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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

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I'm trying to make the exact same choice - MPO or Infantry officer. I signed up for infantry and now I want to remuster to MP but openings are EXTREMELY scarce. Supposedly, this year, ONE MPO position is available which I stand 0 chance of getting.

Considering your interests, I'd try to go MP first, then infantry. You can always get into the infantry but getting MP is tough. There's also the fact that MP sets you up nicely for civvie law enforcement while infantry leaves you very little in the way of transferrable skills. From what I understand, MP's leave the forces as de facto qualified RCMP officers and don't have much trouble getting hired.
Glorified Ape said:
I'm trying to make the exact same choice - MPO or Infantry officer. I signed up for infantry and now I want to remuster to MP but openings are EXTREMELY scarce. Supposedly, this year, ONE MPO position is available which I stand 0 chance of getting.

Considering your interests, I'd try to go MP first, then infantry. You can always get into the infantry but getting MP is tough. There's also the fact that MP sets you up nicely for civvie law enforcement while infantry leaves you very little in the way of transferrable skills. From what I understand, MP's leave the forces as de facto qualified RCMP officers and don't have much trouble getting hired.

Well Ive met more former infanteers in civie law enforcement than former MP's. And former MP's that join the RCMP go to depot like eveyone else. AND further more any civie law enforcement agency that allows "lateral transfers" doesnt except military police as equivalent.
Quote from Glorified Ape,
while infantry leaves you very little in the way of transferrable skills.

In responce to that I present this gem from PBI,

So do you; in fact, you've got a whole bunch that most employers today would kill for :

-you know how to work as part of a team;

-you can take orders intelligently (ie: you ask questions if you don't understand);

-you understand getting the job done;

-you've seen lots of different leadership styles at work in lots of different situations, so you know what kind to apply if you are put in charge of other employees;

-you may already have had leadership training and experience;

-you understand why rules exist;

-you show up for work on time;

-you've been trained to take care of your equipment;

-you can adapt to different and difficult situations;

-you're in at least reasonable medical and physical shape;

-you can speak and write English clearly; and

lots more.

These aren't skills that fade because a piece of machinery or an industrial technique becomes obsolete-they stay with you. Ask ANY employer today if he wants an employee with all those traits, but without the technical training, and I'll bet you'll be surprised at the answer. My neighbour runs a carwash and he constantly bemoans the lack of these basic traits, and I've heard other employers do the same. The shortage of good employees today, especially in skilled trades, makes almost anybody with a good military record very desireable. Don't sell yourself short because you're an 031. Ducimus. Cheers.

I'm trying to make the exact same choice - MPO or Infantry officer. I signed up for infantry and now I want to remuster to MP but openings are EXTREMELY scarce. Supposedly, this year, ONE MPO position is available which I stand 0 chance of getting.

I'm, surprised by that, I heard that the military is really looking for qualified Military Police Officers who have the police diploma, I've heard of some people who were able to join up right after they got the diploma. But I'm still wondering what I'd rather want to do after high school, and right now it's between police work, military policing, and of course the infantry.  :soldier:

Well, I think that I would do the police studies program at college, go into the infantry reserves during that time. After I finish my diploma I'll decide between Military Police, or Infantry, and decide which occupation I would much rather do. I know for sure that I want a job that will be challenging and exciting, not a job that will give me money for making a rich man richer.

Is their anybody here that has done both military police and infantry, and can tell me which one they preffered and what the key differences were.

:salute:The CMPA site has closed it's doors to external interaction.

As an interim, for those of the MP world, here are two links to look at.

Feel free to forward to other MP types.




:fifty: Wow.  What a choice.  Two totally different trades. In the infantry you more likely to suffer more injuries over the years.  Knees, back, etc.  Sure you can get medical pension, but money doesn't take away the constant pain you live with.  As one recruiter said "Do you like camping?"  Can expect sports days on Fridays, spending long hours outside in the cold, rain, snow, extreme heat, carrying heavy loads long distances and up steep grades  Up until now lots of tours.  Postings are limited to East or West depending on which badge you are.  There are some out of trade/RSS positions available depending on rank.  Advancement in rank is quicker than MP.

MP.  More independent and more responsibility. Injuries occur, most people have low back pain caused by wearing the gunbelt for long hours. Unless you are posted to a busy base your shifts will/could go something like this:  15 min of excitement followed by 11 hrs of really slow time.  More postings e.g; Canadian Embassies all over the world(openings are based on rank of course), VCDS just announced that the MPs will be providing Close Protection Services to high ranking commanders overseas(will be based in Belgium), Air Marshall Duties on select VIP trips(travel with PM and GG), field platoon, CFNIS and CFNCIU.    MPs make a little more than pers of equal rank in non-spec trades.  This may not seem like much, but if and when it comes time for pension, you'll see it. 

MPO are administrators.  Once they receive their MP Officer training they are suppose to spend 6 months in a guardhouse learning how it runs, etc and then 6 months with CFNIS investigating.  Once that is done, they generally get two or three command(Base MPO) positions, these are usually alternated by staff positions(i.e: NDHQ, etc). 

Honestly, you should finish school first and then look at all the trades.  There is a lot out there, beside MP, Inf and WPNs Tech.  Take the time to really look at what each trade offers and make the correct choice the first time.


Andrewd83, apply to the RCMP right now.   I have been in for 7 years now.   When I was at Depot, there was a girl who turned 20 while in training.  

As long as you have you're head screwed on straight, and you are a mature person, you stand a good chance at getting in.   Post secondary education is not a must... what the RCMP wants is life experience.   They want to see that you are doing things or taking classes that are advancing you in life.  

As for the pepper spray thing, it is true that as a cadet, you have the option of being sprayed.   But I would have serious doubts about serving with anyone who said no... nobody did that I knew of when I was in training.   If you get in, wait until you get Taser trained.   Getting peppersprayed sucked, but getting that jolt SUCKS!  
Blackhorse7 said:
If you get in, wait until you get Taser trained.   Getting peppersprayed sucked, but getting that jolt SUCKS!  

Oh ya, I'll vouch for that too.  I had the opportunity last week to train with some of the OPP TRU team guys who introduced me to the wonderful world of tasers........................mmmmmmmmmmm, good times.  They say the nervous twich I have now should go away in about 6 months
MP 811...  That's pretty cool.  I'm venturing a guess at the abbreviation, but TRU... Tactical Responce Unit?  I've never heard too much about cross training between MP's and municipal or federal Police Forces.  Not that I'm against it.  Quite the opposite, I think that should be done more often.
Hello Grubby,
I am in the process to be an MP. Now I wait to go to MPAC.
Can you give me some information about it.

P.S. I'm sorry for my English.
i would like to know if military police candidates have to do a polygraph during the mpac.
I am interested in a career as an MP. I am graduating in April with a business degree. I volunteer at my local community police station, and keep myself physically fit. I've read through the CF website and recruiting info thoroughly, but I am interested in the perspective of CF members. Any help with the following questions would be greatly appreciated!

I noticed on the pay scales that NCM's recieve specialist pay, while officers don't. Can NCM's advance to a higher level of pay faster than an officer?
Are officers more likely than NCM's to find employment with other police agencies after their time in the CF?
If I were to participate in the DEO plan, would I be confining my potential as a senior officer to administrative duties?
Would enlisting as an NCM confine me to technical or combat duties?

Any feedback would be great.

ps Is the correct term the Provost Corps, Provost Marshal, or Military Police?
aesop081 said:

Hey c'mon now.
While it's true that MPO's do far more admin work then the NCM's both are creditialed peace officers. As for finding meaningful employment as a civvie cop after the CF...it depends on the force you're applying to as well as what sort of candidate you are.
I know plenty of meatheads who can't get picked up by police forces.

What specifically do you want to do?
aesop081 said:

just in case you're not being sarcastic, I see it as the natural combination of policing and military work, which are two careers that I have interest in. It's either that or helo driver, and I think I'd be better off avoiding ACS and going straight to the MPO position.

thanks spenco.

there's no regular army in BC, so if I want to serve here, would it have to be in the Navy or Air Force elements?. Is it Comox, Esquimalt or nothing in BC?
How many positions are available at Remote ASU's? ie fmr bases like Chilliwack or Aldergrove? Are there permanent staff at places like Vernon or Chilcotin Military Training Area?
Turf said:
there's no regular army in BC, so if I want to serve here, would it have to be in the Navy or Air Force elements?. Is it Comox, Esquimalt or nothing in BC?
How many positions are available at Remote ASU's? ie fmr bases like Chilliwack or Aldergrove? Are there permanent staff at places like Vernon or Chilcotin Military Training Area?

Yes, initially Comox and Esquimalt are the only choices for BC but this doesn't mean you have to wear an Air Force or Navy uniform to be posted there, as with the other "purple trades" your uniform doesn't dictate where you serve, although this is not totally true for officers.   I believe the ASU in Chilliwack, which belongs to LFWA, has 3 MP positions, all NCOs, and Nanoose may still have a few others.   Vernon gets a small contingent of Reg Force MPs in the summer from LFWA but it is only on Temporary Duty.

The name of our Branch is the Military Police Branch with the personnel being either Military Police Officers (MPO) or Military Police (MP).