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The Queen‘s Golden Jubilee Medal

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Has anyone recieved The Queen‘s Golden Jubilee Medal or knows of it. If so what do you think of this medal. eg; What it stands for. Why it is given. or Who should recieve it.

Not a big fan of it. Its nice, but I don‘t think it belongs on a military uniform...its even worse with the distribution rules. If there going to give out a gimmee medal, give one to everyone.
It is the same as the last Queens, Cent 67 medal, 125 medal. We should have did like every other Commonwealth Country. All of their soldiers on their second engagement or life contract received one. We are just too cheap. I have the 125 I got gave to someone. My father received the Queen 25 and the Cent. He always said, he was pissed not all received one.
Medals like it go way back. It is a status given to soldiers and not civies. There are many medals that are give me. I have a list of medals of a 100 or so we can ask for.
There is full info at the Veterans Affairs Canada website. A google search of "golden jubilee VAC" will get you there.
Yeah I know that you can find the info at differant sites. I am more interested in the opinion of others. So far I was right it is a gimmie that everyone should get. The Brits gave one to each soldier (even the TA and I believe thier cops and fire brigade too) with over 5yrs experiance. I know that there was 48,000 in Canada, with only 8,000 given to the CF.
It should have been issued to all with 5yrs or more just like the Bit.‘s
My father received one.... But not through the military (apparently 45+ years service doesn't count for anything these days) luckily enough our MP for this area has a few more active brain cells than the C.O. at the time did and awarded it to him for his service to Queen & Country.

As for what I think of the medal............. It's not a gimme medal........... I think only people with more than 22 years of good service should have received them........... not just anyone who has a good P.E.R.
A jubilee medal is simply intended to commemorate an important event in the history of a particular reign, and the dedicated service of those serving the Crown at that particular moment.

The criteria for this particular award in recognition of such service was a minimum of five years‘ service to the Crown, either in a military or civil capacity, or general service to the community. Of course, because of the limited number of medals, ministers and other government delegates were left to decide individual criteria for their departments and units.

Several deserving people I work with received this medal for their dedicated service to the public.

I have no problem with the five years‘ service criteria, but agree that they should have issued more to make it a little more fair.

I have issues with the way honours and awards are treated in this country already, starting with the Order of Canada (which I think of as the Order of Liberal Party Donors). The QGJM is lowest on the totem pole anyway, behind nearly every other medal in the order of precedence, and it carries NO post-nominals (ahem, XHighlander), it really isn‘t that big of a deal.

Expect to see a coronation medal at the beginning of the next reign, and odds are, it too will simply recognize valuable service in those who at that time will be serving.
there was a LS in my unit and he/she said they deserved the medal, stating he/she had done theier country good and all. (he/she had a certificate of a civie award) another cpl in the vincity heard this and boldly stated that he/she spent more time on the crapper then the LS had been alive. the LS turned and walked away, funny thing is the medal issue with the LS was never brought up again.
Its a "give me" medal, sometimes you will notice that a lot of brass are the ones wearing to make them look like "war heroes" when in reality they have been nowhere or have done nothing, but push paper.

I am a army guy on a airbase,and a lot of airmen politicians were quick to get there names in for it. AKA Gong Show!
I received the QGJM, and fully agree it‘s a gi‘me. All members with five years who weren‘t complete muppets should have been awarded it. I know I didn‘t get it because I‘m a great soldier, but I have been ‘on parade‘ for over twenty five years. I could have been nominated for the Silver Jubilee or 125 but was not, so I guess patience is a virtue. At least our Brigade was eqalitarian in awarding the QGJM - we have a SQ Pte who was awarded it, wheras there are units where the only medals issued were to COs, Ex COs and Honouraries. Go figure.
i know lots of soldiers with way more then 5 years service and they have not received this medal . i dont know where you got this info that ALL soldiers with more them 5 yrs get them ...if they only struck 8000 for the CF as thats only a small portion of those with that many years in,,, :fifty:
My God, what a load of bumpkis that has been posted on the QGJM. The medal is described here
Queen‘s Golden Jubilee Medal

The distribution was based on

Queen‘s Golden Jubilee Medal - According to CANFORGEN 024/02 CDS 017, a total of 8,000 medals will be distributed to the Canadian Forces (Regular and Reserve). The medals will be distributed proportionately to the Army, Navy and Air Force by rank, years of service, and by military occupational code. Equitable distribution will be ensured for the Regular Force, Primary Reserve, Cadet Instructor Cadre, Rangers, and Honorary Appointees. Only Second Lieutenant and above and Privates (Trained) A-B and above who were serving as of 6 Feb 2002 can be considered. The largest single recipient group will be the Corporal rank. Working groups will be formed to review the selection of recipients. (Mar 02)
My own personal opinion is it should have been awarded to everyone with over five years of service. Government House didn‘t allocate enough medals to allow this to happen. They also wouldn‘t increase the distribution of medals to the CF eventhough the CF stated they were willing to pay for it (based on the dissatisfaction that occurred after the 125 Medal). Sadly, Government House didn‘t listen to me or the CDS.

Once again the CF erred. We gave it to personnel based on maximum time in, vice, those truly deserving. We probably should have given the 8,000 medals back to Government House and told them to redistribute them to truly deserving Canadians.
Just for fun - I once recv a 100% on a Bde ATI (GMC 5/4). Out of 170+ vehs, only 4 got perfect. The veh was a peice of shiit, but perfect maint is perfect. Just chuckin‘ stuff out here... enjoy the weekend.
Gunner...You left out some relevant parts of the CANFORGEN that you quoted that have some significance in the issue of this medal. I know many who quite rightly would have deserved this medal, but the fact that they had Conduct Sheets with charges and jail time disqualified them from receiving it. A point that disqualified a good many in the Forces, who did not have ‘spotless‘ records, but had still done twenty or more years of dedicated service to their country.

Gunner...You left out some relevant parts of the CANFORGEN that you quoted that have some significance in the issue of this medal. I know many who quite rightly would have deserved this medal, but the fact that they had Conduct Sheets with charges and jail time disqualified them from receiving it. A point that disqualified a good many in the Forces, who did not have ‘spotless‘ records, but had still done twenty or more years of dedicated service to their country.
George, the point is, while the QGJM was issued by proportional representation throughout the CF, it was issued to members with no other criteria other than time served. There were many deserving members of the CF that it should have gone to (volunteers, academic achievement, and career success). As far as your comments about members not getting a medal because of their conduct sheets and jail time - you chose the action, you also chose the consequence. There are lots of deserving members that haven‘t done any jail time.
The award lists were generated by crunching service data by computer. The resulting lists were sent out for review by commanders and COs. The one I saw was rather amusing - names of members who had since released, component transferred, etc. An outside observer might have concluded it was was an award for longest time in current rank - always a positive indicator for due recognition, no?
Originally posted by Brad Sallows:
[qb] The award lists were generated by crunching service data by computer. The resulting lists were sent out for review by commanders and COs. The one I saw was rather amusing - names of members who had since released, component transferred, etc. An outside observer might have concluded it was was an award for longest time in current rank - always a positive indicator for due recognition, no? [/qb]
Correction, time in current trade and rank. Because of a remuster, I got passed over. Nonetheless, the guy who did get it was a very deserving troop so it was easy to swallow. I still get a paycheque twice a month and get to say I‘m a Highlander.