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The Great Toque and Glove Conundrum, Solved


Army.ca Myth
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I still can't believe this isn't Duffel Blog or Le Bleu et Or.

Needs flight suits on the RCAF side. Not that anyone understands flight suit dress regs.
BurmaShave said:
Needs flight suits on the RCAF side. Not that anyone understands flight suit dress regs.

Don't give them any ideas.
LOL, how about the door gunner from the Argylls on 3-08? His dress of the day during workup in Pet was flight suit with Glengarry. You want to see some cranky RCR NCOs...
Brihard said:
LOL, how about the door gunner from the Argylls on 3-08? His dress of the day during workup in Pet was flight suit with Glengarry. You want to see some cranky RCR NCOs...

The mental image of them spinning, but not being able to jack him up b/c he's totally correct, pleases me.
Brihard said:
LOL, how about the door gunner from the Argylls on 3-08? His dress of the day during workup in Pet was flight suit with Glengarry. You want to see some cranky RCR NCOs...

I have the right to not jump in here but I will. As long as we have all kinds of regiments the CAF will have difficulty enforcing dress regs.
Dimsum said:
The mental image of them spinning, but not being able to jack him up b/c he's totally correct, pleases me.

It pleased a lot of people.

Hamish Seggie said:
I have the right to not jump in here but I will. As long as we have all kinds of regiments the CAF will have difficulty enforcing dress regs.

But he did nothing wrong. There was no dress reg not being enforced. That was his appropriate headdress as a member of a regiment which wore that as their garrison headdress for NCOs. Does it look weird as hell? Yes. Was it silly? Yes. But it was 100% legit. The fact that nobody in times past foresaw toons leaning out the side door of helicopters, and consequently never wrote dress regs to prevent the Glengarry/flight suit fiasco was not his problem.

It's too bad he didn't wear it while flying. There would have been something majestic about those two black tassels flapping in the wind from behind a side mounted minigun...
Brihard said:
It's too bad he didn't wear it while flying. There would have been something majestic about those two black tassels flapping in the wind from behind a side mounted minigun...

Well that would have been FOD (Foreign Object Debris), and it's tough to explain to the boss why your hat-tails caused the helo to crash.
Dimsum said:
Well that would have been FOD (Foreign Object Debris), and it's tough to explain to the boss why your hat-tails caused the helo to crash.

Ah, but you don't have to, because you're dead. Gloriously.
Brihard said:
It pleased a lot of people.

But he did nothing wrong. There was no dress reg not being enforced. That was his appropriate headdress as a member of a regiment which wore that as their garrison headdress for NCOs. Does it look weird as hell? Yes. Was it silly? Yes. But it was 100% legit. The fact that nobody in times past foresaw toons leaning out the side door of helicopters, and consequently never wrote dress regs to prevent the Glengarry/flight suit fiasco was not his problem.

It's too bad he didn't wear it while flying. There would have been something majestic about those two black tassels flapping in the wind from behind a side mounted minigun...

Totally understood. I think my point is that despite our tolerance for things outside the mainstream some cannot tolerate Regimental customs etc.
Hamish Seggie said:
Totally understood. I think my point is that despite our tolerance for things outside the mainstream some cannot tolerate Regimental customs etc.


I don't know if it's at this point 'myth, passed into legend', but does anyone have the real story on the RCAF subbie some years ago who, while allegedly posted OJT to 427 squadron, and without yet having earned his RCAF cap badge, was (again allegedly) quite properly wearing his old RCR death star on a blue beret and causing much consternation?
Came across this article about a week ago - Now I have found a home for it.


A Punk History Of Military Cool, or the pursuit of ally – ness


....The Origins of Ally
I’m going to give you a flavour of how the British army has always valued unconventional military fashion.  Here’s an excerpt from Cornelius Ryan’s masterful account of Operation Market Garden, ‘A Bridge too Far’. An observer describes the audience for Lt. Gen. Brian Horrocks’ briefing –

There was a real casualness about everyone’s attire… most commanders were dressed in ‘sniper’s smocks, parachutist’s jackets and jeep coats over brightly coloured slacks, corduroys, riding breeches or even jodhpurs’. Instead of ties many sported ascots or ‘scarves of various colours’.


The Circle of Ally
Or, is anti- ally the new ally? One of my sources writes…

I was flying back from Cyprus, and in the departure area at Akrotiri were a number of soldiers returning from Afghanistan. They were ally ‘d up to the eyeballs – a fortune had been spent at Silverman’s by this lot.

Nobody really noticed the unassuming group of about 20 guys who were all dressed in issued kit (Salomon boots excluded) keeping a low profile. No points for guessing who they were….

Brihard said:

I don't know if it's at this point 'myth, passed into legend', but does anyone have the real story on the RCAF subbie some years ago who, while allegedly posted OJT to 427 squadron, and without yet having earned his RCAF cap badge, was (again allegedly) quite properly wearing his old RCR death star on a blue beret and causing much consternation?

If this is indeed true, then perhaps the individuals responsible for dress should spend less time fucking around with gloves and toques (not in the dress manual btw) and crack down on asshats who try to push the limits.

From the dress manual.  “Component and Occupational Transfers. Members who have previously been qualified in their former occupation shall wear the cap badge of their new branch effective on the date of their component or occupational transfer.”
As an aside are you now allowed to wear fleece toques in garrison or must you still sport “toque, OD itchy scratchy “? 😉
Brihard said:

I don't know if it's at this point 'myth, passed into legend', but does anyone have the real story on the RCAF subbie some years ago who, while allegedly posted OJT to 427 squadron, and without yet having earned his RCAF cap badge, was (again allegedly) quite properly wearing his old RCR death star on a blue beret and causing much consternation?

It was one day, and more a lark than anything, and he had the eagle on the day after.  Not sure how much consternation there could have been, given the only other guys sporting the ‘Death Star’ at the Squadron were not of the ‘get wound up trying to enforce highly personalized interpretations of vague and conflicting dress regs’ ilk.

Hamish Seggie said:
As an aside are you now allowed to wear fleece toques in garrison or must you still sport “toque, OD itchy scratchy “? 😉

Not sure about the CA but the RCAF wear the fleece blue tuque with operational dress. The older light blue scratchy one is for DEU only.
Hamish Seggie said:
As an aside are you now allowed to wear fleece toques in garrison or must you still sport “toque, OD itchy scratchy “? 😉

The Army issues a fleece toque now. 
Rumour has it that the CO of one Tac Hel squadron got a custom rank patch made up for his CADPAT: an Air Force blue pip and crown.  Allegedly, the Army didn't know any better, and the RCAF just assumed it was correct...
dapaterson said:
Rumour has it that the CO of one Tac Hel squadron got a custom rank patch made up for his CADPAT: an Air Force blue pip and crown.  Allegedly, the Army didn't know any better, and the RCAF Commander just assumed it was correct...

Eagle Eye View said:
Not sure about the CA but the RCAF wear the fleece blue tuque with operational dress. The older light blue scratchy one is for DEU only.

Fuck that noise.  Wear the Yukon cap!