From YardApe
Quote from: Kirkhill on August 16, 2004, 12:28:02
I believe the Americans got it right with their armour forces. But they screwed up royally on the infantry side, too much specialization and just not enough numbers.
By splitting light infantry & mech infantry into unique MOCs, would we not be doing the same to ourselves?
I think what I was trying to get at was that in a 10 division army they fielded 6 Armored Divisions that carried about 4-6000 rifles with them, all designed to support the Tank. No problem with that. As I said I believed they had the Manoeuvre side sussed.
The problem was with the Infantry, Rangers, Airborne, Air Assault and a couple of light divisions and separate brigades trying to justify their existence. No commonality of role, structure, training, equipment -- anything.
Shinseki's Medium Brigades (actually light brigades with wheeled transport to repel bullets) and the current chaps infantry centric units of action are attempts to clean up the infantry side.
I think we are (or maybe were is a better statement) not to bad on the infantry side.
We used to have 36 commonly trained infantry companies that could transition from light to M113s relatively easily. We are now down to 27 companies, 3 airborne, 6 light and 18 dragoons. The LAVIII has imposed a different style of fighting. Something different to light or light/M113 and yet not quite Bradley/Warrior.
My suggestion is that our current 27 companies be reallocated as follows, 3 airborne, 3 dragoons and 18 light.
The dragoon companies would be enough to supply riders to a brigade (or Unit of Action) of Cavalry mounted in LAVIIIs. One US battalion of Mech Inf only has about 180 rifles in it (Bolger, Death Ground: Today's American Infantry in Battle) and a Unit of Action (Armored) comprises a Tank Battalion, an Infantry Battalion (3 coys) a Cavalry Squadron (US) and an arty Battalion (2 Btys).
Interesting Link to 3rd Inf Div web site. 3ID has been re-orged to the new structure
The other 18 companies (possibly the airborne too) would all be trained to common standards and be largely interchangeable. While they would be familiar with the LAVIII and may have them assigned to their Battalion/Battle Group as a support Squadron/Coy they would train primarily on their feet.
The dragoons by contrast would train solely for mounted manoeuvre warfare.
Before anyone says can you keep skills alive with 3 coys (540 PYs or so) Assault Troops never counted more than 200 PYs , Pioneers, Anti-Armour and Mortars about 360 PYs apiece and none of them concentrated in one place.
I guess it is just which syLLABle you choose to emPHASize.