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The Next Conservative Leader

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[quote author=Jed]

Point 3. I have no axe to grind with other peoples cultures and religions until it starts to impact people I care about. I have many  Muslim friends, and Jewish friends, and Atheist friends.  I feel that I try to be open and honest with all but I don't generally  pick verbal fights. It is easier when you have mutual trust and respect built up over the years.[/quote]

It's fun for people to bring up the Crusades and a dozen other historical examples of cases where non-islamic radicals were assholes but unless it's something happening in the last 10 or 20 years it's not really relevant to the state of the worlds security TODAY.

Romans were assholes, who cares, I'm worried about my family today and it's not the Romans who are going to blow up markets or attack me for saying hello to someone. 

Point 4.  Not much additional bureaucracy is required to state your Country's case to incoming peoples and at least it gives incoming folks fair warning.  Sure they most likely will just say what they want you to hear but at least someone would be able to remind them  of what is right and wrong if and when things go pear shaped.

The new Canada.
Trudeau salutes the “sisters upstairs” at gender segregated mosque
Justin Trudeau skipped any 9/11 memorials marking the 15th anniversary of the horrific terrorist attacks that killed thousands of people including twenty-six Canadians but on September 12th he was at the Ottawa Mosque to celebrate the end of the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca.

While there, he spoke about Canadian values, including equality, even as men and women were completely segregated inside the mosque with men on the main floor, women upstairs, something Trudeau even alluded to.

He smiled as he saluted the “sisters upstairs” — isn’t this a man who celebrated having an equal number of men and women in his cabinet?
- See more at: http://www.speakingnews.net/trudeau-salutes-the-sisters-upstairs-at-gender-segregated-mosque-the-rebel#sthash.SxKbGyRX.dpuf

Maybe we should be careful what we wish for when we start talking about "Canadian values" if they're anything like our leaders.
Jarnhamar said:
Maybe we should be careful what we wish for when we start talking about "Canadian values" if they're anything like our leaders.
You see how everyone likes values being tested when it's values they agree with, but not so much if it's values they don't like?  ;)
Well, I am not really a 'dyed in the wool' any specific party type of person. My voting allegiance can, and has been changed throughout my 40 plus years  of casting a vote. 

Today, however; there is no way that I could envisage casting a vote for the Federal Liberal Party under the tutelage of JT Jr. and the backroom elites pulling his strings.

I predict this leadership team is going to pull our great Country apart just as disastrously as the Democrats under the Obama team have pulled apart our staunchest Allie, the USA. (Too be fair it is not solely the Democrat team's fault but they seem to specialize in divisive Red Herring  tactics with respect to Occupy  ___ movements,  BLM,  lack of support for the Laws of the Land, Police officers and the Military).

If JT Jr. and the backroom elites continue in this vein, imitating Democrat Party processes, it won't be long before the specter of Western Separation or Quebec Separation issues are back on the table. The Country I'm sure can weather 4 years of this inane administration but I'm not sure if it could take 8 years, ala the Obama administration to the south of us.

With that said, I believe it is imperative that the Conservative Party find an honourable, principled and effective Leader to lead the fight against this current disastrous leadership that our Country currently has sooner than later.  A second Liberal majority will deeply fracture our Country.

Needless to say, this is my personal opinion, for what it is worth.

Good2Golf said:
That is probably also true, and pragmatically (and as a rugby player thinking that maybe the LPC for now is like the All Blacks), it makes sense, but I do believe that, that notwithstanding, he very much wants to have his privacy with his family for the next 4-6 years.  :nod:

He is a progressive, this is how progressives see the world.  Example; the latest progressive entertainment is a movie about Nat Turner's Slave Revolt, it fails to even mention one of the 31 white children hacked to death by Nat and boys but shows the a "Glory" of the freedom fighters and the greed on white soldiers hunting the poor freedom fighters down.  Ameristan is balkanizing and becoming the very banana republics that it once despised but so are we.  Progressives are a cancer on the nation. 
Sep 13, 2016

"The announcement on Tuesday followed speculation on social media that the former Toronto city councillor would declare his intention to join the race for the federal Conservative party leadership."

Doug had this to say about that, today,

Canada's "Trump Lite"?



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mariomike said:
Sep 13, 2016

"The announcement on Tuesday followed speculation on social media that the former Toronto city councillor would declare his intention to join the race for the federal Conservative party leadership."

Doug had this to say about that, today,

Canada's "Trump Lite"?

The conditions for a Trump or Marnie Le Pen are out there in Canada. It is much like those forests which were aggressively managed for 50 years to prevent forest fires; they are full of dead branches and other tinder which fuels much greater fires than would have happened otherwise. Because our particular conditions are different from France or the United States, the particulars of a "Canadian Trump" will also be different (I personally would expect someone with more business/media connections like Kevin O'Leary), but don't doubt it will come.
For any Ford Nation "folks" who could not make Ford Fest 2016, a few highlights,

Doug "Future Premier Canada", Randy ( black cowboy hat ) Renata, Doug Ford the Third ( That's weird...better not go there. ), Mike Stirpe  Ford ( always sounds like he's on Helium ), no sign of Kathy - no surprise, Kenny Neville, Penny M., Councillor Mammoliti, Mr. Cho said a few kind words, etc... What a crowd!

Penny M., "John Tory was like ISIS coming to Toronto."

Another name into the growing leadership stew pot?
Former immigration minister Chris Alexander is expected to join the race for the federal Conservative leadership.

A source with close knowledge of the race confirms Alexander is gathering the necessary signatures and financial support and building a team for a run.

The source says his campaign is expected to focus on foreign policy and the economy ...
The latest:  Tony Clement drops out ...
Conservative leadership contender Tony Clement is dropping out of the race to replace Stephen Harper.

The Ontario MP said his campaign didn't raise enough money to meet the "financial realities of this race."

"I set for myself a series of benchmarks that I believed were necessary to achieve, by the fall, to ensure I had a viable chance of success," he said in a note to campaign supporters. "Unfortunately, we did not achieve those milestones to my satisfaction." ...
... while Chris Alexander (pretty much) confirms he's in:
Former immigration minister Chris Alexander has confirmed he plans to run for the Conservative leadership and that a key plank of his campaign will be a proposal to sharply increase the intake of immigrants to 400,000 every year, including 40,000 refugees, because “this is a core value for me and for Canada.”

Although not yet officially a candidate, the McGill and Oxford graduate said the paperwork would be completed within the next week or two. After that he intends to undertake a cross-country journey by car to the West Coast, “stopping in every place we can where we have an invitation, to speak with groups, large and small, of Conservatives and potential Conservatives.”

Alexander expressed concern about leadership hopeful Kelly Leitch’s controversial proposal to vet prospective immigrants and reject them if they did not share “Canadian values.” ...
Well that changes things, but the day before that news, this poll had Maxime Bernier out front with Tony Clement slightly behind. Maxime Bernier was the 1st or 2nd choice for 22% of people.


It's official official now ...
Ontario MP Kellie Leitch officially launched her campaign to become the next federal Conservative Party leader on Saturday, continuing to talk about the importance of what she terms Canadian values. 

Leitch made the announcement in Collingwood, Ont., which is in her Simcoe-Grey riding ...
... while the Tories juggle critic positions as hats get thrown into the ring:
Rona Ambrose, Leader of the Official Opposition and Interim Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, (Sunday) announced changes to the Shadow Cabinet.

“The race for the leadership of the Conservative Party is growing, both in the number of candidates, and in excitement about their ideas for the future of our party and our country. Recently, a number of Shadow Cabinet members have stepped away from their critic roles to join this historic contest. I want to wish Steven Blaney, Erin O’Toole and Lisa Raitt the best of luck as they pursue this next step, and I thank them for their service to our Caucus and Shadow Cabinet since November of last year. I also want to welcome back Tony Clement to the Shadow Cabinet, and thank him for his willingness to serve.”

“As well, I want to thank Members of Parliament John Brassard, Alupa Clarke, Gerard Deltell, Phil McColeman, Pierre Poilievre and Alain Rayes for agreeing to serve in new roles in the Shadow Cabinet. I look forward to working with them and the entire Caucus to hold this Liberal government to account over the coming days and weeks.”
New "who's critic of what?" list attached.


Bracketing fire around the base?
Quebec MP Steven Blaney is running for leadership of the Conservative Party, and his first major policy position is a ban on the niqab and a promise to invoke the notwithstanding clause if courts strike down his new measures.

The former minister in the cabinet of Stephen Harper said he will introduce legislation that would forbid the Islamic face-covering while voting and taking the oath of citizenship. He also said that the prohibition would extend to people working in the federal public service.

"We are a country that is built on immigration, but we have to be sure that those new Canadians we welcome are understanding of how we live. We don't want our country to become like the country they left," Blaney told reporters Monday. "We fully welcome you, but we want you to respect who we are."

The measures are necessary, Blaney said, to "ensure the sustainability of our integration model" and to protect women's rights.

The proposal revives a controversial debate from the last campaign, when Harper himself suggested the niqab should be banned from the public service.

His party enacted policies to prevent women from wearing a niqab while taking the citizenship oath, and promised to create a "barbaric cultural practices" tip line. Those two proposals led some to accuse the party of engaging in identity politics and fuelling anti-Muslim sentiment.

Zunera Ishaq, a Muslim woman, went to court to challenge the government's ban, and, in the middle of the campaign, the Federal Court of Appeal cleared the way for her to wear the headcovering.

Blaney said he'd use Section 33 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which gives Parliament little-used override powers, to block the likes of Ishaq from the ceremony despite the court's ruling ...
Well, so much for "the motive hasn't been determined yet" ...
The Kellie Leitch campaign is taking steps to be certain of the safety of the Conservative Party leadership candidate after a weekend incident at her home prompted calls to police.

The Ontario Provincial Police visited Leitch’s home near Creemore, Ont., on Friday and twice early Saturday morning after what Leitch believed was an after-midnight break-in to her garage, an event that came hours after what she described as threatening online activity.

Leitch said in a statement issued Sunday night that an individual offered her home address “online to anyone who was interested in doing me harm.”

She said she reported this to the OPP and met with police officers at her home late Friday evening.

Then, Leitch said, just before 2 a.m. on Saturday, her home alarm sounded.


“Appropriate measures are being taken,” Leitch campaign manager Nick Kouvalis said in a telephone interview Sunday.

“Kellie’s not going to back down and she’s not going to wilt at threats. This is how the left operates and we know that.” ...
"Feed the base, feed the base!" - highlights mine ...
Federal Conservative leadership hopeful Chris Alexander says he didn’t stop a crowd calling for Alberta Premier Rachel Notley to be locked up because politicians need to listen to constituents.

The former immigration minister was speaking at a rally against the provincial NDPs’ planned carbon tax Saturday when protesters began the “Lock her up” chant popularized during president-elect Donald Trump’s campaign.

“I totally disapprove of that particular chant. I don’t think it’s fair. I don’t think it’s the right thing to say at a rally or elsewhere, and that’s why I didn’t join it,” Alexander said Sunday.

The Edmonton rally was organized by Rebel Media, an online news and right-wing opinion outlet, and video of the incident was posted on Twitter by the website’s Alberta bureau chief Sheila Gunn Reid.

The video shows the ralliers start by chanting “Vote her out,” but as they grow louder, the message changes.

As they chant “Lock her up,” Alexander smiles and appears to gesture in time with the chant, nodding along.

Someone can be heard shouting, “That’s enough! That’s enough!” in the background, and as Alexander smiles and nods, the camera turns to face the crowd.

At no point in the video does Alexander stop the protesters or say anything about their chant.

“You don’t pick it up in the video, but I started to say the words in time with them, ‘Vote her out,’ and then the next point I made was about the ballot box,” he said. “I expressed my disapproval by talking about something completely different: voting. I think that was pretty clear.”

He said he thinks the chants came from a place of pain ...
Gotta remember that if I hear something I disagree with - my changing the subject will show my disagreement ...
milnews.ca said:
"Feed the base, feed the base!" - highlights mine ...Gotta remember that if I hear something I disagree with - my changing the subject will show my disagreement ...

Yep.  In fact many people do that.  It is an avoidance mechanism.  I have sat in many rooms and heard many idiots spout off and not said a word.  And changed the subject.... 

Meanwhile, the Council of European Canadians has picked its horse - for now, anyway -- shared under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42) ...
Immigration reformers, social conservatives and ethnic nationalists have been emboldened by Donald Trump's win in the United States, but we're still very much a target for politicians, the media, big business and academia here in Canada. Having an historic change next door doesn't insulate us from being carpet bombed by Social Justice Warriors, Cultural Marxists, Islamophiles, Immigration advocates or Big Business.

Indeed, if a political candidate with even some of our views dares to stick his or her head above ground, he or she is immediately attacked as a racist, fascist or worse.

Now think what I just said. Our opponents go completely bat-sh*t crazy when some politician says some otherwise common sense thing opponents take to be the thin edge of the racial awakening of ordinary Canadians. It's as if they have their antenna out for even a whiff of ethnic nationalism in order to stamp it out.

I know why they're so anxious; why they're so afraid. They know in their guts ethnic awakening will sweep the nation once a spark can keep burning despite the hailstorm of abuse. They're right to be afraid because the entire Canadian multiculturalism edifice is built on a false premise; that family, ethnicity and race doesn't matter. In the end, biology will come back to bite Progressives as it has done everywhere in the world where Progressives and Communists (but I repeat myself) have tried to ignore it.

That's down the road; the eventual collapse of multiculturalism is the light at the end of the tunnel.

For the moment we can use these attacks for our own purposes. We can turn Social Justice Warriors into scent hounds to sniff out the people and policies we should support. They, misguided and short-sighted as they are, can show us exactly where our efforts should be concentrated. They can identify which politician we should support and vote for.

Right now all the hounds are pointing at Kellie Leitch, the M.P. for Simcoe-Grey, and candidate for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada. They hate her because she has called for screening all visitors, refugees and immigrants for Canadian Values.

Why is that a bad thing you ask? Because it would effectively eliminate true believers in Islam who, according to the Koran, do not believe in Canadian civic, legal or moral values. It would also screen out Islamist terrorists who pray to Allah when committing their crimes. In other words, it would put a pause on Muslim immigration very similar to the new policy in the United States. And yes, Progressives hate her for it.

Kellie Leitch is eminently qualified to be the Conservative Leader, having previously been Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development, and Minister of Labour and Minister for the Status of Women. She is Catholic, pro-life and a pediatric surgeon (being the latter is why she is the former). That's another reason Progressives don't like her; they don't mind Syrian women with five children but native Canadians, no way.

As I write this, Dr. Leitch has come out in favour of letting Canadians carry pepper spray for personal defence. There'll be outrage over that too. Progressives believe the Police should protect you, and if they aren't there when you're attacked, too bad.

Does this mean Kellie Leitch is the perfect candidate, no. And it doesn't mean she won't be pushed off message, or off policies in the future. Indeed, nothing in politics is guaranteed. However, as long as the Left is attacking her, as long as she's being vilified by Progressives, we know she's on the right track.

For this, for now, she deserves our support.
A bit about the Council ...
European Canadians make up three-quarters of the Canadian population but there has been no group advocating our interests in the national dialogue.

The rise of special interest groups from other cultures and regions, and growing attacks on European concepts of law, liberty, economics and identity, now require a response.

The Council of European Canadians is a group of public-minded individuals who believe the European heritage and character of Canada should be maintained and enhanced.

Public participation is welcomed.
milnews.ca said:
Meanwhile, the Council of European Canadians has picked its horse - for now, anyway  . . .

A bit about the Council

European Canadians make up three-quarters of the Canadian population . . .

Okay, so this council portrays itself as a voice for Canadians of "European" descent.  Maybe perceptions have changed in the more than half century since I've been aware of my heritage, but back then those of us whose ancestors emigrated from the British Isles and Ireland did not consider ourselves of European descent, we were Irish, English, Scottish, Welsh or (if stuck-up) British.  Europeans were a lesser form, allies some or the former enemy, friendly in most cases and generally nothing wrong with them but lesser all the same.  I'm not sure that I would consider being lumped in with them that appealing.

Blackadder1916 said:
Okay, so this council portrays itself as a voice for Canadians of "European" descent.  Maybe perceptions have changed in the more than half century since I've been aware of my heritage, but back then those of us whose ancestors emigrated from the British Isles and Ireland did not consider ourselves of European descent, we were Irish, English, Scottish, Welsh or (if stuck-up) British.  Europeans were a lesser form, allies some or the former enemy, friendly in most cases and generally nothing wrong with them but lesser all the same.  I'm not sure that I would consider being lumped in with them that appealing.


No discrimination beyond the Channel.  [:D
"Wogs start at Calais" is such a harsh phrase, right?  >:D
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