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Things you just shouldn't say to certain people in the army...

Civi - I heard you were wounded, where did you get wounded?
Soldier - Bosnia
Civi - no I mean where on your body?
Soldier - .........silence..........no words just stunned look then......what is it with you people and where people got hit, then reach for your belt buckel to drop your pants....so you want to see do ya?
Civi leaves
"I don't care if you've been doing this for 20 years, Warrant, my grade-level education goes into the double digits..."

"I'm pretty sure you're wrong, Sir..."
dumbass "whats under your kilt"

me "your wifes/girlfriends/sisters/mothers lipstick"

EDIT- I play in a pipe band Civy side, with the 49th BN pipes and drums, and the Edmonton and District Pipe band, Im not in a highland regiment, altough the quicker of the bunches should have guessed that from my avitar.
Callsign Kenny said:
"I don't care if you've been doing this for 20 years, Warrant, my grade-level education goes into the double digits..."

"I'm pretty sure you're wrong, Sir..."

I actually had a brand new very young very new (still in his plastic wrap) 2/Lt new to the unit try that one on me. Didn't say a thing just walked off. The Pl Rad op pointed out to that I'd finished my BA (Hon) and was taking post grad courses. (Come to think of it so was the rad op) ::)
School Chief sees a private walking across the parade square, hands in pockets.

"Pte. get the **** over here! Do you have any idea who I am?"

"No Sir"

"Well, I'm the school chief! You see all these buildings? They're mine! And so's this parade square...what do you think of that?"

"I think that's a pretty good job, sir. You'd better not F*** it up"
Callsign Kenny said:
1.  "Listen, you quick-pick insta-corporal meathead, put that ticketbook away, I outrank you..."

2.  In response to "My taxes pay your salary..."
     "Your taxes pay me to defend you.  If I offer you a refund, can I kick the snot outta you?"

3.  Picklie

oh!one good I made with one of my friend
civy: you BW are gays!!!!
Us: yaegh and will show you!
while playing pool at the Legion after a parade night.....

Civ " Snicker! Hey army guy where did you park your tank?"
Me " On your car."
A newbie Chaplain and I were sitting in the coffee shop in Pet (now the Timmys) circa 1991.
Two Airborne soldiers were sitting next to us.

Newbie Chap: Hello,,,you're Airborne aren't you? The guys that wear the purple berets?
One of them:  Those sound like fighting words to me!
Me:              Now guys...he's just new on the Base...I'll take care of it for you.
Other of them: You'd better give him an education real fast around here Padre.
Me:          Um right...let's go Bloggins!
I always like calling it camping while we are in the field. Then about a half hour later I ask if we can light a fire. I need the extra cardio, too much beer.
Once upon a time in an rcr batt,the CO was breifing the coys in the theatre on the upcoming deployment to Cyprus.At the end of his breifing he asked if there was any ques an old crusty cpl stands up and asks sir is there a pisser in here somewhere.There was gasps an glares from the senier nco's an officers,but the CO politly says down the hall to your right.After dismissal the meatheads show up at the cpls work site not knowing why there in the area the old cpl looks at his buddy an casualy says i wonder what they want.His partner tells the ol cpl he got to go an he'll be right back.When his buddy gets back the MP's got the ol cpl in chains takin him out.The ol cpls buddy says heah cpl find what those MP's wanted. :warstory:guess you had to be there to appreciate the humor.This was a story told to me a long time ago weather its true who knows.
Have a pretty good one I think

Was in Petawawa last winter for ex. Met up with a buddy haven't seen since battleschool. We were at the bar and he walks over to these 2 larger ladies. I'm thinking, what is he doing. He looks at one of them and says "so you don't sweat much for a fat chick"

I spit my beer across the bar. :)
A 2nd Lieutenant writing in an NCO evaluation report: "One of the finest NCO's I have ever served with," when the LT has been in the Army 2 years.

Trying to pick up a first sergeant's wife at the NCO club during a company dining out.

Anyplace where porn is not allowed(say at Al Jaber Airbase in Kuwait) , and esp while you're on duty, looking at porn for two hours, Then, in the morning  the IT shop calls up the orderly room to  report the unauthorized use of government computers. The first sergeant starts an informal inquiry into the sit. When the first sergeant calls to ask about it, tell the first sergeant, "I was shopping in Victoria's Secret online catalog for some gifts for my wife." First sergeant and commander go to bat for you, and then the IT shop sends over some images from the site, which is NOT Victoria's Secret, at least not after, say, the first hour. When the first sergeant gets you back in the orderly room, and starts screaming, break down crying about how lonely you are.

Get tired of listening to the buzzing from the loudspeaker that the Patriot missile battery (say, at Ali As Saleem Airbase) used for transmitting fire commands, alerts, etc because it's right behind the tent and buzzes 24-7. Go outside with a pair of wire cutters and snip the commo wire right at dawn when the on-duty Patriot crew happens to run past while doing PT. When you see them and they see you, run back to the tent and make believe you're asleep when the Patriot guys run in wanting to know who's the moron that cut their f****** wire. Then, after he Patriot first sergeant calls your first sergeant for an early morning yelling session, try to deny it. When you caught like a bug on flypaper, break down crying and say, "I don't know what I was doing since I was so sleepy."

Since you're bored with force protection and want to impress you missus back home, send her a cryptic little e-mail about how you had a firefight at the gate. Then, let the rumor mill back in the family support channel do the rest. Pretty soon, (within say, two hours, making it 0230 in Kuwait)  the battalion sergeant major's wife (family support coordinator for the battalion) calls the first sergeant wanting to know how many casualties we took in the fire fight. First sergeant scratches his head trying to clear the cobwebs, then says to Mrs. SgtMaj, "What fire fight?" First sergeant says he'll check into it and get back ASAP. First sergeant goes to orderly room, and quickly determines no infiltrators. Mrs SgtMaj forwards a copy of the e-mail, which is so pathetic, it's actually funny. Drive 30 miles with your pltsgt and squad leader to the orderly room from the airbase. When the first sergeant says, "You want to tell me about the firefight at the gate," look real innocent and reply dumbly, "What fire fight, first sergeant?" When the first sergeant shows you the e-mail, look sheepish and say, "Oh, THAT fire fight." Bonus points on this one because all the wives back in the states think your unit is trying to cover-up the firefight at the gate.

These are not made-up. They actually happened when I was a first sergeant. I got a million of them. I should write a book...
Red 6 said:
Get tired of listening to the buzzing from the loudspeaker that the Patriot missile battery (say, at Ali As Saleem Airbase) used for transmitting fire commands, alerts, etc because it's right behind the tent and buzzes 24-7. Go outside with a pair of wire cutters and snip the commo wire right at dawn when the on-duty Patriot crew happens to run past while doing PT. When you see them and they see you, run back to the tent and make believe you're asleep when the Patriot guys run in wanting to know who's the moron that cut their f****** wire. Then, after he Patriot first sergeant calls your first sergeant for an early morning yelling session, try to deny it. When you caught like a bug on flypaper, break down crying and say, "I don't know what I was doing since I was so sleepy."

Hahah that one gave me a good laugh.

Things to endear you to the MP;

MP: Soldier, would mind getting out of the vehicle, Soldier: Sure Coporal would mind holding my Beer !.

At the DB:  Hey Staff you got a Cigarette ?.