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The "Posted To Winnipeg" Merged Thread

Well Here is my 2 cents.

Born and raised in Manitoba and worked in Winnipeg. Now living in the PMQ's in Edmonton. Both cities have their plus and negatives.

Winnipeg- I have found ( personal opinion) has the friendliest people around. I also find that Winnipeg comes together to support great causes. An example would be the grass roots campaign to keep the Winnipeg Jets. Plus the flood of the century. It was great to see communities coming together to support everyone. Kids and all walk a likes were donating piggy banks just so we could keep our NHL team. The winters are pretty Bad. But from what I hear this year it was mild. The windchill is the factor in Winnipeg. One of the coldest days I encountered was I believe it was -42 with the windchill. OUCH. Try feeding horses at that temp. I think I froze everything off. I find that housing is cheaper then Edmonton by far. One can actually afford to buy an acreage at a reasonable price. But you got to love the mosquito's. The pesky critters. Winnipeg also has some of the best lakes around. I may be biased ( because my family has a lake front cabin by Lac du Bonnet). The summers are hot and it is usually very Humid. Now the cost of Living is about the same. However I just came back from there and I have found while shopping at Walmart, things were actually more expensive there then back in Edmonton. At least 8 yrs ago the PMQ's were great and it seemed that everyone on the base would help each other out if I spouse was deployed. But allot can change in 8 yrs. Winnipeg has loads of festivals and if you are visiting don't forget to go see the forks. The murders are very high per ca pita in Winnipeg compared to Edmonton

Edmonton. I love the fact that it is close to the mountains. The city is growing and the job opportunities are endless. The summers are mild and so are the winters. However it is really dry. Not too many bugs and the mosquito's here are babies compared to the giants back in Manitoba. I have only been to a few lakes in and around Edmonton. I have not been very impressed. I guess I was spoiled from all the Lakes in Manitoba. The housing is far more expensive. We are currently looking at buying an  acreage and sometimes I choke on some of the prices. However if you go an hour outside of Edmonton the prices come down drastically. I like the fact that we only pay 6 percent now GST. Now the PMQ's in Edmonton or mine anyway. Is falling apart and housing doesn't seem to care. The neighborhood sticks to themselves for the most part. Nothing like I expected. Downtown Edmonton is much calmer then Downtown Winnipeg. I have worked in both places. I would work in downtown Edmonton over Winnipeg anyday.

But like everyone says, it all depends on your perspective there are good points and bad points with every posting. In my opinion, I would go back to Winnipeg or I would stay here. I love both cities for various reasons.
We were posted to Wpg for about 5 years and lived in both the north and south side Q's.  3 years ago we were posted to Edm lived in Q's until we bought a house last year.  Home ownership is cheaper in Winnipeg, but I never felt the desire to buy a house there.  We always described the concept of buying a house as "giving up on our dreams to finally get out of Winnipeg".

While living in Wpg, I met some wonderful people and will definitely second the statement that "if you have children Winnipeg is a great place to live".  However, I hated nearly every minute I was there.  I don't miss the city at all, just the people we met there.  I worked full time in Wpg and we have no kids, so it seemed that I never had anything in common with the other spouses.  They couldn't understand the world I moved in, and I couldn't really understand theirs.  While most of our new friends in Edm are parents, that lack of common ground doesn't seem to be as apparent.

It also struck me that there seemed to be a lot of race and class issues that I've never really noticed in Edmonton.  I'm sure it exists, but just doesn't seem to be as in-your-face as it was when in Winnipeg. 
Spent 8 years in Winnipeg.
Great if you like hockey and curling or other ice sports; very limited summer sports time.
Great because of the people that I met and worked with.  Many people I knew claimed there is a race issue due to the high percentage of aboriginals in Manitoba.  Personally, I never saw this.  My wife however was annoyed by a higher than average level of male chauvinism from men living in small communities outside of Winnipeg (i.e. parts department guy - '"sure thing sweetie").
Great parks and shopping and access to entertainment.  However, no really good 'tourist attractions' for when your relatives visit.
The big drawback: minus 40 weather is a bitch and the mosquitoes outside the city in the summer are a friggin nightmare. 

Edmonton was nice, but never was there for the winter so cant really say. However, if the winters there are the same as Wainwright and the summers are the same as Calgary then it would definately be better than Winnipeg.
Hey I'm currently getting posted to CFB Winnipeg, and was wondering what the accomodations are like there, as well as the cost of living for the general area.


I was born and raised in Winnipeg and have been involved with the military lifestyle in the Peg, Moose Jaw and now Edmonton.

Are you going to the Barricks or into a PMQ?

If it is the Barricks (North side), I don't know how they look now but in the early 90's, they were similar to the ones in Calgary.

As for the cost, everything cost the same but of course you have to add the other tax (yeck) :P

Bit of advice, Winnipeggers are very friendly but you have to make the first connection, then all the friends of that contact, become your friend.

I loved living in the Peg, there is so much to do and they say that Winnipeg Beach has the most beautiful people in the world on it

If you have any more question, give a shout and I will see what I can do for you'

Cheers  ;D

Good Day,
Have been here now for a year, still not too fond of the place.
personal income tax is higher than Ontario so I lost over 200.00 per month take home.
My auto insurance went up by over 300.00 per year
Drivers licences are 50.00 for one year.
Winters are winters  this past was good, actually mild. Found the winters in eastern Ontario and Montreal colder but then the humidity didn't help in that department.
Most side streets turn into one way lanes as people do not park in the back alley ways, in winter that can make for some hair raising driving.
On a driving note signal lights are a option, and the right hand lane IS a parking lane. found that out while one of the first days driving here though the car ahead was going rather slow , then realized hey  :o, its bloody parked.
The panhandlers can at time be aggressive, but a firm no and they tend to back off.
Aside from that any questions you may have fire away.

I'm looking at going into SQ, I was hoping to do some post secondary during my contract while in Winnipeg as well.

What are the Single Quarter's like on base?

As well, what is the atmosphere on base like?

I was sure as hell surprised when I saw my posting message thinking that I was for sure going to Pet, and then seeing Winnipeg!!!

PS: Didn't really want to go to Pet
My family and I are posted to Winnipeg this summer.. Was wondering if there is some great spots to buy a house and spots to stay away from? We are in Kingston now and LOVE it here. I have two kids age 12 and 9 and would like to buy somewhere close to schools or close to a bus stop. Any bit of help would be great.. Thanks
stay away from the north end of Winnipeg, period.  Its a war zone up there.
Also we are going to be posted there for 2-3 years and would also be great to buy in a spot where the resale will be good.. :cdn:
momof2 said:
My family and I are posted to Winnipeg this summer.. Was wondering if there is some great spots to buy a house and spots to stay away from? We are in Kingston now and LOVE it here. I have to kids age 12 and 9 and would like to buy somewhere close to schools or close to a bus stop. Any bit of help would be great.. Thanks

There are lots of great areas that are close to both schools, bus routes and the base in the west end of the city on either side of the river.  Depending on how long of a commute you are comfortable with there are some nice although very cookie cutterish sub divisions towards the southern end of the city.

Prices in Winnipeg are still pretty reasonable when compared to other major cities, and the market here has been on the upswing for quite a few years.  If you need any specific info or what not feel free to drop me a PM.  I grew up in Winnipeg, and am currently posted here so I am very familar with most of the areas.
MP 811 said:
stay away from the north end of Winnipeg, period.  Its a war zone up there.

The "north end" encompasses a lot of territory. To be specific, stay away from Main street between Portage and Inkster. I live in north Winnipeg, and have a very good neighborhood. The commute to the base from my part of town runs about 20 to 30 minutes depending on the weather.
I know allot of families buy in the St James area as it is close to the base, but on the other hand,  I know people that live in the far south and east of the city as they liked those areas more.  Honestly I would base your house location/choice on what you want and see when you come on your HHT.   
There are a lot of nice bedroom communities outside the ring road around the city, but a lot depends on how far you want to drive and how often you shop.  I lived 35 km northwest of the city and had an easy drive every day, but had to drive to the city each weekend for groceries and big purchases. 

Living at the south end of the city, lots of nice areas, most areas have good shopping nearby, but key traffic choke points are the bridges crossing into the northern part of the city - its usually faster to drive to the base using the ring road.

Elsewhere inside the city ring road, lots of nice areas, but you should avoid any house in the northeast area and along the red river - they're cheap for a reason.  High crime in the summer, flooding in the spring and fall, and frozen pipes in the winter...

The east and west inside the perimeter, and the center are all older neighborhoods. That being said, there's still some nice homes in both Charleswood and St James. If you want newer, the north and south near the perimeter are good. If you want newer still, then Headingly is probably a worth a look. If you want to build, then there are a number of spots just outside the perimeter.
Thank you all for your replies=) We are now here in Winnipeg on our HHT.. Today will be day 2 that we will be heading out looking.. I must say I wasn't sure about moving here, as I am a Cape Breton and being posted from Ontario but I have to say I really like and I think it will be a good 2 years here.. We have been looking more out around the Royal woods , South Point, Sage Creek and Bridge Water Forest.. If you know anyone that lives around those areas I would love some feedback.. Again Thank you all=)
momof2 said:
Thank you all for your replies=) We are now here in Winnipeg on our HHT.. Today will be day 2 that we will be heading out looking.. I must say I wasn't sure about moving here, as I am a Cape Breton and being posted from Ontario but I have to say I really like and I think it will be a good 2 years here.. We have been looking more out around the Royal woods , South Point, Sage Creek and Bridge Water Forest.. If you know anyone that lives around those areas I would love some feedback.. Again Thank you all=)
St James area is nice, and do stay away from the North End
Mid Aged Silverback said:
St James area is nice, and do stay away from the North End

:nod:....the SM knows!!!........... ;)

I live south of the city and really enjoy living in the small town atmosphere.  That being said, its about a 40 minute commute and can really blow chunks in the winter. ...oh and the spring flooding!

Not so bad this year, but last year, most the main roads were closed and we lost the bridge into St Adolphe!