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The Rocket Scientists Amongst Us.


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Came across this gem of an article:

Man avoids breath test by eating his socks

From Wednesday's Globe and Mail

August 8, 2007 at 1:19 AM EDT

Police in Walkerton, Ont., had a surprising encounter with a suspected drunk driver on the holiday weekend when he refused to take a breath test – but chose to eat parts of his clothing instead.

The suspect, a 19-year-old man from the nearby Township of Carrick , was sitting in his car with the lights off on a country road in the early hours of Monday morning, police said.

A South Bruce OPP officer who approached the vehicle determined that the man was intoxicated and arrested him on suspicion of impairment.

While the officer was preparing to administer a breath analysis, the suspect managed to get hold of a contact lens case he had in his clothing, drink the lens fluid and eat one of his contact lenses.

He then attempted to eat portions of his shirt and socks.

When officers tried to remove his clothing so that he couldn't eat any more – a scuffle broke out. The suspect was subdued with pepper spray.

After his shirt-and-sock snack and the pepper-spray melee, he was placed in a holding cell, where he put his head in the toilet and refused to provide a breath sample.

He is scheduled to appear in court on Oct. 9 and has been charged with failure to provide a breath sample, which carries the same potential penalties as an impaired-driving charge.

His name has not been released.

Most people will regard this person as incredibly stupid and gross. His destructive behavior speaks of self loathing. Unfortunately I have witnessed this particular type of destructive behavior. It is not pretty to see someone bleeding out the mouth. I hope he finds some help and finds the strength not to punish himself for what ever unfortunate thing has happened. I hope his case can be kept confidential. He does not need the embarrassment to add to his self loathing.
He'll probably try to blame his "mental deficiency" on Walkerton water.  ::)
10 to 1 that this fella is "known to the authorities" and this is not his 1st run-in with the police on impaired driving regulations.
I would have let him choke on his clothes, draged his sorry a$$ to the local hospital and, while having him pumped out, get a blood sample taken..... however, as it appears that in Ontario, refusing to give a breath sample is the equivalent of testing positive, then - so be it.....

But, having your stomach pumped out is a painful experience..... oooooh - mixed emotions!
Guess his parents didn't listen to the advice to get out of the gene pool.  ;D
It is important not to reward destructive behavior. For this reason he should be charged with failure to provide a breath sample just like anyone else would, even though he is pretty messed up and needs help. He needs to be kept under observation. The person I knew, later tried to poison himself with vodka and nearly did. I witnessed that too. He really needs to get his act together and get on with his life. It is strange what some people who are messed up take pride in. So it is important not to make him feel that his is special because of his behavior.  Rocket Scientists So many people I seen crack had high IQs, but were lacking emotionally.

However without knowing this particular case, I am overly broad assumptions based on what I witnessed in the past by other individuals and not this person.

tdwebste I wouldn't read to much into his behavior.  I highly doubt that he has any sort of genuine mental health issues.  One of the first things alcohol impairs is your judgement, and I have seen a god-awful lot of departure from good judgement through alcohol.  This tool was probably angling to try to set up some sort of diminished capacity argument. "I was so crazy drunk, I had no idea what they were asking me and I didn't know I could call a lawyer".  Of course, it will be up to a judge to decide if the clown should be convicted or not.  And we all know how well that tends to turn out.  :P
I have seen prisoners do remarkable things to avoid a breath test, sucking a penny is one, somewhere, somehow, someone got it into their head that copper in the mouth will negate a breath test. Same as vigorous exercise. Seeing a drunk madly doing pushups in the cell prior to his test is hilarious. Or trying to hyperventilate. Amazing!

This fellow wasn't suffering from self loathing. He was under the delusion that eating foreign matter would somehow reduce the alcohol in his blood. And the only thing that does that is a transfusion, ...or time.

He would have been charged for refusal to provide a sample, given an ADLS suspension for 90 days and had his car impounded. Its jerks like this that drive drunk and endanger the roads for us and our family members. I would have published his name. Why protect the reputations of morons?


bllusc said:
Its jerks like this that drive drunk and endanger the roads for us and our family members. I would have published his name. Why protect the reputations of morons?

Because as you know, there is nothing more precious in this country than the rights of a criminal.  We cherish them more than our children. 
I'm reminded of the saying "Its not Rocket Surgery buddy".

People who drive drunk deserve whatever they get. Unfortunately they have a tendency to take some innocent person with them when they get it.
Like we say here, "If you drink and drive, your a bloody idiot".
Scum bags.
There was a guy stopped on the Quebec side near Pembroke during my last tour in Pet who was spotted eating his underwear in the back of the cop car, again in the vain hope that the cotton would absorb the alcohol.
Hale said:
I'm reminded of the saying "Its not Rocket Surgery buddy".

Did you deliberately mix your idioms here?  (Rocket science / Brain surgery)
GreyMatter said:
Did you deliberately mix your idioms here?  (Rocket science / Brain surgery)

I hear ya there, GreyMatter.  Nothing worse than someone who's not quite in on a joke.
Shamrock said:
I hear ya there, GreyMatter.  Nothing worse than someone who's not quite in on a joke.

I don't think there was any joke intended.
Loachman said:
There was a guy stopped on the Quebec side near Pembroke during my last tour in Pet who was spotted eating his underwear in the back of the cop car, again in the vain hope that the cotton would absorb the alcohol.

One must be some desparate to imbibe ones "banana-hammock" Sounds like a "Fear Factor " event.!
GreyMatter said:
Did you deliberately mix your idioms here?  (Rocket science / Brain surgery)

Old joke. The rocket surgery/brain science thing has been around for a while.