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The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread


Army.ca Veteran
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What are everyones thoughts on this renewed seal hunt?
From what I understand the hunt was reinstated after the seal population grew a great deal, also, seal pelts are in demand in Europe right now so the economic boosts outweigh the environmental loss.

So what I‘m thinking is (half-jokingly, half-seriously) is that people are all twisted over this because seals are cute, they‘re not deer or birds. Even greenpeace isn‘t worried about this, yet there is some kind objection to this from a group.

thoughts, comments etc.?
There has NEVER been a risk of the seal population becoming endangered...

At the moment, it‘s quite the opposite... the seal bio-mass is too large to be supported by it‘s enviroment...

I see no reason not to support the seal hunt.

It‘s a viable industry offering employment to people who would other wise be lacking.

Yes, they‘re cute and they‘re cuddly, and if you want to pet one, you‘re on your own, those little buggers bite.
It isn‘t like there‘s a shortage of them. I think that the cuteness factor is definitely the reason people are upset: other than the really hardcore animal rights groups, no one is worried about the millions of chickens, cattle, etc killed each year, and really, what makes for such a difference between the case of such other animals and that of seals? I say let whacking day begin.
No shortage of seals but there is of Cod which is the main diet of the seal!
Save a Cod Club a Seal!!
My concern is that they are humanely killed. I also feel strongly about how animals are treated while they‘re alive not after they‘re dead. If the sealers can guarantee that they will not suffer and that their deaths will be humane I don‘t have a major problem with it.
They have legitimately humane ways of doing it now from what I hear, Clubbing is a thing of the past, although I can‘t be sure.

And there are new regulations the hunter has to follow before he can cart off the seals pelt. He has to check to make sure the seal isn‘t suffering etc.
Originally posted by recceguy:
[qb] If you can‘t get home for the annual hunt:

Seal Hunt

:D [/qb]
Hey recceguy...whats with the naughty anime?

Just a Sig Op: Im just wondering about something - you say the seal bio-mass is too large? Im not disagreeing with this, Im just wondering if you have a source I (we) could check out for this. Also, has anyone checked out (or have firsthand knowledge) about the profit and/or employment from this? I don‘t mean to sound as though Im more concerned about the money, but maritimers (and others, Im quite sure) can understand the positive impact a few extra hundred in your income can have each year.
No, I can‘t cite a source, as I don‘t recall the source... but it is accurate.

After years of a reduced hunt, combined with favorable breeding conditions, the seals are basically eating themselves out of house on home.

On the subject of clubbing, I can assure people it‘s humane assuming it‘s done properly. Essentially, the seal is rendered unconcious and killed in the one blow. Quick painless death, actually much more humane then shooting. If a sealer shoots a seal from a distance, and only wounds the seal, then the seal is likely to slip into it‘s hole and die a slow painful death.

The whole clubbing thing just *seems* inhumane at first to an observer, because it‘s the instinctual thought of "oh dear, he‘s hitting that cute little animal".

With regards to the value, if I recall correctly, the value on the European market has been going up over the last several years, and yes, *atlantic canadians* would appreciate the extra income... and you‘re not looking at a few extra *hundred* if you spend some time on the flows sealing... if that were the case, it wouldn‘t be worth the risk of life and limb... realistically, you‘re looking at several thousand from a season spent sealing... the only pelt price I could find at the moment placed the average price at $25, but that‘s based on an average from the last several years, I seem to recall the price up around $35/pelt now.
Source: pick me. Hop on a plane, head off the coast, pick a direction, and fly. If you don‘t pass over a seal herd (and a big one at that) in 5 minutes, I‘ll buy you beer till you drop.

They‘re darn near everywhere.

If they looked like those camel spiders, no one would say a word.

As for the humane treatment, I couldn‘t agree more. Animals deserve our respect, just because. However, I think perception is half the problem: a 6 foot club will hit harder (and often more accurately) than a .22, but we‘re programmed to accept a club as "violent" and a gun as humane.

Ever been to a slaughterhouse? The seals have it good.....

We use animals. Deal with it.

Thanks Gents.

Just a Sig OP/Garry: Im not quite sure where I heard this (either CBC or CTV), but they mentioned that on average, a seal hunter will make roughly $2500/season. Again, Im not disagreeing with your comments, Im just wondering if anyone else has heard this.
Bare in mind that most sealers are fishermen trying to supplement their income during the winter... you‘re not looking at $2500 for a years work, more like 2-3 weeks.
Wow. Once again, the media being inaccurate. Thanks for the info guys-very interesting.
"I wanted to write to you to relay the views of the German people. We are in shock; days after our two secret service agents were kidnapped and assassinated in Iraq the story that dominates our newspapers nationwide, however, is a greater evil: A massacre of massive proportion, the slaughter of 300,000 baby seals on Canadian soil, an absolute outrage.

In coffee houses, restaurants and on the streets, Germans are asking themselves who should be hated more, the Americans or their neighbours the Canadians.

The papers describe both nations as murderers. It is absolutely unbelievable that Canadians are allowing this, or is your government so out of control allowing laws to pass without the consent of your population?

In Quebec especially. One hundred fifty thousand has been the yearly quota for decades, and that rises to 300,000 this year? Have you all lost your minds?

Canadians have always been loved by Germans, that cannot be said about your neighbours down south.

However, Canadians are today being looked at in a very different light by us animal lovers in Germany. There is absolutely no point in this senseless slaughter and a little interest or concern by everyone in Canada directed to your government officials would end this historical horror and madness.

Dieter W. Doneit

Munich, Germany

Originally posted by Milkbone:
[qb] "There is absolutely no point in this senseless slaughter and a little interest or concern by everyone in Canada directed to your government officials would end this historical horror and madness."[/qb]
This guy is a bit late as the story has already been clubbed to death. He obviously is unaware of the full story behind the seal hunt. There is a place in the world for tree huggers and fur huggers, but too often they hear what they want to hear and then "take up the cause". At least they have something important to occupy their thoughts.
So....these two seals walk into a club....;-)

Honestly, I think the guy‘s problem ought to be not with Canada, nor the old news, but the fact that his newspapers seem to believe that killing seals is just as bad as killing people...or worse, that he believes them....