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Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

George!!!!! Good to see you back on the forum. I haven't seen your posts in forever!

Episode 5 Reaction GIF by The Office

We're normally very closely aligned but I'm a bit blown away over the highlighted part, can you substantiate ?
Both Trudeau and Freeland are prominent members of the World Economic Forum (as is Mark Carney), the founder and current leader of which is Klause Shwab.

Klause was born in Nazi Germany in 1939 to two parents who were both "award winning Nazi's" as their business provided all kinds of material to the Nazi regime, including arms & ammunition.

Near the end of the war, his family left Germany for Switzerland - where he grew up in a small community of other prominent leaders of industry that worked for The Third Reich, supplying them with their means to wage war.

In other words, even in Switzerland, he continued to grow up in a community full of Nazis - and I can't imagine they changed their belief systems overnight just because they were now living in nearby neutral country...

His book, called 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution' may as well be called Emergence of the Fourth Reich. His vision for the future is fundamentally anti-human, it's just wrapped up nice wrapping paper.

He has openly bragged about having his people "penetrate the cabinets of western governments" so they can manifest his agenda from within those governments. The WEF will fund the political campaigns of the people they want elected, and run smear campaigns against those who oppose their agenda.

The amount of election interference they are involved in (self admittedly) would put both Russia and China to shame, even when combined.


One of the main sources of funding to execute the various social, demographic, and technological ideas he presents in his book is George Soros (along with Bill Gates)

George Soros made his initial small fortune by helping the Nazis find Jewish families who were in hiding, where he was paid by the Nazis for each Jew he found. He also got to keep a large portion of their residences and personal property, which added up to A LOT by the end of the war...

He, too, has funded dozens (if not hundreds) of NGO's and non-profits over the years - most of which work quietly to undermine the very social fabrics of what has made western civilization the relatively safe & prosperous societies that they were.

He invests heavily to get certain District Attorneys and judges elected, because he has realized he doesn't need to get the laws changed when he can simply control whether they get enforced or not.

He owns publishing houses and newspapers, and he just purchased 200 radio stations across the United States. (Despite it clearly being against the law, re owning more than the maximum allowed as per the FCC)

His main 'baby project' has been the Open Society Foundation, which advocates for open borders and mass migrations.

(It's no coincidence that every western country is facing the same challenges associated with mass immigration, a skyrocketing cost of living, carbon taxes being implemented on farmers and truckers to hasten food insecurity, food production plants burning down or closing, fertilizer production being interrupted, supply chains being interrupted, etc)

When he's been asked about his role in finding Jews for the Nazis to exterminate, he often smiles and says it wasn't that hard to do at all.

He's also orchestrated currency collapses in the UK, throughout Europe, and throughout SE Asia (he will collapse a currency by flooding the market with his billions of dollars, invested startegically to hasten the total collapse and devaluation of a currency.

He then promptly purchases tons of the devalued currency, then retracts his tenticles which allows that currency to rise in value as the country's economy slowly rebounds - essentially getting filthy rich at the expense of everybody else who lost everything they had worked so hard for.


So Klause is the founder and chair of the WEF, who dresses like a f**king evil wizard during his 'grand presentations'

George is a major source of funding for his anti-human agenda

Neither of these men keep their vision of the future a secret. Heck Klause wrote a whole book about it, and openly discusses how subversion of governments is a far easier and more beneficial startegy than trying to confront them head on.


Both Freeland and Trudeau are prominent members of the WEF, with Freeland even sitting on their Board of Trustees.

During Covid, Trudeau was often portrayed and promoted at WEF events as being the 'poster boy' of sorts for them.

My post was simply stating that there should have been some mechanism in place that would force an election, or at least prevent prominent members of government from performing their duties if it becomes known that they affiliate with or take their direction from any foreign entity, criminal or otherwise. (Especially foreign entities led by actual Nazis & Nazi corroborators)
Nazi or no, I don't care (I do subscribe that he was though). Given his attempted takedown of the British pound and his Open Borders Society ( amongst a myriad of other disruptive organizations he either owns or support, think ANTIFA and BLM) he's a threat to western society. No matter how some try to slice it, he's a monster that the world can easily do without.
Damn I wish I'd seen this before I wrote out and posted a bloody book about the same things lol

Save yourself the time of reading my word salad! Just read Fishbone's post instead!

Both Trudeau and Freeland are prominent members of the World Economic Forum (as is Mark Carney), the founder and current leader of which is Klause Shwab.

Klause was born in Nazi Germany in 1939 to two parents who were both "award winning Nazi's" as their business provided all kinds of material to the Nazi regime, including arms & ammunition.

Near the end of the war, his family left Germany for Switzerland - where he grew up in a small community of other prominent leaders of industry that worked for The Third Reich, supplying them with their means to wage war.

In other words, even in Switzerland, he continued to grow up in a community full of Nazis - and I can't imagine they changed their belief systems overnight just because they were now living in nearby neutral country...

His book, called 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution' may as well be called Emergence of the Fourth Reich. His vision for the future is fundamentally anti-human, it's just wrapped up nice wrapping paper.

He has openly bragged about having his people "penetrate the cabinets of western governments" so they can manifest his agenda from within those governments. The WEF will fund the political campaigns of the people they want elected, and run smear campaigns against those who oppose their agenda.

The amount of election interference they are involved in (self admittedly) would put both Russia and China to shame, even when combined.


One of the main sources of funding to execute the various social, demographic, and technological ideas he presents in his book is George Soros (along with Bill Gates)

George Soros made his initial small fortune by helping the Nazis find Jewish families who were in hiding, where he was paid by the Nazis for each Jew he found. He also got to keep a large portion of their residences and personal property, which added up to A LOT by the end of the war...

He, too, has funded dozens (if not hundreds) of NGO's and non-profits over the years - most of which work quietly to undermine the very social fabrics of what has made western civilization the relatively safe & prosperous societies that they were.

He invests heavily to get certain District Attorneys and judges elected, because he has realized he doesn't need to get the laws changed when he can simply control whether they get enforced or not.

He owns publishing houses and newspapers, and he just purchased 200 radio stations across the United States. (Despite it clearly being against the law, re owning more than the maximum allowed as per the FCC)

His main 'baby project' has been the Open Society Foundation, which advocates for open borders and mass migrations.

(It's no coincidence that every western country is facing the same challenges associated with mass immigration, a skyrocketing cost of living, carbon taxes being implemented on farmers and truckers to hasten food insecurity, food production plants burning down or closing, fertilizer production being interrupted, supply chains being interrupted, etc)

When he's been asked about his role in finding Jews for the Nazis to exterminate, he often smiles and says it wasn't that hard to do at all.

He's also orchestrated currency collapses in the UK, throughout Europe, and throughout SE Asia (he will collapse a currency by flooding the market with his billions of dollars, invested startegically to hasten the total collapse and devaluation of a currency.

He then promptly purchases tons of the devalued currency, then retracts his tenticles which allows that currency to rise in value as the country's economy slowly rebounds - essentially getting filthy rich at the expense of everybody else who lost everything they had worked so hard for.


So Klause is the founder and chair of the WEF, who dresses like a f**king evil wizard during his 'grand presentations'

George is a major source of funding for his anti-human agenda

Neither of these men keep their vision of the future a secret. Heck Klause wrote a whole book about it, and openly discusses how subversion of governments is a far easier and more beneficial startegy than trying to confront them head on.


Both Freeland and Trudeau are prominent members of the WEF, with Freeland even sitting on their Board of Trustees.

During Covid, Trudeau was often portrayed and promoted at WEF events as being the 'poster boy' of sorts for them.

My post was simply stating that there should have been some mechanism in place that would force an election, or at least prevent prominent members of government from performing their duties if it becomes known that they affiliate with or take their direction from any foreign entity, criminal or otherwise. (Especially foreign entities led by actual Nazis & Nazi corroborators)

Its going to take me a while to work thorough that, but I appreciate the reply.
Both Trudeau and Freeland are prominent members of the World Economic Forum (as is Mark Carney), the founder and current leader of which is Klause Shwab.

Klause was born in Nazi Germany in 1939 to two parents who were both "award winning Nazi's" as their business provided all kinds of material to the Nazi regime, including arms & ammunition.

Near the end of the war, his family left Germany for Switzerland - where he grew up in a small community of other prominent leaders of industry that worked for The Third Reich, supplying them with their means to wage war.

In other words, even in Switzerland, he continued to grow up in a community full of Nazis - and I can't imagine they changed their belief systems overnight just because they were now living in nearby neutral country...

His book, called 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution' may as well be called Emergence of the Fourth Reich. His vision for the future is fundamentally anti-human, it's just wrapped up nice wrapping paper.

He has openly bragged about having his people "penetrate the cabinets of western governments" so they can manifest his agenda from within those governments. The WEF will fund the political campaigns of the people they want elected, and run smear campaigns against those who oppose their agenda.

The amount of election interference they are involved in (self admittedly) would put both Russia and China to shame, even when combined.


One of the main sources of funding to execute the various social, demographic, and technological ideas he presents in his book is George Soros (along with Bill Gates)

George Soros made his initial small fortune by helping the Nazis find Jewish families who were in hiding, where he was paid by the Nazis for each Jew he found. He also got to keep a large portion of their residences and personal property, which added up to A LOT by the end of the war...

He, too, has funded dozens (if not hundreds) of NGO's and non-profits over the years - most of which work quietly to undermine the very social fabrics of what has made western civilization the relatively safe & prosperous societies that they were.

He invests heavily to get certain District Attorneys and judges elected, because he has realized he doesn't need to get the laws changed when he can simply control whether they get enforced or not.

He owns publishing houses and newspapers, and he just purchased 200 radio stations across the United States. (Despite it clearly being against the law, re owning more than the maximum allowed as per the FCC)

His main 'baby project' has been the Open Society Foundation, which advocates for open borders and mass migrations.

(It's no coincidence that every western country is facing the same challenges associated with mass immigration, a skyrocketing cost of living, carbon taxes being implemented on farmers and truckers to hasten food insecurity, food production plants burning down or closing, fertilizer production being interrupted, supply chains being interrupted, etc)

When he's been asked about his role in finding Jews for the Nazis to exterminate, he often smiles and says it wasn't that hard to do at all.

He's also orchestrated currency collapses in the UK, throughout Europe, and throughout SE Asia (he will collapse a currency by flooding the market with his billions of dollars, invested startegically to hasten the total collapse and devaluation of a currency.

He then promptly purchases tons of the devalued currency, then retracts his tenticles which allows that currency to rise in value as the country's economy slowly rebounds - essentially getting filthy rich at the expense of everybody else who lost everything they had worked so hard for.


So Klause is the founder and chair of the WEF, who dresses like a f**king evil wizard during his 'grand presentations'

George is a major source of funding for his anti-human agenda

Neither of these men keep their vision of the future a secret. Heck Klause wrote a whole book about it, and openly discusses how subversion of governments is a far easier and more beneficial startegy than trying to confront them head on.


Both Freeland and Trudeau are prominent members of the WEF, with Freeland even sitting on their Board of Trustees.

During Covid, Trudeau was often portrayed and promoted at WEF events as being the 'poster boy' of sorts for them.

My post was simply stating that there should have been some mechanism in place that would force an election, or at least prevent prominent members of government from performing their duties if it becomes known that they affiliate with or take their direction from any foreign entity, criminal or otherwise. (Especially foreign entities led by actual Nazis & Nazi corroborators)

And another conspiracy theory - this time about 'The Great Reset' - enters the chat ;)

Conspiracy theories thrive online as World Economic Forum opens​

Now, in increasingly mainstream corners of the internet and on conservative talk shows, the Great Reset has become shorthand for what skeptics say is a reorganization of society, using global uncertainty as a guise to take away rights. Believers argue that measures including pandemic lockdowns and vaccine mandates are tools to consolidate power and undercut individual sovereignty.

In a time of mounting anxiety, Jamieson says the public has become more susceptible to falsehoods, as conspiracy theories emerge as a tool to cut through the chaos. Researchers who monitor extremism say these beliefs are becoming more popular and more concerning.

At a rally staged on the grounds of an upstate New York church last fall, a photo of Schwab was displayed on the centre of a large screen alongside other "villains" accused of threatening American values. The crowd of thousands had gathered in a revivalist tent at a travelling roadshow used as a recruiting tool for an ascendant Christian nationalist movement.

Participants discussed the Great Reset, among a host of other theories, as an assault on America's foundations.

Great Reset​

A May 2022 article in The Globe and Mail said that "WEF conspiracy theory" was being spread to "Canada's main streets" and was brought up during the leadership race of the Conservative Party of Canada. When Schwab "brags" about Canadian politicians' connections to the WEF, this feeds into "theories of cabals". In 2021, when Schwab said that "half of Canada's cabinet were Young Global Leaders" —including Calgary Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner—conspiracy theorists interpreted that to mean that Canadian cabinet ministers are "minions" controlled by Schwab.

There no shortage of lists on the internet showing conspiracy theories that turned out to be true.😉