Mark Carney is a very smart, very accomplished guy. He
might be an excellent prime minister for a G7 country ... might be if he was leading, say, the
Conservative Party. But the party he wants to lead and with which he appears, to me, to be most closely aligned, has been in power for nine years and is old and tired and worn out and totally bereft of good, new ideas. It needs a long rest on the opposition benches.
Mr Carney is 59 years old. As I said earlier, I think that
CPC, if it has decent leadership and discipline (something for which it is NOT famous) may have two majority and one minority term ahead of it: 25-29, 29-33 and 33-35. Mr Carney will be 70 in 2035.
Whoever leads the
Liberal Party in 2025 and beyond has a herculean task; (s)he must persuade the party to either:
- Go all-in with the NDP and aim to merge the two parties - as some commentators have opined, they are, after nearly a decade of Justin Trudeau's 'leadership' nearly indistinguishable, now; or
- Go al-in with the so-called blue or Manley Liberals and become a liberal party again .
That, either course, is the work of a decade, is it not?
Maybe Mark Carney wants to be the guy who reshapes the
Liberal Party in his own image ... but I somehow doubt that is his aim at this stage of his life. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has remade the
Liberal Party in his image.

, it seems to me, is not buying it. The next
LPC leader has her or his work cut out for her/him. I think that would be a waste of Mark Carney's undoubted talents.