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The Queen‘s Golden Jubilee Medal

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I got my Jubilee Medal , it‘s still in the box , along with my CD 2 , to me they are just another couple of " Give me‘s". Another set of "thanks for coming out" medals.
Bravery medals, Meritious Service , Medac Pocket Citation , now that‘s a different story. " It is easy to meet expections , but difficult to exceed them. "
On the topic of medals , how about a " Wainwright Medal", the Western Area Training Center, formally the " P.P.C.L.I. Battle School".Sometimes referred to as " The Evil Empire". I know alot of people keen to go overseas, but if you mention a posting to Wainwright , they will " wet " their pants. Just joking !
I think anyone who met the 2 or more of the following criteria recieve it.

1. Anyone who ever crewed a Centurion
2. Anyone who ever crewed a Ferret Scout Car
3. Held 404‘s for 3/4 Ton
4. Ever crewed a Sherman
5. Was in the Canadian Guards
6. Was in the Black Watch, QOR or FGH when they were in the Reg Force
7. Was a gun number on a 25 pdr
8. Is older than dirt :D
I believe, he means the British Army. All (British)soldiers with a Basic ingagement receive one.
I believe, he means the British Army. All (British)soldiers with a Basic ingagement receive one.
**** xFusltier there‘s a few of us here.
Ahh ic well in on this side theres still a broad stroked pen with that thinking on thats the way here in the CF

Not as many as there used to be though. You don‘t know how many stories I heard growing up that started with, this one time we were out in PV, or I remember going to Wainwright in a 3/4 ton with no heat in March in a Blizzard stories.

Anyhow, what‘s that line, Old Cavalrymen never die they just get posted to Training Support Squadron. :D
Hello , xFusilier !
I‘ve met points 1, 2 , 3 , and 8 of your criteria , thanks ! I‘ve done my time on the Centurion MK 11 ( LR) , Leopard 1A2 ( The so called " Rent A Tank ) , Leopard C1 , and C2 . Also Ferret and Lynx , as for the Sherman , well , we left that up to the " Old Guys " . LOL
I‘m close
Ferret, M151, old jeep, 3/4 ton, Leo C1, 5 ton, 21/2 ton old,5/4.
Now they have
Ilitis, lynx, Leo C1/C2, 5/4, etc.
I can safely say that in 30 years of service I have never seen such a confused, maldaministered debauchery as was made of out  of the issue of this relatively insignificant medal. As  COS of a Bde, I found the whole thing mystifying and demanding of far too much administrative effort, with far too many people involved. The general ignorance as to the manner in which it was to be issued, what it stood for, who could get one, etc only contributed to the mess and to the inexplicable bad feelings that began to surround who "got it" and who didn't. This commemorative device should have been given to everybody or to nobody.

I hope I never live to see such a shambles again. Cheers.
pbi said:
I can safely say that in 30 years of service I have never seen such a confused, maldaministered debauchery as was made of out   of the issue of this relatively insignificant medal. As   COS of a Bde, I found the whole thing mystifying and demanding of far too much administrative effort, with far too many people involved. The general ignorance as to the manner in which it was to be issued, what it stood for, who could get one, etc only contributed to the mess and to the inexplicable bad feelings that began to surround who "got it" and who didn't. This commemorative device should have been given to everybody or to nobody.

I hope I never live to see such a shambles again. Cheers.

Better hope the Coronation of King Charles isn't for forty years or so then....I'd hate to see you go! ;D
At that age I will not be able to stand the stress. If it is as F/U as this was, it will be the end of me. :blotto: Cheers.
Here go my 0.02...

the problem with these "gimme medals" is that since they are give mes, everone wants one... and then they'll want more... and soonor or later, we're the USA, handing out a medal when you learn how to take a dump army style....

People who truely deserve the QGJM or other meritous medals should get them... no argument, but i think that the CDS should either fight to get everyone a medal, or set out strickter guidelines for those who TRUELY deserve them to get them...
In my Unit which is made up of all retired Reg's I and several other's recieved it.

I questioned mine and I was told it was becuse of my 28yrs of Service in the Militia same with the rest and we all were M/Cpl and Cpl's.
On that premise I excepted it,on a side note, I was born June 2nd/53 the   day of the Queens Coronation so I call it me Birthday Gong   ;) ;D
English sarcasim. ;)