I’m still having a hard time justifying NGAD, I’m pretty sure when the math is all done that building a few hundred more F-22 would have been a more efficient and practical usage of taxpayers money.
I’m all for technology and pushing the envelope, but when the tier 2 Fighter (F-35) is generationally ahead of others, does replacing the tier 1 Fighter (F-22) make sense?
Few points.
1) As pointed out in the video, maintaining the industrial base and skill requires continuous development. Don't develop a new fighter and those industrial and design skills atrophy.
2) The industrial base to build new F-22s is gone. Restarting that was estimated at double digit billions. And still no guarantee that it would provide sufficient overmatch against recently released Chinese platforms.
3) The Chinese are closing the gap substantially quickly and there's worries about the balance in the 2030s. And for them, they don't even have to contest the US globally. Just in their backyard. See this (now 2 yr old) analysis on the air power balance: