I refuse to acknowledge that method of transport exists.Take the O-Train???
Too soon?![]()
I refuse to acknowledge that method of transport exists.Take the O-Train???
Too soon?![]()
Me, too ... but I couldn't find it so, some news for folks in the National Capital (from an E-maIl I received from the Army Officers Mess):
Dear AOM Membership,
NCR Combined Officer’s Mess
As many of you may know, both the RCAF Mess and the RCN Mess buildings have been closed for some time and the decision has now been made to keep them closed due to the costs associated with getting them reopened. Following guidance from the Commander CFSG(O-G), the three officer messes in the NCR (Airforce, Army, and Navy) will be amalgamated into the NCR Combined Officers’ Mess as of 1 April 2024 with the AOM building being the new home for all officers. Over the past few months, the executive committees of all messes have been meeting, working towards understanding and planning the way ahead for the combined mess. I can assure you all that thorough analysis and collaboration is ongoing, with the guidance of CFMWS, to ensure due consideration is happening concerning every aspect of the amalgamation. For example (but not limited to):
New Executive Committee Design
New Constitution
Building plan (artifacts)
Mess dues
The first General Mess Meeting (GMM) for the new combined officer’s mess will be held on 15 Feb 2024 where many of your questions will be able to be addressed. I ask for your patience as we are still trying to figure out the details and not in a position to provide more currently.
If a Mod knows a better place for this please move it there.
I think this is the issue. I work on the Gatineau side and live in Orleans and at the end of the day don't want to be driving downtown during rush hour.I think that the issue isn’t getting people to leave, it’s how to get them downtown. If there were parking chits (free parking at the City Hall lot, for example) on weekend events, or taxi/Uber reimbursement so they don’t need to drive downtown at all, that would help. Maybe move some events to Saturdays or Sundays, rather than forcing people to drive from Carling to downtown at rush hour on a Friday.
I'm going to bring this up at my next committee meeting... Maybe TGIS makes more sense these days that TGIF/TGIT.Maybe move some events to Saturdays or Sundays, rather than forcing people to drive from Carling to downtown at rush hour on a Friday.
I'm going to bring this up at my next committee meeting... Maybe TGIS makes more sense these days that TGIF/TGIT.
I know that for our mess a lot was done on Thursdays to accommodate IR members, but now that most aren't living downtown and going to the mess regularly, it might be time to switch things up.
Oh it exists. Hard to deny that.I refuse to acknowledge that method of transport exists.
I understand that back in the day, drinks were significantly cheaper as federal and provincial taxes were not paid thereon. What incentive do I have to hang with my workmates and build camaraderie in an antiquated building for which I am required to pay dues and which charges me standard rates? Screw that, I'll go the the local pub, pay the same rates, avoid that annoying prick Joe Bloggins and maybe meet women who aren't an HR issue/I don't have to work with if they don't like my approach.The real issue is, what can the messes do to get people interested in leaving the comfort of their homes? Messes thrived before people could sit on their couch and have access to the entire internet's distractions.
The RCAF O Mess had a lot of virtual events, like virtual wine tasting (you picked up the kit and went on Zoom with a few friends). They also had take-home dinners that you heated up at home.
They occasionally had in-person events too but aside from the beer tasting, I wasn’t able to attend them.
I think that the issue isn’t getting people to leave, it’s how to get them downtown. If there were parking chits (free parking at the City Hall lot, for example) on weekend events, or taxi/Uber reimbursement so they don’t need to drive downtown at all, that would help. Maybe move some events to Saturdays or Sundays, rather than forcing people to drive from Carling to downtown at rush hour on a Friday.
And not have to worry about wearing jeans, not recognizing some big giant head, office politics etc. Weird to have to pay to belong to a social club that imposes a lot of arbitrary rules and customs while being full of office politics, plus not welcome in a lot of the team you work with.I understand that back in the day, drinks were significantly cheaper as federal and provincial taxes were not paid thereon. What incentive do I have to hang with my workmates and build camaraderie in an antiquated building for which I am required to pay dues and which charges me standard rates? Screw that, I'll go the the local pub, pay the same rates, avoid that annoying prick Joe Bloggins and maybe meet women who aren't an HR issue/I don't have to work with if they don't like my approach.
It's not the comfort of my home, it's the market value of the joint as a hang-out.
The problem is that many think beer is the purpose of the mess because it had been central for so long. The reality is that beer was a means. The purpose of the mess is social interaction, group cohesion, cross-group cohesion, and identity building.Do you serving members need to subsidize a beautiful (and valuable) old building so that I can go and hoist a few beers with other old retired colonels on the occasion Friday?
That involves opening up the NDA and K R&Os to revise the part about it being mandatory to belong to a mess.
@FJAG can clarify, but it has been explained to me that the "mess" in legal terms also factors in CFMWS, which is a nice little loophole around the Income Tax Act section on "taxable benefits." So yes, we are forced to join the "mess" as an organization IOT avoid having to pay for the gym and such out of pocket.
Definitely, and I will go on my soapbox again and argue that there should also be an All-Ranks area as well.The problem is that many think beer is the purpose of the mess because it had been central for so long. The reality is that beer was a means. The purpose of the mess is social interaction, group cohesion, cross-group cohesion, and identity building.
Maybe it needs to be redefined from first principles, but it does need to exist.
I'm not sure how much of a long term future messes have. They may have made eminent good sense in the 19th and 20th centuries, especially in remote locations, but can they survive in thew 21st? Should they? Do you serving members need to subsidize a beautiful (and valuable) old building so that I can go and hoist a few beers with other old retired colonels on the occasion Friday?
At least a few years ago, that’s how 14 Wing Annapolis Mess was set up.Would say that the RN messes I've been are much better set up for that, but it's more common there for people to live in during the week then drive home for the weekend. But they had common rooms with things like ping pong, couches, big tv for watching movies etc that you oculd use whether or not the bar was open, with things like boardgames, etc also kicking around for peopel to use.
Last time I was in Winnipeg, it seemed like the Wobbly Prop was where everyone hung out.I know when I was posted to, and on course in Winnipeg we hardly went to the mess, because we couldn't count on the mess being open. The mess never opened because people didn't go, but people didn't go because it was never open...
That sounds great; and especially important on the more remote locations. Even Shearwater, which is in theory in Halifax, unless you had a car you were effectively miles from the front gate, let alone anywhere off base that was decent.At least a few years ago, that’s how 14 Wing Annapolis Mess was set up.
One building, with the bottom floor being the eating mess. The second floor was the O Mess, WO/Sgts, and JRs, plus the Tow Bar. If I recall correctly, the WO/Sgts and JRs had one of those movable walls so it could be one big area as well.
I don’t recall if the WO/Sgts or JRs had the big TV, etc but the O Mess definitely did. The Tow Bar also had an annex with dartboards, pool tables, etc.
Last time I was in Winnipeg, it seemed like the Wobbly Prop was where everyone hung out.
There is definitely a place for the all-ranks social facility, and I think this could usually be provided by the CANEX operated restaurant/pub that one finds on many (most?) major bases ... except many such locations are too small, too focused around their bars, and/or lack event rooms that can be booked for DwDs or sub-sub unit socials.Definitely, and I will go on my soapbox again and argue that there should also be an All-Ranks area as well.