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This is why you're fat


Army.ca Dinosaur
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A website dedicated to pictures of why you are fat.


The Double Bacon Hamburger Fatty Melt
Three bacon-stuffed grilled cheese sandwiches for buns, cheese, bacon and two four-ounce beefs patties.

Two 4 ounce patties? Amateurs.  :D
Serioulsy hahaha.
I've had gastro for the past 3 days. I've only stopped throwing up, your not helping!
It would still gross me out if I was in top shape, but now that I'm sick.  :crybaby:
I can hear my arteries hardening.... :p
TURBACONUCKEN?!?!?!?!!  WTF.  After I stopped laughing I was completely disgusted. 

And cheesecake on a stick - yummo!
One of my students told me about it, so we looked it up at the end of class. We make a point of checking back periodically to see what's new. Pork brains...in a can...who eats this stuff???
Though I must say that there are a few things that look good  ;D
I am not going to lie, more then a few things have caught my eye...  ;D

Things like deep fried smores, actualy just about all the deep fried dessert options there really.

Deep inside I have a fat kid trying to get out!
I'll take the quad bypass burger with bacon poutine.  And just to be like all the fat people I see at McD's I will have it with a large DIET coke  >:D

God - I am hungry now.
How about a British breakfast classic to whet your appetite? A breakfast sandwich using bacon fat fried toast, sausage, eggs, gobs of cheese and assorted condiments. YUMMY..... come on, you'd eat it.
Really fattening but s-o-o-o delicious: potatoes that are oven roasted in goose fat!!! Yummy and crispy!