vulnerabilities by utilizing our tax dollars to usher in one man’s vision of a "greener," more "sustainable" and "inclusive" economy.

Dismissing an argument or concern as a "conspiracy theory" is often a tactic used to silence the inquirer. We’re seeing that play out right now with disagreements over "The Great Reset," and what it means. What we know is that governments around the world have adopted the concept into policies which tout the "Reset" or "Build Back Better" slogans.

The "Reset" debate emerged from the book COVID 19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab, the founder and former Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Thierry Malleret. ] authors pose the simple question: what kind of post-COVID world do we want to create?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau virtually delivered a speech in September at the United Nations in which he outlined the kind of Canada he envisions, using language that clearly was inspired by the book or, at a minimum, its philosophy.

"This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems," the prime minister explained. Fast forward to November, and the prime minister deflected questions about his language choice, choosing to make the case that if people raised concerns about his wording, they were embracing conspiracy theories. This seems like an odd approach to take, since in the lead-up to the prime minister’s speech to the UN, in August 2020, the Bank of Canada also put out an economic document titled "The Great Reset: Supporting the transition to a greener, smarter economy."

I will leave it to the prime minister and his government to try to explain his wording choices. The critiques I’m offering, and the positions I’m taking, are not the ones rooted in the conspiracies we see play out online—those are, frankly, ridiculous, and it is disturbing to see that the Liberals would chase headlines trying to paint their opponents as trafficking in such nonsense to avoid the legitimate questions that are asked of them. Instead, I’d like to focus on what the actual content of "The Great Reset" is, so Canadians can decide for themselves what they think.

This statement by Lewis hits the nail on the head for me:

... Instead, I’d like to focus on what the actual content of "The Great Reset" is, so Canadians can decide for themselves what they think.

I don't doubt that the pandemic is an economic landmark which will have a residual effect for some time. That said, I don't see how there are opportunities for a "reset" unless it becomes one where the government wants to tinker with the economy through the usual set of taxes and tax incentives. Considering the massive amount of government spending that's already gone on in the past year I don't think that there is much left in the coffers to work with.

Restricting corporate executive remuneration to place more cash into shareholders hands would be one example for wealth redistribution without added taxation, however, I expect that would also impact corporate presence in Canada (it's a short drive across the border)

Beyond that, the direction to a greener, smarter economy is nothing new. But greener has always equalled more expensive while smarter has always equaled more automation at the expense of jobs.

The only thing that I see as a positive direction is the move to working from home which should equal less business costs being invested in brick and mortar facilities (harming landlords).

Like Lewis, I'd very much like to see beyond the jingoist babbling coming out of Trudeau's as to what initiatives make up the reset together with a good cost/risk analysis of their effects on the economy. Hate to see another wind turbine debacle like came out of the Wynn Liberals or an expanded Fed carbon tax. That's the kind of reset we don't need.

FJAG said:
Like Lewis, I'd very much like to see beyond the jingoist babbling coming out of Trudeau's as to what initiatives make up the reset together with a good cost/risk analysis of their effects on the economy. Hate to see another wind turbine debacle like came out of the Wynn Liberals or an expanded Fed carbon tax. That's the kind of reset we don't need.

The architect of the, pie in the sky, Ontario Green Energy Act is Trudeau's college mate and closest confidant Gerald Butts. We lost billions of dollars, masses of manufacturing, seizure of propertys, lackluster, unstoppable excess generation that gets sold to California cheaper than Ontario ratepayers. It is never available to us though. He screwed 15 million people in Ontario. To spread that across another 20 million and the country is easy peezy.
I can only speculate, but I'll  bet dollars to donuts that Butts, Saunders and Cortez have already had talks on how to push it across North America and dovetail the 'Green New Deal' in with whatever the name of our new plan is. I wouldn't  be surprised if it got announced as a joint initiative between  both nations.
I'm  going to look forward to what happens when butts and Trudeau sit down with Biden's  Climate Czar, John Kerry.
And speaking John Kerry.....
I remember a brief while ago, I was sure our PM was on about "Build back better" for our economic recovery. I was rather busy with cattle sorting around that time (moving 600-900 lbs toddlers around and separating them makes my worst day supervising PAT/PAR pers look like a cake walk).
I have also been trying to figure out what our Deputy PM/Finance Minister has been saying but she is as difficult to follow as her boss.

Then I hear Joe Biden recently used the "build back better" term. Can someone enlighten me what this grand plan is or if there is one at all?
It's code for "spend more to implement things on the government party's honey-do list".