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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

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ModlrMike said:
I don't know. I still think Mr Ford has the potential to pull off a Marion Barry moment.

So do I.

If he gets into the running, the other candidates will have to spend their time denouncing his bad behavior, instead of concentrating on their platforms. Especially if he starts riding big poll numbers.

Ford? He can concentrate, after an initial apology and commitment to be better, in driving his fiscal responsibility record, which is pretty good and one the others would have trouble arguing against.
garb811 said:
So the drugs just magically appeared in their system?  By extension, use of a drug is normally a result of possession.  ie.  Holding the joint to take a hit means you possess the marijuana contained therein for the period of time you are holding it so odds are both were in possession for at least a limited amount of time.

How many people have you ever heard of failing a drug test, and being charged with Possession?



the 48th regulator said:
How many people have you ever heard of failing a drug test, and being charged with Possession?



Not a chance that would satisfy the crown's requirements to move forward with a charge of possession under the CDSA.

Obviously Ford possessed drugs in order to use them. But that does not translate into what would be required in court to achieve a conviction. A defense lawyer could poke a million holes and introduce reasonable doubt on any charge based on information specific enough to go to trial.
Legality arguments aside.

Ford and Trudeau are both self admitted drug users.

Never mind the nuances.
recceguy said:
Legality arguments aside.

Ford and Trudeau are both self admitted drug users.

Never mind the nuances.

My bad,

I was just trying to help out.  I shall return to radio silence.


the 48th regulator said:
My bad,

I was just trying to help out.  I shall return to radio silence.



Don't worry about it, Tess. I don't think there's anything wrong in a bit of theorizing about whether the mayor of Toronto could face criminal prosecution. That's a big enough deal in its own right. Criminal conviction goes a bit beyond mere 'nuance'.
Brihard said:
Don't worry about it, Tess. I don't think there's anything wrong in a bit of theorizing about whether the mayor of Toronto could face criminal prosecution. That's a big enough deal in its own right. Criminal conviction goes a bit beyond mere 'nuance'.

The 'nuance' was located in the minutiae of the discussion points.

It didn't rest with what Ford has done, or what may happen in the future. ;)
I'll not post the article here due to mild adult content, but:


Rob Ford on O'Reilly Factor:
Loachman said:
I'll not post the article here due to mild adult content, but:


Not sure if I want to see him naked......

No dog in this fight, but it is a lesson in how not to bring down a political figure.
22 Minutes: "Like a Rolling Stone" - Song Parody

Jan 2 the race began....it's going to be a long slough and interesting time from now until November. 
Jumping through the channels last night, I saw CBC was doing one of their "don't vote for this guy" hatchet jobs on Ford.

Whoever is running against him won't need to spend money, to fight him, or his record. The Red Star, CBC and the rest of their ilk will pull out all the stops to sewer him, every opportunity they can.

.........and if they can't find enough opportunities, they'll invent them.

They have the bit in their teeth and they don't want him back.
recceguy said:
Jumping through the channels last night, I saw CBC was doing one of their "don't vote for this guy" hatchet jobs on Ford.

Whoever is running against him won't need to spend money, to fight him, or his record. The Red Star, CBC and the rest of their ilk will pull out all the stops to sewer him, every opportunity they can.

.........and if they can't find enough opportunities, they'll invent them.

They have the bit in their teeth and they don't want him back.

Good means my candidate (Michael Tramov) can focus on attacking all the others... ;)
There's a rumour floating around out there ~ it surfaced on TVO's The Agenda and Paul Wells of Maclean's said, almost immediately, no way, José ~ that Prime Minister Harper will offer Olivia Chow a prestigious appointment that will allow her to advance her own social agenda: say Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.

Here's what The Agenda's Steve Pakin had to say on his TVO blog:

    "Here's the "something else." David C. Onley's tenure as Ontario Lieutenant-Governor is coming to an end later this month. Lieutenant-Governors are appointed by the prime minister. I'm told Chow has been offered the job by Prime Minister Harper.

    In truth, it's a very clever offer. Chow is a terrific "people person," and would do an excellent job as LG. She would also make history as the first lieutenant-governor of Asian descent (although not the first female LG. That was Pauline McGibbon, appointed in 1974).

    If Chow accepted the appointment, that would dramatically simplify Ford's efforts to win re-election, since Tory, Stintz, Minnan-Wong, and Soknacki are all essentially from the same part of the political spectrum as Ford. In fact, one of John Tory's supporters says
    a Tory mayoralty would be akin to "Ford's fiscal conservatism without the freak show."

    Without a strong centre-left candidate in the race, all those other would-be candidates will split the centre-right vote with Ford, who no doubt thinks he can count on his loyal supporters to win that fight."

Source: http://theagenda.tvo.org/blog/agenda-blogs/heres-how-stephen-harper-can-help-rob-ford
I'll laugh until I puke if Rob Ford wins another majority. It is about time for the voters to kick the so called "elites" in the teeth. The operative thoght process of these so called elites can be summed up in four words:

"We Know; You Don't"

Looking at the Progressive track record,  they "Don't" either, so having Ford as Mayor is a wash at worst.
Can we just give Mayor Moonbeam instead?


Elites?  Like the millionaire children of career politicians?

"Rob Ford: He only smokes crack when he's really, really drunk" is hardly a rallying cry.
E.R. Campbell said:
There's a rumour floating around out there ~ it surfaced on TVO's The Agenda and Paul Wells of Maclean's said, almost immediately, no way, José ~ that Prime Minister Harper will offer Olivia Chow a prestigious appointment that will allow her to advance her own social agenda: say Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.

Here's what The Agenda's Steve Pakin had to say on his TVO blog:

    "Here's the "something else." David C. Onley's tenure as Ontario Lieutenant-Governor is coming to an end later this month. Lieutenant-Governors are appointed by the prime minister. I'm told Chow has been offered the job by Prime Minister Harper.

    In truth, it's a very clever offer. Chow is a terrific "people person," and would do an excellent job as LG. She would also make history as the first lieutenant-governor of Asian descent (although not the first female LG. That was Pauline McGibbon, appointed in 1974).

    If Chow accepted the appointment, that would dramatically simplify Ford's efforts to win re-election, since Tory, Stintz, Minnan-Wong, and Soknacki are all essentially from the same part of the political spectrum as Ford. In fact, one of John Tory's supporters says
    a Tory mayoralty would be akin to "Ford's fiscal conservatism without the freak show."

    Without a strong centre-left candidate in the race, all those other would-be candidates will split the centre-right vote with Ford, who no doubt thinks he can count on his loyal supporters to win that fight."

Source: http://theagenda.tvo.org/blog/agenda-blogs/heres-how-stephen-harper-can-help-rob-ford

It would seem that it was just a rumour...

Crantor said:
It would seem that it was just a rumour...

She's also saying via Twitter reports of an LG offer are "completely false", although let's not forget "Yes, Minister" for some quotes that might be applicable ....
.... "The first rule of politics: never believe anything until it's been officially denied."

( .... )

"If asked if he wants to be Prime Minister, the generally acceptable answer for a politician is that while he does not seek the office, he has pledged himself to the service of his country, and that should his colleagues persuade him that that is the best way he can serve, he might reluctantly have to accept the responsibility, whatever his personal wishes might be."
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