Sure a lot of “I heard….” stuff. Sound like the Liberal MO…’a source stated XXX, but we weren’t wasn’t able to identify the source as they weren’t authorized to speak officially’
I can only speak for where I heard this, but I've heard this said on "The Curse of Politics", hosted by
a former senior Martin strategist (and co-chair of Team Wynne, so he knows what dealing with a past-expiry-date leader is about). One of the regular panelists is
another former Martin-ite comms guy (Director of Comms, not just a flunky making photocopies and coffee), with the Team Red Team Red partisans balanced by pretty assertive
Team Blue &
Team Orange partisans on each podcast. Both Team Red guys specifically mentioned the "one thing comms should do is plant the question in peoples' minds re: what he'll cut, and let him deny it" idea, not "back roomers are saying x".
These are disappointed party hyper-faithful, former senior cult members (OK, how "former" is ANY political operator?) suggesting approaches to the current cult leader, making it WAY more damning than "I heard this on" or, as you say, "I'm too scared for you to use my name, but you can write that I said this."
I suspect there will be more of PP eating an apple and asking, “Who said that? I didn’t. Who is saying that? Well you’re the one that said ‘I heard’…”
Oh yeah - and if the journalists are smart, they'll just ask, "will you cut x?", not "people are saying," especially when it's only Team Red ads saying it for now. While he's
talked to CTV News over Christmas, I await this journalist's chance to chat PP up for CTV.
She's had good comments even on the threads here, and I'm sure she won't be that dumb - or unprepared - in her questioning