Most Ukrainians may simply resign themselves to their fate: loss of 20 per cent of their territory and nothing to stop Putin surging back to the offensive after regrouping his armed forces and rebuilding his economy. But many will not. At the front line I have met several hardened Ukrainian commanders who told me they would never give up the fight against Russia, no matter what the politicians decide. In other circumstances this talk could be dismissed as mere braggadocio.
But such men and their followers in Ukraine today may have far greater power than their predecessors in global resistance movements ever dreamt of. For one thing Ukraine is awash with vast amounts of weaponry of all sorts, much unaccounted for. Some is no doubt already stashed across the sweeping territories of Ukraine in arms dumps unknown to the military or civil authorities, against the day.
As we saw demonstrated last night in the largest ever drone attack on Moscow, Ukraine has become one of the largest producers of tactical and strategic drones in the world. Zelensky says his country produced 2.2 million UAVs last year alone. Used for surveillance and attack, those drones that have been liberated from the military supply chain could provide significant combat power to the men who decided to fight on. Likewise, unrestrained cyber attacks could cause havoc against strategically important installations in both occupied territory and on Russian land.
All this could add up to
making a peace deal extremely hard to manage, whatever the Ukrainian government’s determination to adhere to it. Aside from guerrilla warfare against Russia, who knows what turmoil might unfold more widely inside Ukraine itself. After a peace deal hundreds of thousands of battle-hardened soldiers will return home – to what? A country ravaged by war, depopulated and economically broken. There will be no money and for many, no employment or any prospect of it. Violent crime is likely to run rampant. And those who believe their government has capitulated to Russia, selling them out after their years of sacrifices, may seek revenge on Kyiv.