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Tom Clancy

Fun reads, but the thing to remember about Clancy is he got his start when the United States Naval Institute Press published The Hunt for Red October. Since the chief editor of the USNI Press is a serving USN admiral, that means the book was published by the Submarine branch of the USN.
Blindspot said:
Incidentally, if there's anyone else out there that still plays Ghost Recon or Ravenshield, let me know. I play with a good bunch of guys that would be happy to see some new blood.

lol no pun intended right?

is there a ghost recon or anymore rainbow books since the first?
zerhash said:
is there a ghost recon or anymore rainbow books since the first?

No, to the best of my knowledge there never was a Ghost Recon book, and there was only one Rainbow Six book. I'm not sure how the games have his name on them, aside from Rainbow Six. Maybe he came up with the concept, or they were inspired by his writing..

Anyways, I'm a Clancy fan. I think the games kick ass, and I like most of the books that I've read (although I thought that Clear and Present Danger was boring as hell, which is strange, because it's one of his better liked books).
When i orignally posted, I did provide a link to a Tom Clancy plot generator, which is quite funny. But then I realized it was on a page that was not exactly something I would want my mother to see. If you are interested PM me, or hunt for the specific article on http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/
I've read a ton of Clancy's books, Rainbow 6, Red Storm Rising, Hunt for Red October, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, Dept of Honour, Politika (co-written by him), and various Op-Center and Net Force novels, none which were written by Clancy, but they are in the world Clancy developed.

Red Storm Rising was the last book of his I read, and it will remain as the last book of his I'll read. After reading so many of his books, the all blend into the same old things, with different twists. But just having different twists to separate his stories is not enough for me. You can break down most of his books into a simple formula of clear cut good vs. evil, evil guys attack, good guys are surprised and plan counter attack, which is somewhat effective but the evil guys big plan still goes down but good guys get the jump on them and prevent disaster. Or something like that. I take real issue with the happenings of WW3 in Red Storm Rising. There were many many attacks by both the "good guys" and the "bad guys" and it was like watching a "pong" game on the atari, good guys attack is successful, bad guys is, good guys is, good guys is, bad guys is, bad guys is, good guys its game over... Actually I think a boxing match would be a better analogy, where each round was a chapter, and you could score it for the good guys or bad guys.

Anyway I didn't like that book. The first book I read was Politika, and I loved it, because it was more espionage than shoot-em up like Rainbow Six was, but Rainbow Six was good in my opinion as well.

Like someone said, they are fiction, I have no idea about the accuracy of his writtings. Some of his books are good, some are bad, but all of them follow the same formula if you ask me.
There are a few, as I believe, the only one that I can think of at the moment is Debt of Honour.
are they active members or do they just make an appearance? which charactor is it?
The common characters are John Clark, and his (at this point future) son in law, I can't remember his name right now.

Edit: Remembered the name, Domingo 'Ding' Chavez
only one way to find out!
gotta buy em all and read em all

btw it took over a year to read R6
im kinda slow.
do what I did, borrow it from the library, and read it in class.

Disclaimer: reading or sleeping is NOT recomended.
lol torn takes no responsibility if you fail school. but if you ultimately join the army in hopes of a real life you can thank him later
Nice and thick and don't require much thinking  :). You can tear them up and pass them around. Handy for those hurry up and waits!
I was just wondering, since nobody seemed to mention it, what you guys thought of Executive Orders?

The idea was nice, and I enjoyed the first part, but it was much MUCH too long. That's one thing I don't like about Clancy: he makes his stories much longer than they "should" be.