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Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

To be fair it was an open competition with many contenders and he won due to his experience producing ventilators. Right?
Well, at least it looks like he may have some cash to throw into a campaign, according to this from 2021, so there's that ...
Brought in about $1.75B according to this from the Globe & Mail.

And those ventilators apparently did help India, Nepal, Pakistan and Ukraine, which has gotta count for something, right?

AND he has a bit of a drama background, too - from the Globe ....
While there's a TON of things to be done from get him from former MP/current entrepreneur/actor/screenwriter, what's not to like, especially for a scapegoat? :)
I saw the headline of the article and my response was “Who?”
Some guy who had to bid fair and square for government contracts without the safety net of a full-time government bureaucrat's salary and benefits, apparently :)
Well, at least it looks like he may have some cash to throw into a campaign, according to this from 2021, so there's that ...
Brought in about $1.75B according to this from the Globe & Mail.

And those ventilators apparently did help India, Nepal, Pakistan and Ukraine, which has gotta count for something, right?

AND he has a bit of a drama background, too - from the Globe ....
View attachment 86222
While there's a TON of things to be done from get him from former MP/current entrepreneur/actor/screenwriter, what's not to like, especially for a scapegoat? :)

I think that's the nice thing about Canada election finance rules, he really can't inject money into his campaign, and even if he's got a lot of rich friends they are limited as well.

It was funny seeing Kevin O'Leary try and get into the CPC leader convention and then have big debts that he had to fundraise to cover because he wasn't allowed to pay it himself.

When you look at the campaigns and realize that a 'warchest' in Canada is measured in tens of thousands of dollars, compared to tens of millions in the US, really levels the playing fields, and keeps some of the more obnoxious practices out of play. Harder to corrupt people at $1k a head.
Let's see what the Liberals are up to today to help their popularity.

Sajjan instructed special forces to rescue Afghan Sikhs during fall of Kabul

Then-defence minister Harjit Sajjan instructed Canadian special forces to rescue about 225 Afghan Sikhs after the Taliban takeover in August, 2021, in an operation that three military sources say took resources away from getting Canadian citizens and Afghans linked to Canada on final evacuation flights out of Kabul.

Good lord
No kidding. Our nation has fallen so far under this government

New Girl Facepalm GIF by HULU

"Former Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan says the request was not a direct order to the Canadian Forces"

Sure, direction from the Minister responsible is always a suggestion. I don't care how it is worded, anything coming from that level is an order, even if it looks like it isn't. And he should know that.
"Former Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan says the request was not a direct order to the Canadian Forces"

Sure, direction from the Minister responsible is always a suggestion. I don't care how it is worded, anything coming from that level is an order, even if it looks like it isn't. And he should know that.
And if he was still in uniform as a LCol and he received a "request" from the MND, how would he have taken that? As an order, maybe?
And there are more votes in downtown Toronto than Atlantic Canada.

And growing, according to National Post,

June 27, 2024

Toronto’s population is the fastest growing in Canada and in the United States, a new report says.
