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Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

Sounds like the potential caucus revolt is heating up.
I hope they don't.

It seems like some (not all) liberal supporters are finally reaching a point where they're unable to ignore Trudeau's behavior. That or their pocket book is getting hit hard enough.

Parachute in a new leader and they'll blindly flock right back to the Liberal banner.
I hope they don't.

It seems like some (not all) liberal supporters are finally reaching a point where they're unable to ignore Trudeau's behavior. That or their pocket book is getting hit hard enough.

Parachute in a new leader and they'll blindly flock right back to the Liberal banner.
Depends on what that leader does in the first month.

If they shuffle the cabinet of all the usual suspects? Maybe. If they are just putting a new face on the same dysfunctional government we have had for 9 year? Far less likely.

Whomever takes over the LPC leadership from Trudeau better be prepared to gut it to the studs and rebuild. A CFHA paint job isn't going to cut it.
I think the Liberals are in trouble in any scenario. They hold a leadership convention in the last year of their mandate, and go to the polls with someone who hasn't had time to establish themselves, or they go with the same old baggage.
The CDS seems to disagree with Sajjan's creative story telling about the events.

Canadian military was following ‘legal orders’ to try to rescue Afghan Sikhs, Gen. Eyre says​

Like those way smarter than me have said elsewhere, if the Minister "suggests" something of some sort to a commander, no matter how it's worded, most would take it as an order - full stop. And as a former soldier, this Minister would/should have known that.
I think the Liberals are in trouble in any scenario. They hold a leadership convention in the last year of their mandate, and go to the polls with someone who hasn't had time to establish themselves, or they go with the same old baggage.
Plus, there is a real risk of a civil war breaking out in the party during an election year, as the caucus splits to support their leadership candidate.
I think, all it will take is the right person to say it. Some back benches can say it with no real effect or bother. They likely know they won't be re-elected anyway. It will take a a high level minister to say "For the good of the party, trudeau needs to step down." It’s a sticky wicket though, the making or breaking of largesse and reputation, in the aftermath of politics, is still well within the grasp of Laurentien Elites. So anyone wanting to remain within the reptilian cabal would be hard pressed to start the ball rolling.
I think, all it will take is the right person to say it. Some back benches can say it with no real effect or bother. They likely know they won't be re-elected anyway. It will take a a high level minister to say "For the good of the party, trudeau needs to step down." It’s a sticky wicket though, the making or breaking of largesse and reputation, in the aftermath of politics, is still well within the grasp of Laurentien Elites. So anyone wanting to remain within the reptilian cabal would be hard pressed to start the ball rolling.
Already happening, FBJ: Catherine McKenna, Nate Erskine-Smith: Lloyd Axeworthy…

I mean how badly do you have had to crappé le lit, to have Pink Floyd tell you it’s time???
Sounds like the potential caucus revolt is heating up.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe - one email and one "reply all" saying "yup" is a start, but it's still early day, especially with all the other pressure that's been brought to bear. That's why I'm still in the "is it?" stage right now. Still fun to watch :)
I think, all it will take is the right person to say it ...
Could be, but an aaaaaaaaaaawful lot of big players (although not cabinet ministers to this point) have said things out loud & in public it's time. We'll have to see who's brave enough when -- and if the message transmitted is received and acted on.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe - one email and one "reply all" saying "yup" is a start, but it's still early day, especially with all the other pressure that's been brought to bear. That's why I'm still in the "is it?" stage right now. Still fun to watch :)

Could be, but an aaaaaaaaaaawful lot of big players (although not cabinet ministers to this point) have said things out loud & in public it's time. We'll have to see who's brave enough when -- and if the message transmitted is received and acted on.
Despite losing the long-time stronghold riding just last week, as well as both Senators and now an MP saying it out loud - not to mention poll after poll after poll has the LPC ratings hitting the toilet even more than they were previously...

...he has STILL said he doesn't plan on quitting & intends to remain right where he is.

It's mind boggling. Utterly mind boggling.

If his true concern was for Canadians, he'd listen to them and heed their wishes the way an elected person is supposed to. And our wish is for him to, at the very least, screw off indefinitely...
If his true concern was for Canadians, he'd listen to them and heed their wishes the way an elected person is supposed to. And our wish is for him to, at the very least, screw off indefinitely...
You're just experiencing it differently......
Despite losing the long-time stronghold riding just last week, as well as both Senators and now an MP saying it out loud - not to mention poll after poll after poll has the LPC ratings hitting the toilet even more than they were previously...

...he has STILL said he doesn't plan on quitting & intends to remain right where he is.

It's mind boggling. Utterly mind boggling.

If his true concern was for Canadians, he'd listen to them and heed their wishes the way an elected person is supposed to. And our wish is for him to, at the very least, screw off indefinitely...
This is what happens when people don't teach their children the meaning of "no". Honestly, this silver sppon princess probably got his way all the time growing up and that's why he is severely socially inept.
Already happening, FBJ: Catherine McKenna, Nate Erskine-Smith: Lloyd Axeworthy…

They all help of course. But its gotta be a sitting MP to pull the pin in caucus for major effect.
Despite losing the long-time stronghold riding just last week, as well as both Senators and now an MP saying it out loud - not to mention poll after poll after poll has the LPC ratings hitting the toilet even more than they were previously...

...he has STILL said he doesn't plan on quitting & intends to remain right where he is.

It's mind boggling. Utterly mind boggling.

If his true concern was for Canadians, he'd listen to them and heed their wishes the way an elected person is supposed to. And our wish is for him to, at the very least, screw off indefinitely...

I don't think his true concern has ever been for Canadians and Canada. His whole concern has been to extend and further implant his globalist ideology and agenda. He still has damage to do before he leaves. That's his priority and will determine how long he hangs on. The only sure way to get him out right now is for the orange liberals to break their agreement and go with the Cons and Bloc in a vote of no confidence. That puts an end to his further meddling in our affairs. Everything on the table goes dead and he's constrained to exactly what he can do.
Legal =/= correct or appropriate. It simply means that it comes from someone with legal authority, and that the order is not manifestly unlawful.

Certainly. It’s also important to understand the legal relationship between MND and CAF as the narrative on this gets argued over. The lawful authority MND has to ‘direct’ CAF by virtue of s. 4 NDA could be relevant in understand where responsibility for this lies, and just as importantly, to call out any attempts to weasel out from responsibility.