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The Next Minister of Defense

I guess the Dwyer Hill Mob can start packing for Pet, and get fitted for those tracking collars..... ::)

Anyway it is not a good thing based on his past performance and here is to hoping that his reins are being held tight.
I don't think it will be all that bad. Sometimes politicians say one thing out of power and do another in power. I think Hillier is too popular to be dismissed.
I hope to god this doesn't turn back the clock, I like the way things are going currently
tomahawk6 can you please tell my why you have so much faith in this guy considering his recent past comments.
I think he will be held in close check by Elcock (if he stays), Hillier and whoever becomes Clerk.  There are troops in action, overseas – the Minister’s room to manoeuvre is limited.  He will have to avoid favouring, being seen to favour, or even being thought to favour his old cronies in the defence lobbying business.  The fast track aircraft procurements should stay on that track.  I also expect that Peter McKay will have lots to tell him about what the CF will be required to do.

He may find himself running Hillier’s errands – taking the demands to the cabinet table and bringing back the budget allocations.
O'Conner as MND.......I'm sorry I have to say it....EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!  Just what is the drug of choice in ottawa these days? ::) >:(
I too was hoping for someone else but, failing that, why not hope for the best? Honestly, I think there is the possibility of something good coming out of this. Gen. Hillier seems to be an extremely level headed man and I think he and people like Laurie Hawn, etc can influence Mr. O'Connor in the right direction. At very least, I've got my fingers crossed that that will be the case...
CFL said:
What defence groups were they btw.

Mr. Campbell I REALLY hope your right.

He lobbied for a long list of companies but Airbus is the one which may tie his hands first.  It will be very, very difficult for O'Connor to even hint at interfering in any aircraft procuremnt decision without being dragged through the mud, on TV, in the house, by all the opposition parties because of his ties to Airbus.
Just remember that PM Harper will dictate military policy. The MND will carry out his policy.
That is true tomahawk.  However the MND chooses how to make that policy happen.  Unless you suggest that the PM will dictact HOW it will happen as well.
It will be up to the civilian leadership to get a funding increase for the CF. I think that is more important than who the minister is.
Mortar guy said:
I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords...

"Would you say that now is the time to panic?"
"Yes I would, Kent"
General Hillier used to report to Defence Minister O'Connor when he was General O'Connor. There is no bad blood between them.
commo_dude said:
General Hillier used to report to Defence Minister O'Connor when he was General O'Connor. There is no bad blood between them.

I'm curious how you know this.
He has started another thread on this as well - I have replied to him there.
