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The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

Hello to all,

I am a foreign citizen (won't say from which nation yet) who is about to be accepted with my family on a resident alien visa.

Will I be able to join the Canadian Army Reserve? I e-mailed a naval reserve recruiter and he said no, one must be a citizen, but it says on the DND site that the Canadian forces takes foreign residents of Canada only in "special circumstances" where there is a shortage in the job/rating.


If you don't mind my asking, do any of you have any experience with this? Or know of any foreign residents in the Canadian forces you have once served with?

I am willing to serve in the CF as an enlisted man/NCM immediately, but wouldn't mind waiting three more years for my citizenship if it comes to that- in which case, I'll try to get an officer's commission.

Thanks in advance to anyone.

Vive Le Armee De Terre!
Vive La Marine!
You must be a Canadian citizen to join the CF.  If you think that you have special qualifications, training, and/or experience that can not be provided by a Canadian citizen you may submit your CV as indicated below.  However, the first hurdle would be obtaining Permanent Resident Status:

Information for Non-Canadian Citizens

Canadian Forces (CF) policy states that in order to be eligible for enrolment into the Forces, applicants must hold Canadian citizenship. The only exception made to this policy is as follows.

Applicants who: are not Canadian citizens, but do hold Permanent Resident Status; and possess specialized skills / qualifications the CF has need of and cannot fill with a Canadian citizen; and do not pose a risk to any national interest; may only be enrolled into the Canadian Forces if permission is granted by the Commander of the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group (CFRG).

Application Procedure for Non-
Canadian Citizens

As you do not currently hold Canadian citizenship, you will have to be granted a Citizenship Waiver by the Commander of CFRG before starting any of the selection testing. In order to do this you must provide a curriculum vitae (CV) or resume to:

Canadian Forces Recruiting Group Headquarters
Attention: SSO Selection
Canadian Forces Base Borden
PO Box 1000, Station Main
Borden, Ontario L0M 1C0

The CV / resume should include:

Personal Information

Name (in full)
Date and place of birth
Brief outline of where you have lived (include dates)
Where your immediate family is currently residing (include parent, siblings, spouse and parents-in-law)
Reasons for your relocation to Canada
Date of arrival in Canada and date, you were granted Permanent Resident Status

Name of all educational institutions attended
Grade / Level completed and year of completion
Diplomas / Degrees awarded
Areas of specialization
Marks / Grade Point Averages
Apprenticeship / Journeyman qualifications

List all part-time, summer or full-time employment positions you have held
Dates for each position
Brief description of duties for each position
Qualifications or training you received "on-the-job"


List all volunteer positions you may have held
List all clubs / organizations / community groups you have belonged to
If there are any other points, or pertinent facts you would like to include, please feel free to do so.
Once you have submitted your CV / resume, it will be assessed by the Headquarters to determine what skills you possess that may be of benefit to the CF. Once this assessment has been completed you will be contacted directly and told whether or not a waiver of your citizenship has been granted. You will not undergo any of the selection testing until you have been granted this Citizenship Waiver.
Thanks for the prompt reply.

Do you think the CF- namely the Navy- has a use for a proficient Mandarin Chinese Speaker?
I have a political science degree from a US university, and   Mandarin and Spanish under my belt- you tell me that's not enough? Don't you need people more people with Mandarin in Intel, especially for the Navy with its port visits- they have been known to pass by China.

I am not telling you anything.  If you become a Permannet Resident than by all means fill your boots and send your CV to CFRG HQ and they will let you know if it is enough to waive the citizenship requirement to hire you over a Canadian citizen.
CaptSantor said:
I have a political science degree from a US university, and   Mandarin and Spanish under my belt- you tell me that's not enough?

You are not offering anything that the CF cannot find amongst canadian citizens.  I doubt there is an unfilled , urgent need for someone with a political science degre anyways.

Mandarin ?  I can throw a rock in vancouver, in any direction, and hit someone who speaks it

Spanish ? There's an awful lots of spanish-speaking people where i grew up.......not that hard to find.

You went to a US university ? well excuuuuuuuse me, ladida
Thanks for at least entertaining my question.

Here's a link to the last Canadian warship visit to mainland China.


My brother has an airframe and powerplant's certificate (aviation mechanic) from a US technical school- will he have a better chance? (CAF or CAF reserve?)

hey just like to say hi to everyone on this forum
hope you can answer my question for me because i cant find the answer anywhere
well here it is        i am 17 years old and live in the uk i am a british citizen and would like to move over to canada and join the army i have no relatives over canada but i have loads of friends and i am just wandering whether there is any way to join the army in canada . please reply many thanx robert hollis
Related threads:

British man wondering if it is possible to join the Canadian Army - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33078.0.html

Brits Joining the Canadian Army - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33593.0.html
My name is Keiron Kerr, i'm not a citizen of Canada. i'm from Trinidad and Tobago, i'm 21 years of age i'm intreasted in being in the canadian army is there any other way that i can apply and be accepted?
I'm sure the defnitive word from Kincanucks will come along in a bit, but you have to be a Canadian citizen to join the Canadian Military.

You'd honestly have a better chance with the British Military given their stance on commonwealth applicants.
keiron said:
My name is Keiron Kerr, i'm not a citizen of Canada. i'm from Trinidad and Tobago, i'm 21 years of age i'm intreasted in being in the canadian army is there any other way that i can apply and be accepted?

You cannot apply to the Canadian Forces unless you are a Canadian citizen.  Suggest you follow Che's advice.  Good Luck.
I have been thinking of moving to Canada with my girlfriend who is a citizen. Currently I am in the Australian Army. Does anyone know the process of enlistment for someone from overseas? For me becoming a citizen I have got that process worked out. I have read so much about your Army and would be proud to serve.
Hi Marty, welcome to the site. What Corps, Unit and location are you. I am based out of Queensland, but due to operational circumstances I should not mention anything else.

I am sure you'll enjoy things in Canada, should you take the plunge. If you try doing a search on here, you should find your answers, but at the end of the day, contact DND, as the rumour net/bush telegraph here (although helpful and mainly correct) can sometimes be  wrong, and somthing as serious as your request, well you need the right answer in writing.

Good luck!


See reply#34 on the previous page and that is the only possible way for you to get in the CF without first obtaining your citizenship.
My husband is considering transfering from the British Army to the Canadian Army. Any advise? Can any on e tell me what housing/accomidation is like? Thanks, Nic
Depending on where you live you may want to call a CF recruiting center.  That said do a search here and you should find the information your looking for.

Here is what I found under the forum Recruiting:

See the Canadian Forces Recruiting Site (http://www.recruiting.forces.gc.ca/) for information on joining the Canadian Army. The major item that you will need to address is citizenship. You may also find useful information in these threads:

British man wondering if it is possible to join the Canadian Army - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33078.0.html

Transferring from the British Army. - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/31653.0.html

Transfer from the British Army - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/27179.0.html

"ADVICE" Joining Canadian Army from British Army - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/17202.0.html
You could also try looking up "kincanucks" on the search engine here and click on his name and private message him.  He's very knowledgeable and just happens to be a CF recruiter.  In any event, you being over in the UK, you could use him as a point of contact here to seek more info.
