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The Next Minister of Defense

In fact, if I heard correctly, the only questions he was asked when he left the cabinet room yesterday were abut his lobbying job (Hill and Knowlton) which he left less than two year ago.  Every defence procurement decision will be parsed by the press to see if O'Connor is, somehow or other, connected to the contractors.

The other end of a possible problem is that if Harper wanted to keep O'Connor clear of the actual purchase decisions (undesirable but the way the Liberals ran the show) then the other "Go To Guy" is Michael Fortier - the new Senator-designate from Montreal's power structure in charge of Public Works and Government Services Canada.

I voted for them.  I am glad the Liberals are gone.  I am nervous.  Will it be coal or candy in the stocking?
I feel sorry for the CF and Gen Hillier especially -- IMHO O'Connor is a moron, and prove it with several of his comments.

Kirkhill said:
I voted for them.  I am glad the Liberals are gone.  I am nervous.  Will it be coal or candy in the stocking?

Candy coated coal and a very large stalking by our media friends. (you know the ones-  >:( ).
KevinB said:
I feel sorry for the CF and Gen Hillier especially -- IMHO O'Connor is a moron, and prove it with several of his comments.

I agree with KevinB. Sure, he was a General, but he was a general when we were getting ready to plug the Fulda Gap!

It will be interesting to see how aircraft procurement plays out - he worked for Airbus....
Boeing's Arnprior plant (Chinook an dLab depot-level repair and inspection) is in his riding.....hmmmm?

Rather than making predictions about whether or not O'Connor will be a good MND or not, why not check fire and see how he does?  He certainly can't be worse than Hellyer...
redleafjumper said:
Rather than making predictions about whether or not O'Connor will be a good MND or not, why not check fire and see how he does?  He certainly can't be worse than Hellyer...

Thats hilarious. From what I remember Hellyer started this new "unified force with an integrated approach". we are all embracing now. :D
redleafjumper said:
Rather than making predictions about whether or not O'Connor will be a good MND or not, why not check fire and see how he does?  He certainly can't be worse than Hellyer...

Of course Hellyer was not at the helm during a shooting war...
  Like it or not Afghan/GWOT is a shooting war.
KevinB and Signalsguy: no moron - wait for it!  And the Fulda Gap was an American problem.
I don't know about the comparison, or even if we should do it that way. Let's wait and see how he does, and judge him on his own merits. Everyone's human and will make mistakes. The telling will be if the wrong is admitted and rectified. Don't forget how the Ottawa Citizen tried to crucify him by lying about what he said. Expect more of the same. Don't trust the fourth estate to tell you the absolute, unbiased truth. Judge only that which you percieve for yourself. I still like to think that officers (even ex) are gentlemen, and there's honour among gentlemen. I would hope he sets a high standard, befitting a General Officer, for the rest to follow.
I judge O'Connor by his past statements;

"Use of Mk 19 AGL possible violation of Ottawa Accord"

"Move JTF 2 to Gander"

"Keep JTF Killers on military base where they can be controlled"

So we have a former tank officer and cold war dinosaur, with a hate on for special forces.

So let's see what he does, but he is off to a bad start.... 
"So we have a former tank officer and cold war dinosaur"

- Cold War Dinosaur?  Please explain.

"Cold War Dinosaur"
I don't wish to put words in his mouth but perhaps he meant archaic ways of thinking when it comes to military deployments of 2006 vice when he was serving.
yeah I know, just giving my perception on what he meant, I have NO doubt he will elaborate.