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The Manly Thread

Today, I went out to the man cave, started the wood stove, drank beer, worked on guns and watched the forum, here, on the man cave computer. The wife just got home from work, called me on the intercom and asked when I wanted dinner and what it should be.

I have tomorrow off.

Life is good for this household alpha male.
The other day I was downtown at the bank,,,paying
bill's ect,,, doing the manly thing. The teller was cough-
ing and didn't look to well. Next morning i rolled outa the
rack with a sore throat,,, ache's and pain's,,, coughing
and splattin. Figure'd I pick up a cold somewhere. so I
bombed uptown and got me some neo-citrin, and a mic
of vodka,,, infusing myself with a humongous hot-toddy.
Now knowing the vodka is flammable,,,and the neo-citrin
could be dangerous, I will now attemp to light a smoke.
Sittin here with a fire extinguisher and have phone and
smoke alarm set in case i need an ambliance again. Now
my question to you is is this manly or what.
Scoty B
P.S. If ya hear a BOOM coming from BC that's just me heading into orbit.
Scoty B
Played hockey with my grandson. NOTE the toque! and the jersey!!

And the look in his eye...... >:D
Jim Seggie said:
Played hockey with my grandson. NOTE the toque! and the jersey!!

And the look in his eye...... >:D
There's a toque?  ???
Jim Seggie said:
Sorry the toque is under the helmet.....it says II VP on it.
Just yankin' yer chain -- it's a manly guy thing to do.  ;D
Journeyman said:
Just yankin' yer chain -- it's a manly guy thing to do.  ;D

Really?.....I always thought that that was the OTHER man thingy stuff..... :o
Today I had this conversation

Female friend: "What are you doing for Valentine's Day?"
Me: "Unless it's on Sunday I'm going to the gym."
Female friend: "It's on Monday..."
Me: "Awesome, that's my deadlift day!"
Howling rain storm here today with rain hitting the windows horizontally like an automatic belt fed thing, accompanied by small rivers coursing across the streets, howling winds, and weeping pensioners. Her Majesty is out of town with work and I'm in sole charge of the two toddlers.

Mission - of course - Take the kids to the beach (say twice).

They loved it. The umbrellas they carried? Not so much. Oh, and don't tell 9er Delta that I suggested to senior toddler that she run into the broiling, frigid, murky grey surf barefoot so her pink 'Ariel' socks wouldn't get wet.

Yesterday I reloaded a pile of bullets for the IPSC match today, and built the glacis plate for my son's ride-in Tiger Tank.


Here it is with the girls playing....

And I dropped the Glacis plate in place for the pictures, it's not yet bolted on.

Not a bad attempt, but *real* dads take their kids to play on *real* tanks:


And they coach them on the proper employment of machine guns:


And prepare them early for employment as battle staff, by teaching them wargaming techniques at an early age:


And they show them immediate effects of their efforts.  In this case, hitting and knocking out a hull down Panzerkampfwagen V ("Panther") from over 350 yards!


Dissident said:
Actually, I agree. That tank he's building is amazing.  If only I had the talent to do such a thing.  Unfortunately, I can barely hammer a nail straight :(  I know, I know, not very manly....