Whether its Trudeau or PP as PM, spending 2% GDP on Defence will not be an option. I think Trump can really turn up the heat on Canada WAY beyond 25% tarifs if he needs to. It could get really ugly. And Trump won't break a sweat.
Trudeau spending 2% GDP on DND means
-Tons of more money on DEI for ARmed Forces members
-Tons of money spent on studying "hate" i the CAF
-Tons of money spent on deploying the CAF in "Climate emergencies", he will make a Climate Response Unit
-Tons of money spent using soldiers to gather up scary guns from hunters, farmers and sportsmen
-Tons of money spent on advertising CAF recruiting for DEI targets
Trudeau list could go on and on
PP, I think would focus on stuff like ships, aircraft, guns, drones, etc. if he spends 2% GDP